Wynton Marsalis
Wynton Marsalis
Class of 1996
Wynton Marsalis confers with Fr. Panuska before the ceremony regarding order of the line of march.
Psalm 150 tells us to “Praise the Lord with the sound of the trumpet!” Wynton Marsalis does that and more. As a performer, composer, conductor, arranger, producer, mentor, role model and teacher, he is indeed “Making The Music” everywhere from small public school elementary classrooms to internationally acclaimed and telecast performances in major concert halls. With his unprecedented ability to move back and forth between the classical and jazz idioms, Marsalis made history as the first artist to win Grammy awards in both the classical and jazz fields, and he has achieved extraordinary critical and popular success. The stunning diversity of his musical experiences as a young man helped to shape him into the ultimate musical democrat, combating cultural deprivation and ignorance wherever he encounters them.
A gifted and committed educator, Wynton achieves eloquentia perfecta both with his music and with his words. His educational television programs, books and recordings are milestones in the demystification of music. He passes on the legacy of his family tradition by supporting young musicians from every walk of life. Even when his schedule is at its most demanding, he always somehow makes the time for the young people who wait at the stage door, instrument cases in hand.
In recognition of his contributions to the future of music by way of his contributions to the young people everywhere who are the future of music, we, the President and Trustees of The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥, in solemn convocation assembled and in accord with our chartered authority, proclaim
that he may enjoy all the rights and privileges of this our highest honor, we have issued these letters patent under our hand and corporate seal of the University on this twenty-sixth day of May in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Ninety Six.
Marilyn Coar, Secretary
J.A. Panuska, S.J., President