
2020-2021 Scholarship Recipients

Each year, The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ offers more than 300 need and merit-based endowed and annual awards that have been established by generous alumni and friends of the University. We are pleased to announce the following scholarships and our student recipients for the 2020-2021 academic year:

The Eugene J. '41 and Elizabeth J. Agnone Scholarship
Abigail Charneski

The Alperin Family Scholarship
McCae Dougher
Hannah Kowalski

The Alpha Sigma Nu Scholarship

The Annual Scholarship for Students from Africa
Uzoma C. Agbasionye

The Alumni Society of The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ Legacy Scholarship
Josephine C. Barrett
Jeffrey J. Burrell
Timothy J. Cody
Sarah P. Conlon
Isabella Cosmello
Michael J. Curran
Elizabeth J. Egan
Elizabeth A. Filachek
Kristina M. Lynch
Maria C. Pacyna
Salvatore V. Palmieri
Lauren R. Ryan

The Joseph James and Mary Agnes Andrako Scholarships
Nia N. Long

The Antognoli Family Scholarship
Alexandra Stephanie Marino

The John L. Astringer Memorial Scholarship
Nicholas C. Cerep

The Msgr. John V. Bach Memorial Scholarship
Meghan M. Dutill
Jake R. Stein

The Frank A. '41 & Helen S. Baciewicz Scholarship
Christian D. Chakiris

The Michael B. Bagdzinski '99 Memorial Scholarship

The Fr. Robert J. Barone Memorial Scholarship

The Edward F. Bartley '38 Scholarship
Joshua T. Rudolph

The Judee M. Bavaria G'72 Endowed Scholarship in Nursing
Abbie L. Cummings

The Anne M. Bednar Scholarship
David K. Repchick

The Regina B. Inch Bennett '93, G'96 Scholarship
Jonathan Myjak

The Dorothy and Velio E. Berardis, M.D., '45 Memorial Scholarship

The Robert M. (Coach Bess) Bessoir Scholarship
Sophia Mcmullan

The Michael J. Bevilacqua Scholarship
Alexis A. Wislotsky
Makayla C. Wislotsky

The Monsignor Eugene G. Bilski Scholarship
Anya J. Covaleski
Hayley G. Grabowski
Sarah Knutelski
Katie E. Nebzydoski
Benjamin I. Siesputowski
Joshua S. Vituszynski
Jacob K. Vituszynski

The Edward T. Blackledge III '75 Scholarship
Sara E. Tavares

The Chester and Veronica Bochinski Memorial Scholarship
Kathryn E. Nealon

The Francis P. Boland, M.D., '29 Memorial Scholarship
Jessica L. Fanelli
Alex O. Sophabmixay

The Paul M. '47 & Joan A. Borick Scholarship
Sydney Youngblood

The William E. Atkisson & William J. Brady Sr. Scholarship
Matthew J. Wachman

The Charles F. "Chuck" Brierley Memorial Scholarship
Mollie A. Boyd

The Margaret Briggs Foundation Scholarship
Joseph M. Cruciani
Christopher W. Draina
Gianna M. Dutter
Noah C. Leety
Lilian R. Smith
Jacob E. Thomas
Matthew T. Woronchuk

The Burke Family Scholarship
Gabriel E. Abood
Madeleine E. Abood

The James J. Burns Memorial Scholarship
Caroline M. Burns
Spencer R. Foley
McKenzie M. Ogden

The Alio J. Buselli '44 Memorial Scholarship
Amy M. Elmquist

The Rev. Henry J. Butler, S.J., Memorial Scholarships
Svetlana A. Baron
Alexa K. Bonk
Ashley M. Burdick
Celia M. Condon
Julia Cunha
Hannah R. Gilhooley
Zohal Gul Mohammad
Devin Kristianto
Noah C. Leety
Kayra A. Lopez
Julia L. Loury
Katarina I. Montoro
Madison E. Mullen
Neelkanth V. Patel
Priyal P. Patel
Maitree V. Patel
Janvee U. Patel
Devang Patel
Yashaswini D. Patel
Siddharth A. Patel
Kyle M. Rusinko
Mia G. Sandy
Jamie M. Santiago Gonzalez

The Frank V. & Josephine P. Caccavo Scholarship
Christian J. Aldrich

The Private Frank J. Cali Scholarship
Rory Garetano

The Elizabeth G. "Betty" Caputo Memorial Scholarship

The Terrence S. '28 and Jean McGuire Carden Memorial Scholarship

The Carey Family Scholarship
Maria Coniku

The Bridget Carney Scholarship
Andrew N. Lacina

The John J. Casazza Jr., Ph.D. '52 Memorial Scholarship
Alexander K. Curtis

The Timothy J. Casey Memorial Scholarship / Class of 2003
Connor D. Petry
Megan E. Vecere

The Michelle A. Castonguay Memorial Scholarship
Allie A. Hotchkiss

The Chorba-Mezick Family Scholarship
Raleigh A. Thompson

The David E. Christiansen Scholarship

The Cinram Manufacturing Scholarship

The Class of 1952 Reunion Scholarship
Kasidy Leggin

The Class of 1959 Scholarship
Daniel F. Armato

The Class of 1960 Reunion Scholarship
Milton Andrade Andino
Juan F. Baquero-Candamil
Amanda Iantosca

The Class of 1961 Scholarship
Paul Q. Kuipers
Olivia M. Lappin
Hunter L. Ralston

The Class of 1964 50 Year Fund
Matthew A. Chiari
Shaelin M. de Wit

The Class of 1969 Memorial Scholarship
Biagio S. D'Apollonio

The James J. Clauss '47 Scholarship
Caroline L. Bahara
Kathleen Blozusky
Frank J. Blozusky
Cassadi L. Cooper
Bella G. Czeck
Amanda DiNolfi
Nicholas J. Donato
Elena K. Donato
Laura G. Ellwood
Eva L. Fine
Samuel J. Flannery
Nicole A. Freeman
Joseph A. Hassey
Kathryn J. Onyon
Catherine M. Pusateri
Isabelle M. Wohlleber

The Jon A. Clauss Scholarship
Jillian E. Little

The Byrnes & Clifford Families Memorial Scholarship
Deanna M. Anzalone

The Catherine "Cate" Manley Coffey Fellowship Fund
Hallie E. Murphy

The Justin Charles Collins Memorial Scholarship
Stephen D. Haggerty

Commonwealth "Good Citizen" Scholarship

The Condron Ambition and Achievement Scholarship
Julia A. Brown
Robert N. Dempsey
Grace M. Gallagher
Claudia D. Pitts

The Connaught Laboratories Endowment
Thomas S. Emma

The Timothy P. Conniff '92 Annual Scholarship
Aidan D. Cagner
Alyssa N. Capone

The James A. '43 & Joan Connolly Scholarship

The Connolly-Blewitt Family Scholarship
Ryan J. Kennedy
Kaleigh E. Timmons

The Dr. John H. Corcoran '21 Scholarship

The Louis & Ernestine DeSarro Cortese Memorial Scholarship
Lejdina Lluga

The John N. '48 & Ann P. G'74 Costello Memorial Scholarship
Jakob R. Hodlofski

The Michael S. Costello '96 Memorial Scholarship
Caitlin M. Doherty
Jillian C. Lambdin
Emily R. Shurina

The Cottone Scholarship
Molly O. Lennon

The Grace H. Courtney Scholarship
Morgan G. Chiulli
Jamie M. Santiago Gonzalez
Casey E. Welby

The Cruciani Family Scholarship
Julia C. Romanovich

The Marie E. Gilligan Cummings G'77 & Thomas P. Cummings Sr. '52 Scholarship
Danyelle A. Tech

The Timothy T. Cummings '81 Memorial Scholarship
Conor J. Nealon

The William J. Cusick Purple Club Scholarship in Memory of Frank J. O’Hara ’25
Jacob M. Severenuk

The Salvatore Cusumano Family Scholarship
Jason Budrys
Christina B. Carachilo
Colby D. Pion
Brianna L. Zettlemoyer

The Frank and Agatha Davis Memorial Scholarship
Jessica A. Tierney

The Harold J. Davis, M.D., '74 Scholarship
Mikhala M. Griemsmann

The Michael D. DeMichele, Ph.D. ’63 Scholarship
Julia L. Hack

The Jerome P. ’75 & Lynn DeSanto ’80 & Susan J. Falbo Annual Scholarship in Memory of Nancy Jean Bartholomay
Kelsey E. Schatz

The Shirley A. DiAndriola Scholarship
Mason R. Boettger
Kierston R. Van Fleet

The DiRuggiero Family Scholarship
Hannah Goldberg

The Dohmann Scholarship Fund
Hannah N. Miller
Lauren P. Singer

The Eugene J. Donahue '68 Scholarship
Zackery Leach

The Robert J. Donovan, M.D., '43 Memorial Scholarship
Nancy Vasquez

The Judith A. Doyle Scholarship
Michael R. Irving
Wade A. Marquardt
Aubrey N. Savage

The Adam and Anna Dranginis Scholarship
Mary T. Musinski

The Denise Dubbels '94 Memorial Scholarship
Julia L. Hack

The John J. Sr., Esq. '51 and Joanne M. Dunn Scholarship
James M. Lomma

The Dunstone Drucker Scholarship
Christopher A. Berger

The F. Keane Eagen '54 Memorial Scholarship
Matt R. Masayko

The Robert I. Edelsohn Scholarship
Allison M. DeMeo
Peter J. Heraty

The Educational Freedom Scholarship
Connor Bell

The ETR and Associates, Inc. Scholarship
Alba DeLeon

The Peter J. Farrell & Maida Lippert Farrell Scholarship
Nicholas P. Jonas

The Neal J. Fasula ’69 Memorial Scholarship
Danielle M. Cook
Jenna M. O'Malley

The John Francis Finetti Memorial Scholarship
Conor E. O'Donnell

The Finn Family Scholarship
Lauren P. Crotty
Marybeth K. Karpe
Brooke M. McNabola
Mary M. Orloff

The Laureen Finn Memorial Scholarship
Brooke D. Arnold

The William H. Finn '67 Memorial Scholarship
Brittany L. Schumann

The Timothy J. Finnerty '90 Memorial Scholarship
John R. Gibbons

The Martha Fitch Scholarship
Frank A. Adamo
Scarlet J. Alexander
Emily L. Allen
Max A. Angstadt
Alexandria J. Arbie
Lasha G. Basadzishvili
Julia Victoria Joan Betti
Bryan J. Bomtam
Briana Braia
Thomas E. Canny
Nicholas C. Cerep
Srivatsav R. Challa
Poul A. Chinga
Daniel C. Coates
Jack E. Croken
Mahmoud Y. Dabsheh
My-Khanh T. Dang
Robert N. Dempsey
David J. DeNotaris
Raymond F. Dubiac
Kody N. Fitzgerald
Nolan A. Genasevich
Nicolette R. George
Alexandra A. Gordon
Gabrielle A. Grzymski
Caitlin G. Hariprasad
Zeruiah I. Harris
Chelsea M. Hernandez
Ximena J. Jimenez
Rebecca A. Johnson
Joseph R. Jones
Sarah E. Kalada
Jasleen Kaur
Matthew R. Kinback
Emily R. Klim
Sarah Knutelski
Claudia R. Kovaleski
Alicia M. Kugler
Ryan J. Lebron
Stephanie K. Lepka
Lejdina Lluga
James M. Lomma
Nia N. Long
Joshua M. Lydon
Kathleen A. Lydon
Abigail R. Lynott
Ximena G. Maldonado Aguilar
Allyson E. Marquardt
Samuel L. Marranca
Jacob M. McDonnell
Josephine C. Middleton
Laura E. Miller
Jessica Teheipualani Desiree Moufa
Athena A. Nicholas
McKenzie M. Ogden
Kirsten F. O'Reilly
Delilah R. Owen
Maria C. Pacyna
Vaibhavi K. Patel
Riya A. Patel
Roull Pena
Denise L. Pinto
Kerilyn G. Pon
Zachary N. Raico
Parita Ray
Paola V. Santa Rosario
Alexa M. Santarsiero
Lisa Schultheis
David R. Shea
Christopher D. Slater
Catherine I. Torres
Radvile Vaiciulyte
Justin S. Walker
William G. Washenik
Rachel A. Weber
Sara C. Williams

Father Fitzpatrick Spirit Fund
Woodly M. Augustin

The Rev. John J. Fitzpatrick, S.J., Scholarship
Graceann C. Fazio

The Fitzsimmons Family Scholarship
Stephanie K. Lepka

The Fleet Scholarship

The James H. Foy, M.D., '27 Memorial Scholarship

The Joseph P. Franceski Sr. '42 Memorial Scholarship
Jeffrey J. Burrell

The James M. Franey Scholarship
Lily K. Nowak

The Sara G. Friel Memorial Scholarship
Lillian M. Kennedy

The Joseph P. Gallagher '61 Memorial Scholarship
Jenna M. O'Malley

The John R. Gavigan Fund
Kaleigh E. Valeski

The Katherine E. & James A. Geiger Scholarship
Maire K. Garvey
Daniel P. Mallay
Kerri L. Rafter
Natalie L. Sottile

The Morris '26 and Mae H'00 Gelb Scholarship
Olivia M. Basalyga

The John J. Gentile Memorial Scholarship
Nicholas McGlone

The John J. Geron '66 Scholarship
Tyler J. Corkins

The William Gerrity Scholarship
Alba DeLeon

The Brendan J. Giblin '06 Memorial Scholarship
Margaret R. McGrath

The Rev. Joseph G. Gilbride, S.T.D., Memorial Scholarship
Erika Aguilar
Jessica L. Fanelli
Amanda M. Houser
Olivia S. Manarchuck
Dylan C. Weybrecht

The Dr. A. John and Mrs. S. Maria Giunta Scholarship
Rolando S. Ramos

The Edward J. '38 & Isobel Grady Scholarship
Gerardo Sanchez Garcia

The Peter S. Graybar '93 Memorial Scholarship
Jeffrey M. Colucci
Abril Lopez

The Edward T. Groncki '46 Scholarship
Cecelia M. McMullen

The Irving and Edythe Grossman Scholarship
Sarah E. Kalada
Dagny C. Rippon

The Robert J. Gummer '58 Memorial Scholarship
Alec S. Mallery

The Judge Frederick W., Margaret & Ruth Gunster Scholarships
Alexandra L. Altier
Ashley K. Benham
Jordana R. Bove
Stephen C. Brennan
George D. Burke
Margaret A. Byrne
Brittany Cadwalder
Kiera Morgan Carmody
Michael J. Curran
Nicholas J. Donato
Clara M. Downey
Raymond F. Dubiac
Maxwell B. Earl
Anthony E. Ferraro
Dimitri D. Gnall
Meghan T. Grieco
Rose V. Hricko
McKayla Kathio
Sabrina R. Ketterer
Samuel R. Krompinger
Oliver I. Lay
Noah C. Leety
Jenna M. Lim
Sabrina N. LiVolsi
Kaylee E. Lopez
Alec S. Mallery
Jane M. Mecca
Robert M. Naughton
Sean P. O'Neill
Kirsten F. O'Reilly
Neelkanth V. Patel
Georgette M. Patti
Simon J. Peter
Ana J. Postowski
Aubrey N. Savage
Phillip Schoch
Emma E. Schreibstein
Kyle S. Shaffer
Nathan J. Sullivan
Bryanna T. Thomas
Stephanie C. Vasquez
Michael A. Volpe
Lauren Wilson
Amanda G. Wolfson
Kelsey E. Wynn

The John and Lucille Guzey Scholarship

The Angelo J. Guzzi, General Contractors Inc., Scholarship
Julia A. Brown
Kyle M. Gerek

The Rev. Dexter Hanley, S.J., Scholarship

The Hanlon Family Scholarship
Paige O. Antoniewicz

The Sarkis R. Hazzouri Jr. Memorial Scholarship
James D. Greenfield

The William Randolph Hearst Foundation Scholarship
Kyla M. Sheerer
Stephanie C. Vasquez

The Rev. William B. Hill, S.J., Scholarship
Jack W. Brining

The Hill Neighborhood Association/Peter Cheung Scholarship

The Hoeschele-GE Scholarship
Conor M. Kellough

The Elizabeth Ann Burke-Holmes Memorial Scholarship
Mia G. Ceccarelli

The Frank J. Holmes '36 Memorial Scholarship
Miranda A. Deevy

The George Ronald Holmes, Ph.D., '61 Scholarship
Alaina T. Ciorra

The Robert V. Horger '37 Scholarship
Olivia Hudak
Benjamin C. Koshinski

The Frank & Jean Hubbard Scholarship
Kiana Carter
Zackery G. Leach
Delilah R. Owen
Brianna D. Ruby
Sabrina M. Slater
Joseph J. Thiel
Lauren Wilson
Sydney Youngblood

The ITT Scholarship
Charles Dominick

The Anastasia Jaditz Memorial Scholarship

The Edward D. Jacobe Sr. '77 & Edward D. Jacobe Jr. Scholarship
Julio J. Solano

The Albert R. '43 & Dolores T. Jasuta Memorial Scholarship
Benjamin T. Coolman

The Jesuit Community Scholarship
Peter A. Amicucci
Christian X. Arcos
Jacob T. Becker
Ryan E. Bihasa-Lenahan
Amanda Bucko
Brittany Cadwalder
Samantha C. Camilo
Emma R. Connolly
Jordan C. Czap
Emma K. Davidson
Elizabeth J. Egan
Grace E. Flanagan
Lauren M. Friedrich
Brigid A. Gage
Nadia T. Green
Stephanie Gutierrez
Sarah E. Kalada
Paige E. Knecht
Eva R. Kurilla
Nia N. Long
Traevon Malakai Martin
Gabriela Martinez
Alexandra M. McHale
Max R. Messenger
James M. Murray
Bryn A. Onoshko
Delilah R. Owen
Jillian C. Shields
Natalie L. Sottile
Emily A. Sturgeon-Turso
Saige E. Yoder

The Jethro Scholarship
Liam M. Jones

The B. Carl Jones Memorial Scholarship
Julianna M. Crandle
James D. Greenfield

The Neil Kabatchnick, Esq. '50 Memorial Scholarship
Lillian M. Kennedy

The Anne Maroni Kadow Memorial Scholarship
Michael W. Laabs
Adam Mehall

The Stanley Karam Scholarship
Hallie E. Murphy

The Francis J. Kearney Scholarship
Julia E. Colavita
Natalie A. Kinoian
Maria Mancuso

The George and Barbara Keib Scholarship
Karissa N. Bove

The William H. Kelly Jr. '93 Scholarship
John-Paolo B. Barcinas
Garrett N. Drivanos
Elizabeth A. Filachek
Rachael E. Gallagher
Sophie C. Semel

The Adam King Memorial Scholarship
Cameron L. Read

The Irene T. Kocak G'54 Memorial Scholarship
Peter M. Hartrick
Salvatore A. Sullivan

The Koch-Conley American Legion Scholarship
Alexandria J. Arbie
Dominic J. Arbie

The Rev. Stephen A. Kollar Memorial Scholarship
Mitchell J. Stepanski

The William. A. Koons, Joseph A. Koons & John Koons Scholarship Fund
Taylor R. Loughlin

The Mary R. Walsh Krahe Scholarship
Mollie A. Boyd
Morgan E. McGuire
Kierston R. Van Fleet

The Kuehner Family Scholarship
Heather E. Bailey
Mackenzie K. Mickavicz
Jadyn E. Swartout
Danielle M. Warhola

The Lackawanna Medical Group Scholarship
Madison K. Tratthen

The Paul Arthur Lamendola '99 Memorial Scholarship
Valeria Oshepkova

The Lanahan Scholarship
Lisa K. D'Eufemia

The Joseph F. and Robert G. Lavis '35 Scholarship
Michael C. Allen
Arielle C. Castano Cala
Luke A. Croken
Ryne E. Culley
Jadriane M. Hernandez
Corinne G. Mackenzie
Joseph C. Vellardito

The Anthony A. Lawrence, Esq. '39 Memorial Scholarship
Lauren I. Bogert

The Edward P. Leahy Scholarship
Michael J. Piscopo

The Lenns Family Scholarship

The LF Brands, Inc. Scholarship
Nathan J. Stuhltrager

The Walter and Betty Lisman Scholarship
Alex Chan

The James J. Loftus, M.D. ’66 Scholarship
Jasleen Kaur

The James John Lonsdorf Memorial Scholarship
Ravenne S. Cooper

The William V. Loughran and Albert E. Peters Scholarship
Elizabeth R. Ridge

The Bruce Lowenberg & John McLean Kelly Memorial Scholarship
Rachael A. Albertson
Ty B. Germaine
Jordan E. Murphy

The Lynch Family Scholarship
Chyenne N. Ward

The Joseph F. Lynch Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund
Caitlin G. Gallagher

The Frank J. and Mae C. MacEntee Memorial Scholarship
Caitlin C. Connallon

Harry and Helen Mack Scholarship
Anthony G. Di Rienzo
Bethany L. Hnatow

The Beth Anne ’91, Brian S. ’95, and Paul J. Mackie Memorial Scholarship
Jessica Grigorian

The Malcolm C. MacKinnon Memorial Scholarship
Patricia M. Murtagh

The Peter F. and Marie Rose Flood Mackrell Scholarship
Laura E. Miller

The Maguire Foundation College Scholars
Michelle Andruszko
Ava Brakoniecki
Teleri Broomhead
Grace Cooney
Sara Dombrowski
Jacob Hodlotski
Braden Hood
Patrick Joyce
Cianna Kisailus
Sothea MacBain
Clare Maguire
Maria Manno
Alaina McLaughlin
Madison Nord
Kalina Olson
Alex Vallejo
Andrew Wisniewski

The Edward J. '60, H'97 and Alice Manley Scholarship
Marina A. Dodgson

The Ann M. Manno Scholarship
Alexis M. Manzo

The Mariotti Family Scholarship
Abigail Guziewicz

The Sally and Richard Marquardt Scholarship
Emilee R. Barrett

The Claude R. Jr. & Marie C. Martin Scholarship
Ian Smith

The John P. Martin, Ed.D.,'57 Scholarship
Biagio S. D’Apollonio

The Frank Marzluff Lewis '51 Memorial Scholarship
Luke G. Backman
Benjamin W. McFadden

The Armond and Thomassina Mascelli Scholarship
Devin J. Adams

The Martin L. Mattei '42 Memorial Scholarship
Scarlet J. Alexander

The Florence Zygmunt McAndrews & Emma Kacer Scholarship
Cara A. Farnham

The Congressman & Mrs. McDade Program for Public Service Scholarship

The Joseph M. McDade H'69 Scholarship
Srivatsav R. Challa
Katherine O. Haas

The Robert L. McDevitt, K.S.G., Scholarship
Michael M. Taylor

The Patrick J. McGeehan '50 Memorial Scholarship
Nolan A. Genasevich

The Monsignor Andrew J. McGowan H’82 Cornerstone Scholarship
Giovanni Gunawan

The Joseph J. McGrail, CPA, '46 Scholarship
Emilee R. Barrett

The Rev. Bernard R. McIlhenny, S.J., Scholarship
Austin D. Smithonic

The John J. and Kathleen McLaine Memorial Scholarship
Ross A. Cordaro

The John P. McLean '40 Scholarship
Aidan D. Cagner
Michael E. Diehl
Livia M. Kelly
Hannah E. O'Connor

The Mecca Family Scholarship in Memory of Reverend Leo J. O'Malley
Abigail Guziewicz

The Men and Women for Others Scholarship
Jillian J. Odonnell

The John S. Mercer, M.D. ’80 Family Scholarship
Hailey J Hopkins

The Charles E. Merrill Scholarship
Kaylee B. Duffy
Colleen M. Farrell
Patrick J. Flynn
Olivia Kelly

The Joseph R. '56 and Barbara J. Mesko Memorial Scholarship
Julianna Symons

The Doris Milani Memorial Scholarship
Ana C. Luta

The James E. Milder, M.D., '68 Memorial Scholarship
Alice B. Banks

The Military Science II Leadership Excellence Award
Josephine C. Middleton

The Thomas M. Mistele '75 & Rev Edward Gannon, S.J. Scholarship
Elena K. Donato
Lindsey N. McDonald
Matthew G. Simms
Jiarui Zhang

The Angelo H. Montrone Scholarship
Kyle S. Shaffer

The Dr. Leslie E. Morgan Scholarship
Isabela Aranda Sanclemente
Clare E. Long
Kelly S. McGovern
Shane A. McKeon

The I. Leo H'09 and Ann H'98 Moskovitz Scholarship
Kevin J. Connor

The Joseph F. Mullaney Scholarship
Shane D. Power

The Michael Mulhall '10 Memorial Scholarship
Katheryn D. Hickey

The Robert W. Munley Scholarship
Madelynn M. Senatore

The Murphy Scholarship
Kathleen S. DeTreux
Devon L. Dorbich

The Murphy Family Scholarship
Matthew T. Marcotte
Valerie G. Panicali

Dr. Louis and Muriel Murphy Scholarship
Annabelle K. Conway

The John J. Murray Scholarship
Nicole M. Manasseri

The Brian Musto '12 Memorial Scholarship
Beth L. Davis

The James Nasser Family Scholarship
Giovanni Gunawan

The Professor Dr. Jay Nathan, Ph.D., Scholarship

The Henry J., Sr. and Mary Nebzydoski Memorial Scholarship
Bria A. DeBernardi

The Nellis-McAllister Kiwanis Scholarship
Hannah M. Carr

The Newcombe Endowed Scholarship
Kathryn J. Onyon

The R. Barrett Noone, M.D., ’61 Scholarship
Casey R. Steiner
Piper G. Yerkes

The Marian R. Oates ’90 Memorial Scholarship
Liam M. Feeley

The Margaret McGill O’Brien Memorial Scholarship

The Raymond S. O’Connell ’42 Scholarship
Charles A. Collette
Sarah M. Collette
Jaclyn C. Mills
The OfficeMax Scholarship
Olivia Poliseno

The Frank O’Hara ’25 Scholarship
Julia P. LeMay

The Marian M. and Patrick F. O'Hara '66 Scholarship
Elizabeth J. Egan
Hallie E. Murphy

The Frank O’Hara Medical Scholarship in Memory of Martha Barrett

The Marian M. and Patrick F. O’Hara ’66 Scholarship
Elizabeth J. Egan
Hallie E. Murphy

The William T. Oldfield, Jr. '77 Memorial Scholarship
Kathleen A. Lydon

The Felix and Emily Olsommer Scholarship
David J. DeNotaris Jr.

The Jack O’Malley ’54 Memorial Scholarship
Kevin G. Phiefer

The Ryan T. O’Malley ’99 Memorial Scholarship
Justin W. Thomas

The Oppenheim Family Scholarship

The Hobart N. Owens, M.D., ’30 Memorial Scholarship
Mary Katherine Horton
Hannah T. Windus

The Pakistani Student Fellowship

The Rev. G. Donald Pantle, S.J., Scholarship
Rachael A. Lehr

The Pennsylvania Governor’s Conference for Women Scholarship

The Christopher Jason Perfilio ’95 Memorial Scholarship
Sarah M. Grosso

The John R. and Maureen Pesavento Scholarship
Emily L. Allen

The Peter Pestinikas ’60 Memorial Scholarship
Laura A. Campbell
Rachel R. Work

Joseph E. Picharella ’41 and Nancy A. Picharella Scholarship
Gerardo Sanchez Garcia
Julia E. Klotz

The Scott R. Pilarz, S.J. Scholarship
Patrick J. Flynn
Nina J. Figetakis

The Dr. Andrew W. Plonsky ’40 Scholarship
Michael J. Wynn

The Paul J. Poinsard, M.D., ’36 Scholarship
Jesse L. Hunt

The Rev. George C. & Msgr. John K. Powell ’33 Memorial Scholarship

The Rev. Edward R. Powers, S.J., Scholarship
Hunter Collis

The Ernest D. Preate Sr. ’69 Memorial Scholarship
Jordan P. Zahradnik

The Purple Club Scholarships
Jake Butka
Fione Evans
Mackenzie K. Mickavicz
Jenna M. O'Malley
Raileigh A. Thompson

The Rev. J. J. Quinn, S.J., Scholarship

The Patrick J. Quinn Memorial Scholarship

The William V., Ed.D. ’61, G’63 & Marie Rakauskas Memorial Scholarship
Ryan V. Sophabmixay

The Steve Ranton ’07 Memorial Scholarship
Katherine E. Banz

The Theodore Rasieleski Memorial Scholarship
Emily Howells
Jake P. Howells
Jillian C. Shields

The Frank X. '61 & Patricia A. Ratchford Memorial Scholarship
Kody N. Fitzgerald

The Betty Redington H’92 Scholarship
Breanna B. Cole
Megan E. Conlon
Elizabeth K. Delaney
Giovanni Gunawan
Joshua F. Hartigan
Mohammed M. Iftekhaar
Ryan J. Kennedy
Julia E. Klotz
Anastasia L. Lepka
Kaylie M. Levinsky
Sarah A. Martin
Nicholas McGlone
Aiden P. Messett
Myriam A. Moise
Sofia L. Muta
Jessica T. Notari
Lily K. Nowak
Conor E. O'Donnell
Richard A. Pasko
Frank Perry
Christian J. Quinn
Michael J. Remley
Alexandria C. Rivera
Mario T. Rotell
Mia G. Sandy
Maria Santarelli
Kelsey E. Schatz
Megan M. Sommer
Cosette E. Talarico
Lucas H. Tesfai
Charlie Valdez
Michael Wall

The Francis E. and Elizabeth H'92 Brennan Redington Scholarship
Katrina J. Beaver
Connor T. Bell
Savannah L. Biasi
Aidan H. Bohn
Samuel L. Bond
Julia A. Brown
Madison T. Brown
Anthony R. Carmadella
Abigail Charneski
Annabelle K. Conway
Cassadi L. Cooper
Julianna M. Crandle
Megan M. Cummings
Samantha G. Darcy
Christopher E. DeManicor
Ranjeeta Dhungel
Daniel Doucek
Ryan J. Dubiac
Daniel J. Evans
Kaylee L. Evans
Cara A. Farnham
Naomie T. Felix
Jeremy K. Fick
Kiera R. Flannery
Anthony R. Fletcher
Karolyn L. Fortuner
Kyle M. Gerek
Elizabeth M. Giannone
Sierra R. Giranda
Dimitri D. Gnall
Hannah Goldberg
Anthony T. Greco
Madison P. Green
Nicholas J. Guerra
Gary Joseph Guinane
Katherine O. Haas
Sarah G. Hauser
Olivia Hudak
Regan A. Hughes
Morgan E. Jenkins
Brandon J. Judge
Madison E. Kaufer
Ashley E. Kizis
Paige E. Knecht
Benjamin C. Koshinski
Maura V. Krzan
Serena K. Kuehl
Mackenzie R. Lavelle
Zackery G. Leach
Lily A. Mackarey
Olivia S. Manarchuck
Isabella A. Manasek
Madasen L. Mariano
Heidi R. Martens
Daniel W. Matthews
Ayana McCalla
Allison R. McNamara
Liam D. Mead
Francessca I. Mehl
Disha Patel
Jessica N. Persky
Samantha F. Pickering
Aidan J. Pietraszewski
Thomas J. Pleban
Olivia Repella
Zachary P. Rovinsky
Laura L. Scanlon
Michael G. Scutt
Madelynn M. Senatore
Bryan L. Shabroski
Lilian R. Smith
Mackenzie C. Steele
Rosemary M. Steidl
Jadyn E. Swartout
Lisa A. Tallo
Danyelle A. Tech
Joseph J. Thiel
Katelyn Thomas
Jacob E. Thomas
Ryan K. Tolan
Maura E. Turi
Nicholas D. Vajda
Simone I. van der Lee
Ryan J. VanVarick
Makayla A. Voda
Joshua J. Walker
Kayla A. Walsh
Danielle M. Warhola
Sara C. Williams
Michael A. Williams
Lauren Wilson
Aubrey L. Wolff
Erin A. Worzel
Amanda A. Yanul
Corey J. Zientek

The John C. & Kathryn S. Redmond Foundation Scholarship
Erin D. Pepe

The Raymond M. Reed ’57 Scholarship
Emily Howells

The Evelyn M. ’52 & Katherine T. ’53 Reilly Scholarship
Timothy N. McMullen

The Joseph C. Reilly Scholarship
Michael W. Laabs

The Dr. Richard A. Rendich Educational Scholarship
Adriana A. Annarumma
Heather E. Bailey
Kayleigh M. Basovsky
Kaleigh A. Bayoglu
James J. Bordonaro
Braden C. Breithaupt
Chloe M. Calabro
Cloe B. Capalongo
Jessica A. Cardone
Poul A. Chinga
Anna N. Christiansen
Robert C. Daniels
Carmen P. DeNaples
Rachel B. DeSau
McCae A. Dougher
Emma R. Egan
Ethan E. Mulrooney
Annamarie Rodriguez
Gerardo Sanchez Garcia
Kayla B. Stubits
Kolton T. Zaffuto
Brittany A. Zamber

The William P. Rinaldi ’67 Memorial Scholarship

The John M. and Helen F. Robinson Scholarship
Rebecca A. Johnson
James M. Lomma
Timothy N. McMullen

The Gerard Roche ’53 Annual Scholarship
Connor J. Stahl

The Gerard R. Roche '53, H'82 Endowed Scholarship
Catherine D. Slevin
Russell A. Young

The Patrick and Marie C. Roche Scholarship
Julia L. Loury

The Mary Kay/Rochon Scholarship
Caitlin M. Bailey

The Rev. Joseph A. Rock, S.J., H'81 Scholarship
Kayla E. Atkinson

The Adrian E. Ross Memorial Scholarship
Lily A. Mackarey

The Angelo & Rose Rotondaro & Dr. Louis Mitchell Memorial Scholarship
Nathalie J. Cespedes
Shayne Fallon

The Vincent '50 and Carole Ruane Memorial Scholarship
Joseph A. Link

The Russo Annual Scholarship
Benjamin McFadden

The Robert T. Ryder ’46 Scholarship
Julia E. Klotz

The Charles V. Sabatino Sr. Scholarship
Sarah C. Hickey
Stephanie A. Panicali

The Josephine Sarcinelli Memorial Scholarship
Sarah Bottger

The John J. Scott Jr. Memorial Scholarship
Madison K. Tratthen

The ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ Alumni Club of NEPA Scholarship
Anna L. Totsky

The ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ Club of New York Scholarship
Peter A. Amicucci

The Mary and Mariano Sebastianelli Memorial Scholarship
Regan A. Hughes

The Vincent A. Sedlak ’37 Scholarship
Ryann E. Kemmerling
Karlee B. Ruth
Nathan J. Spak
Katrina A. Stravinski
Taylor A. Tomalinas

The Charles ’35 and Josephine Shander Scholarship
Benjamin I. Siesputowski

The Thomas J. Shevlin Jr. ’40 and Dr. John F. Shevlin Memorial Scholarship
Tyler P. Schwartztrauber

The Paul J. ’47 and Virginia P. Shields Scholarship
Alexa N. Anzulewicz

The Matthew & Mary Pesavento Sienkiewich Scholarship
Nastashia DeNunzio

The Mary and Dana Silvon Memorial Scholarship
Frank A. Adamo

The Edward M. Skovira, M.D. '53 Memorial Scholarship
Brenda Ayala
Victoria A. Barbosa
Caitlin G. Hariprasad
Jasleen Kaur
Cianna N. Kisailus
Berania M. Mena
Samantha M. Rivera
Charlie Valdez

The Frederick B. Smoot ’46 Scholarship
Jenna E. Carmen
Joseph M. Cruciani
Meghan R. Eidenberg
Claudia R. Kovaleski
Allyson E. Marquardt
Nicholas McGlone
Janvee U. Patel
Mia G. Sandy
Joshua J. Walker
Kayla A. Walsh
Gillian S. Williams-Mayers

The Specialty Group, Inc. Scholarship
Hannah R. Gilhooley

The Dr. Frank J. Sottile ’69, G’72 Memorial Scholarship
Samantha B. Kramer
Clare V. McGrade
Leigh S. Scarano

The Edward J. Spitzer Scholarship
Emily R. Turano

The David F. St. Ledger '56 Scholarship
Chloe M. Calabro

The Francis J. Stahl ’35 Memorial Scholarship
Mackenzie C. Steele

The Craig J. Steel ’99 Scholarship
Gaurav A. Shah

The Edward J. ’81 and Barbara A. Steinmetz Annual Scholarship

The Edward Sr. and Rosalie Steinmetz Scholarship
Jeremry K. Fick

The Stanley E. ’61 & Elaine L. Stettz Scholarship
Dylan G. Damiano

The Armond and Betty Strutin Scholarship
Kayla A. Alvero
Sarah E. Kalada

The Tom and Salsey Sullivan Scholarship
Olivia M. Borges

The Amelia Suraci Scholarship
Kayla R. Farney

The John ’61 & Jean Blackledge Sweeney Family Business Scholarship
Christopher R. Coico

The John P. ’61 & Jean Blackledge Sweeney Family Nursing Scholarship
Madison P. Imrota

The John E. Swift, M.D. & Margaret Gurrell Swift Scholarship
George C. Costello

The Robert J. ’58 and Joan J. Sylvester Scholarship
Minahil Sami

The Tate Family Scholarship
Julia V. Betti

The Times-Shamrock Communications Scholarship
Kody N. Fitzgerald
Conor J. Nealon
Kathryn E. Nealon
Amanda A. Yanul

The William Stephen Torrick '70 Memorial Scholarship
Dilma J. Mejia

The TRL Associates Scholarship
Logan Bailey
Dawson K. Bailey
Joshua K. Burke
Lina L. Caldara
Janvi J. Desai
Cameron Dougher
Michael R. Farry
Thomas E. Ferraro
Isaiah J. Harris
Abigail Hoban
Zane C. Horger
Andrew M. Huertas
Tatiana S. Klacko
Ximena G. Maldonado Aguilar
Kento Matsui
Colette McDonnell
Keny Melgar
Ethan E. Mulrooney
Harsh R. Patel
Sinal Y. Patel
Vrutti T. Patel
Rutu J. Patel
Neel Patel
Bansariben Patel
Yashaswini D. Patel
Varghese T. Pattara
Sean M. Pietruszkiewicz
Cheyenne A. Ponce
Samuel J. Remus
Fatima A. Torres
Trey D. Yarns

The UNICO Scholarship
Catherine P. Bertrand
Megan T. Bertrand

The United Gilsonite Laboratories Scholarship

United Parcel Service

The Guy T. Valvano ’50 Memorial Scholarship
Molly E. Gerasci

The William and Concetta Viglione Scholarship
Katia Ramirez

The Charles J. Volpe Sr. ’61 Memorial Scholarship
Daniel J. Damico
Casey E. Welby

The Mary and Patrick Volpe Scholarship
Mollie A. Boyd

The Paul L. Waleff Memorial Scholarship
Amelia M. Prezkop

The Leo J. Walsh, Ph.D., Memorial Scholarship
Isabella A. Manasek

The Weinberger Family Scholarship
Madison Ziobro

The Weiss Family Scholarship
Andrew N. Lacina

The Anne L. Wittman G'67 Scholarship
Joseph T. Cosgrove

The Judith Ann Yokaitis-Skutnik '79 Memorial Scholarship
Kathleen Kennedy

The Gene and Florian ZaBach Scholarship
David J. Riabov
Anthony Sortino

The William Zahler Scholarship
Sarah B. Mousley

The Joseph Zandarski, Ph.D. ’51 Memorial Scholarship
Joseph C. Phillips

For more information and to read a full description of each scholarship offered at the University, please visit the scholarships and financial aid section at .
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