
Opportunities in Mathematics

As a sophomore or a junior, there are many opportunities for students
to do research or to further their course work
 at several exciting summer or semester programs. 

There are also a number of programs that serve as a bridge between undergraduate work and graduate work.
Below is a sample of some programs. 

If you have any questions, please e-mail Dr. Stacey Muir.

Undergraduate Research Opportunities

Summer Programs that are not research oriented


Internships and Co-ops

The American Mathematical Society provides a list of internship and co-ops that can be found by clicking .


Semester Programs

There are several options for students who wish to spend a semester or a year studying at a different institution. 

Students in their junior or senior year can spend one to two semesters in Budapest studying mathematics in English.

This program involves spending the fall semester at Penn State where students take advanced math courses and attend seminars.  This is available to students entering the junior or senior year in the following fall.


Post-Baccalaureate Opportunities

This summer program is funded by the NSF and Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and is only open to women.  The program involves two courses, one in analysis and the other in algebra/linear algebra.  In addition to the main courses, students will take minicourses, attend guest lectures, and have visitors from academia and industry.  The program also includes a rich long-term mentoring program.  The program includes a stipend plus room and board.  Applications are usually due at the end of February or very early March. 

This program, funded by the NSF, is for women with bachelor's degrees who did not major in mathematics or whose mathematics major was light.  The intent is help women determine whether they want to continue their mathematical training at the graduate level.  Full tuition and a living stipend is available.  Smith College is in Massachusetts.  The preferred deadline for January entrance is October 15 and for September entrance is March 15, but applications are reviewed on a rolling basis.
