
Curricular Information

Changing a Major

As you continue at the University you may change your goals and decide you want to change your major. There are many resources to help you.

  • Speak to your academic advisor concerning changing your major. If there is a problem in your current major, your advisor may be able to help you work out the problem without changing your major.
  • The Career Services Office is one valuable resource to help students choose a new major. They can help you learn about different careers and which majors can help you achieve your goal. Make an appointment to speak to a counselor.
  • Students may also speak with professors, staff members and students in majors of interest.
  • Department websites give you valuable information on majors and careers.
  • Know what courses you are required to take in the major, cognate and general education areas of a particular major by reading The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ catalog. Do you have the background, skills and interest to take these courses?
  • Once you are sure that changing your major is your best option, go to the Registrars Office on the 3rd floor STT and complete a Requesting a Change of Major Instructions to Student form.
  • Complete the Change of Curriculum form (don't forget to sign it) and take it to your advisor for a signature. You will then need to get the signature of the chair of the new major and the signature of the Dean of the College that houses the new major (CAS, KSOM or CPS).

Students are expected to use these resources to help them decide on a major. You may be placed in a Goal/Exploratory program, if you do not have a major. You are able to be in the Goal/Exploratory program for two semesters and you will be an advisee of the CAS Academic Advising Center.


Curriculum and General Education Requirements

Learning about the curriculum of a major is an important part of deciding on a major. The curriculum is the courses you must take to successfully graduate from a major. The courses you take will be different for each major.

The course requirements are divided into major requirements, cognate requirements and general education requirements.

  • Major requirements are courses that are in your major. Some major requirements are very specific, such as History majors must take History 110 and 111 as well as other specific history courses. There are also History courses History majors will choose to take as major electives. All together history major must take 39 credits of History courses, some specific courses and others are major electives. Each department will determine their major electives.
  • Cognate requirements are courses that are related to the major. Some majors have very specific cognate requirements, such as Biology whose cognate includes Chemistry 112 and 113 as well as Math 114. Other majors, such as English, have no specific cognate requirements. You should discuss your options with your advisor to choose courses that compliment your major. In these majors students often use their cognate to add minors, double majors or concentrations.
  • General Education requirements are courses all students must take to graduate from the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥, regardless of the major. The general education requirements are coded so students understand which courses satisfy requirements.

Students may choose courses to satisfy general education requirements that also can be applied to minors, double majors or concentration.


Pre-Professional Programs

Many students at The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ plan on continuing their education at a professional school after graduation. The major you choose is not as important as the requirements needed for acceptance in the professional schools. Students interested in the pre-professional programs should speak to advisors in these programs as well as their faculty advisor after their freshmen year.



Double Majors, Minors and Concentrations

After the first semester freshmen year students may declare a double major. To complete a double major, students must complete all major, cognate and general education requirements of both majors. Often the general education requirements of both majors can be completed by the same courses, but other times specific courses are required for one or both majors. Know requirements for both majors. A minimum of eighteen credits must be taken in the second major that is not in the first major. You will have an advisor for each major. Your academic advisor can help you understand the requirements for specific majors.

Minors are offered in many areas. Each minor is different but a minimum of 15 credits is required, but most often 18 credits are required. Courses counted toward the major may not be counted toward the first 15 credits of a minor. However, courses used to complete the cognate and general education requirements may be used in minors.

Concentrations are composed of courses taken from different departments but in a specific topic. For example, the Latin American Studies Concentration is composed of courses in Spanish or Portuguese, history, political science and philosophy or theology. The common topic of the courses is Latin America, however. Concentrations are also offered in Catholic Studies, Environmental Studies, Human Development, Italian Studies, Judaic Studies, Peace and Justice Studies, Women's Studies, and Aerospace Studies.


Registering for Classes

Registration is the process by which you enroll in classes.

  • Registration occurs at about the midpoint of spring and fall semesters. Registration for summer and fall classes occurs in spring semester, and registration for spring classes takes place during the fall semester. Students should try not to miss their assigned registration time, as this is their best chance to get into courses that fill up quickly.
  • CAS upperclassmen must make an appointment with their faculty advisor. Read the .
  • Students should consult the University Catalog and create a schedule for themselves before their pre-registration advising appointment. Your advisor will review the schedule and make suggestions. Come with questions. The advisor will give you a term pin that will allow you to register on-line using the UIS, University Information System.


Changing Your Schedule (DROP/ADD and Withdrawal)

DROP/ADD occurs after your initial registration when students can make schedule adjustments. Students can drop/add classes on-line (provided they have their term pin) until the Last Day to Add a Course date, usually at the end of the first week of classes. After that date CAS upperclassmen must complete a Schedule Change Form, get their professor's signature and submit the form to the Assistant Dean's office to drop a class. Dropped classes are not recorded on your transcript.

Students may withdraw from a course from the Last Day to Drop Date until the Last Day to Withdraw Date in the Academic Calendar. CAS upperclassmen must complete a Change of Schedule Form, obtain the professor's signature and submit the form to the Assistant Dean's Office. A 'W' will appear on student transcripts to indicate withdrawals. The 'W' is not counted into the GPA.


Placement Exams, Exemption Exams, AP Credit, and Other College Credit

During Summer Orientation you took tests that determined appropriate placement in various disciplines. The results of the tests are in your advising file. Ask your advisor.

  • Math Placement Test - All incoming freshmen are required to take the Math Placement test. The result is also on your CAPP labeled PT and DAT in the top right corner. The Math Placement Test link can tell you how to interpret the result.
  • Language Placement Test - Students who plan to continue the study of French, Italian, German or Spanish and who have studied the language for 2 or more years in high school need to take the foreign language placement test. Also, students who have no formal language background but with some fluency in French, Italian, German or Spanish should also take the test. There are no placement tests for Japanese, Arabic, Chinese, Russian, Portuguese, Latin or Greek. If you have studied these languages or have knowledge from family or experience, you should speak to the professor of the course about placement.
  • Chemistry Test - Students planning on majors that require Chemistry should take the Chemistry placement test.

Students who have taken Advanced Placement Tests for particular subjects must have those scores sent to the Registrar's Office. After the results are received, a decision will be made as to whether credit will be awarded.

Students who took college level courses in high school or at other colleges must have official transcripts sent to the Registrars Office at The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ in order to receive credit for those courses.


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