
Service Opportunities

Men and Women for Others…the Service Connection

As a Jesuit University, we take our commitment to our Ignatian Ideals seriously. For us, they are not just principles, they serve as a foundation to our curriculum. To be men and women for others means that our commitment to be engaged and in service to others goes beyond our own community. Our students have the opportunity to participate in both Nursing Service trips and University Service trips.

Nursing Faculty have led service trips to the following locations: Appalachia, KY; Savannah, Georgia; Los Angeles, CA; Miami, Fl; Newark, NJ; Dominican Republic; Haiti and Uganda.

Students have also worked with agencies in the ֱ community where they have provided health education, served food, painted a daycare, babysat for single mothers and conducted health screenings. Our students created Nurses to Newborns- a service club that collects items for newborn babies born in local hospitals.

Our students have also participated in University-led international service trips that are organized through Campus Ministries. These trips provide opportunities for our students to be immersed in cultures and experiences in developing countries of our world. The program revolves around simple living, community, generosity and faith-based reflection.


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