
Rate Objectives

Follow these steps to Rate Objectives:
  1. On the Home page of my.¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥, find the display card labeled Faculty Course Evaluations. If it is not on your homepage please use the hamburger button to choose “discover” and then search for Faculty Course Evaluations. Finally, pin this card to your homepage.
  2. Click Faculty Objectives.
  3. Select the Rating Option and click Submit.
  4. Rate the Course Objectives by clicking on the desired radio button.
    NOTE: A minimum of one ESSENTIAL or IMPORTANT goal is required for your Course However, it is recommended that you select between three and five.
  5. Click Submit.
  6. To return to the UIS, click Return to UIS.

If you encounter technical problems accessing the online course evaluation forms, please contact the Technology Support Center at (570) 941-HELP. Any other concerns or questions can be directed to OCE@scranton.edu or Brian Snapp at (570) 941-4040.

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