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University Honors Program

The University Honors Program supports The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥'s tradition of excellence and its dedication to freedom of inquiry and personal development.
  • Challenges students with a rigorous education that enriches existing University requirements.
  • Emphasizes independent work & engagement with faculty and fellow University Honors students.
  • Provides individualized attention and freedom for academic exploration.

What does it involve?

  • One team-taught, discussion-based course that satisfies a GE requirement (3 credits)
  • Three tutorials (independent study courses) with faculty (3 credits each).
  • One year-long independent research or creative project (6 credits)
  • Three seminars (1 credit each).
  • Oral defense of research or creative project.
  • Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5 at graduation.

How to apply?

Applications are accepted every fall from sophomores who finished their first year with at least a cumulative GPA of 3.3. The number of spaces in the program is limited. Admission is based on the applicant's college records, application, recommendations, and interviews.

Once you submit your application, you'll need to print a copy. There is a button on the Completed page that gives you the option to print.

Find out more information here.


Andrew LaZella, Ph.D. Co-Director
Office: AMH 221                                                        
Phone: 570.941.4840                                                             
Email: andrew.lazella@scranton.edu               



Jill Warker, Ph.D. Co-Director
Office: AMH 221
Phone: 570.941.7027
Email: jill.warker@scranton.edu

Administrative Assistant

Headshot of Melissa Eckenrode.

Melissa Eckenrode
Office: McDade, CLP 200
Phone: 570.941.7619
Email: melissa.eckenrode@scranton.edu



Honors Program Schedule

Second Year

Fall: Application
Spring: HONR 187H - Honors Sophomore Seminar

Third Year

Spring: HONR 387H - Honors Junior Seminar 

Fourth Year

Fall: HONR 487H - Honors Senior Seminar, Honors Project 1 
Spring: Honors Project 2; Defense of Project


Additional Requirements of the Honors Program that Students will take in Consultation with their Advisors and the Director of the Honors Program:

  • HONR 287H - (CL,P) Honors Keystone
  • DEPT 385H-389H - Honors Tutorial
  • DEPT 487H-489H - Honors Project


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