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Policy Writing The Director of Planning will aid you in editing your text to conform to the appropriate policy standards. In general, we will apply appropriate formatting, grammar, etc. Please use the following general rules in writing your policy: General Rules for Writing Policy: Where possible, use the active voice rather than the passive Break up text using lists and headings To maximize understanding by the average individual, use clear and precise language, brief sentences, and common words. Avoid jargon and reliance on acronyms. If technical language or requirements are used within this policy, try to provide the simplest explanation possible. Avoid absolutes, like the word ensure, whereby the institution might flout its own policy unwittingly by failing to deliver such a guarantee. However, when the actions required by this policy are not optional, do use firm language, such as shall or must. The following outline identifies and describes the necessary components of an institutional policy. I. Policy Statement Generally, two to four sentences, the Policy Statement states the policys intent, who must follow the policy, when the policy applies, and any mandated actions or constraints. It doesn't describe procedures. II. Reason for Policy Generally two to four sentences, the Reason for Policy cites the Universitys commitment to a value or mission, a best practice or requirement, why the policy must exist, the problem or conflict the policy seeks to address, or cites any legal, regulatory, stewardship or other requirement the policy aims to meet. III. Entities Affected By This Policy This section identifies the individuals or groups who must follow the policy. Depending upon the type of policy this is (as defined by the Universitys policy definition rubric), this may include: All internal constituents of the University, including students (institutional policy) One or more divisions of the University (inter-divisional policies) Only and all members of a particular division (divisional policy) Individual departments (departmental policies) IV. Website Address for this Policy The web location where the policy can be located. This may include departmental websites, the Universitys Web portal, and should include the Universitys governance website, HYPERLINK "http://www.scranton.edu/governance"www.scranton.edu/governance . V. Related Documents, Forms, and Tools List related policy documents and/or other university and external documents or Web sites that provide helpful, relevant information. If Web links to these documents exist, please include them. VI. Contacts This section of the policy lists contact information for individuals responsible for or who serve as a resource to some element of this policy. The first item MUST be Policy Clarification and Interpretation, which directs the reader to the appropriate contact in the department which administers the policy. List all items that relate to subject matter in the document about which the reader may have follow-up questions. VII. Definitions Define terms that have specialized or particular meanings in the policy. If acronyms are used, please spell out the words being abbreviated here. VIII. Responsibilities (required) Summarize the responsibilities of all University parties and offices named in the policy. Mirrors the later Procedures section by presenting these responsibilities according to job function, while Procedures presents these responsibilities according to tasks. IX. Procedures A policy must contain some procedures for compliance that outline how the policys requirements will be met. This section may mirror the Responsibilities section, which outlines actions required according to job function, while here, in Procedures, such action is listed according to the tasks themselves. Note that procedures can change without a full revision of the policy at the discretion of the department with responsibility for the policy. In the event this happens, a revised policy will be posted to the appropriate web site, and a memorandum will be distributed to the entities affected by the policy (as listed in section III). X. Appendix (optional) An appendix or appendices are used for informational material that is helpful in understanding the policy, but not directly related to the implementation of the policy, i.e., not procedures. Content may include graphics or text. For guidance and assistance in developing this policy document, contact the Kate Yerkes in the Planning & Institutional Effectiveness Office at HYPERLINK "mailto:yerkesk2@scranton.edu"yerkesk2@scranton.edu or HYPERLINK "mailto:planning@scranton.edu"planning@scranton.edu .     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