
Work Related Injuries/Illnesses and Workers' Compensation

All work-related accidents, injuries, and illnesses must be reported immediately to your supervisor and the Office of Human Resources as required by the Occupational Safety and Health Act, whether or not medical attention is required to obtain a claim number.  All such incidents must be reported, even when no time is lost from work.  If you are faced with a medical emergency, you may secure assistance from a hospital or physician of the healing arts of your choice.  For non emergent medical attention, you must select one of the licensed physicians or practitioners designated by our Worker's Compensation carrier, this list is located below and can also be obtained by contacting the Office of Human Resources. 

Payment for medical services for work-related injuries or illnesses is governed by the Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Act.   University health insurance plans should not be used for medical services provided for work-related accidents or illnesses. These accidents and illnesses are covered by the University’s Worker’s Compensation insurance.  In order to insure consideration for payment under the Workers' Compensation Act you must have an open claim which will be generated upon your reporting of the incident to the Office of Human Resources.  

Employees required to attend medical or rehabilitation appointments during work time, related to a work related injury, will be paid for this time as regular work time.  Active employees are requested to schedule medical and/or rehabilitation appointments outside of work time whenever possible minimize department disruption.

A medical release from the health care provider is required before returning from a worker’s compensation absence.

Health insurance is continued for the first six months of a Workers' Compensation absence with the employee being responsible for his/her normal benefit contributions.

Worker's Compensation Employee Notification

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