
Teaching Assistants

Many academic departments offer Teachings Assistants to their graduate students, but the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ Psychology Department proudly features undergraduate Teaching Assistants (TAs). In fact, one-third of our psychology majors will serve as TAs.

The typical activities of our TAs involve attending scheduled classes, scoring multiple-choice quizzes, delivering in-class activities, providing micro-lectures, maintaining electronic grade books, providing feedback to professor on class progress, and responding to student emails and texts.

Specific duties vary by the professor and the class, of course. TAs in lab courses are likely to demonstrate procedures and prepare laboratory materials. 

¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥’s Psychology Department provides two avenues for teaching mentorship. Speak to your advisor or any psychology faculty about becoming a TA.  

  1. All students may volunteer as a teaching assistant without academic credit.
  2. The Student/Faculty Teaching Mentorship Program (SFTMP) is a university-wide opportunity. The SFTMP program is not offered for credit, but students receive transcript recognition for their participation.

In addition, in the Fall semester, several psychology faculty offer a 1-credit Teaching Seminar for select psychology TAs. Below are photos of recent students participating in the Teaching Seminar.


       Teaching seminar students

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