
2022 MISO Results

The Division of Information Technology and the Library administered the MISO survey to all University students, staff, and faculty from February 17 to March 4, 2022.

The survey was administered to the following four campus populations. We have indicated the response rates for each:

  • Undergraduate Students: 1076 responses; 35% response rate
  • Graduate Students: 181 responses; 37% response rate
  • Faculty (except Library faculty): 206 responses; 47% response rate
  • Staff (except IT and Library staff): 205 responses; 39% response rate

Survey Comments with Information Technology Responses

The following section provides an overview of the feedback that was received per topic. Responses have been provided by IT (where applicable).



We are currently upgrading our campus wireless internet. We continue to work on our Phase 2 implementation, which involves the upgrade of the wireless infrastructure and network equipment, as well as the remaining student residence halls. Phase 3 involves the infrastructure and network upgrade for all academic spaces and the Chapman Lake facility.

Submitted feedback

It would be really great if we were able to wirelessly connect our personal computers to school wifi. 
making the wifi not always connect to royal air instead of secure. get rid of royal air plz 
the wifi for TVs that require RoyalAir often disconnect and cause buffering
wifi all over campus needs to be better. paying 70 thousand a year and can't even get a good wifi signal 90% of the time. also hard to connect to. 
please keep the internet fast and outages that are within your control to a minimum
 I can be connected to internet on my laptop in a Leahy classroom, move to my GA office or another classroom in Leahy hall, and completely lose access to the internet and struggle to reconnect. Not great
Cannot access Wi-Fi on my phone Android 12. Needs a domain name or a certificate
I don't know what type of internet service I have.
the biggest issue for me is getting consistent and fast internet access in the classrooms. I use my personal machine for my class and typically the Royal guest and related connection points don't work for me.
thanks for the survey!

Technology Support Center Availability


At this time we are unable to provide any additional support hours. Our leadership team will continue to discuss how to best provide continuous technology support.

Submitted feedback

More availability.
Be able to connect right away at any time, as a lot of times I do my hw at night 
Being able to access 24/7. Around the clock assistance. 
Have a 24 hour help desk.
More availability and late night hours 
24/7 tech support
greater service hours and better support for remote access

Access to IT Services


The Technology Support Center is available to our campus community through various communication methods. Please visit us in Alumni Memorial Hall, email techsupport@scranton.edu , call 570-941-4357, or  with our team for support. Our scranton.edu/techsupport website offers additional resources such as quick links, wireless information, available equipment and student employment opportunities.

Submitted feedback

the one thing would I would like to see done to enhance information technology services is having easier off-campus access.
Another more centralized campus location, maybe in the library or DeNaples
By making (those services) easier to access. 
I know where the technology services are but maybe more easily accessible from all over campus but just one spot.
I would like to see greater access to this technology information for more student to enjoy 
Maybe a closer location?
To make it more accessible to people who are commuters.
zoom appointments?
I am currently new to all this technology because I am international students. But,I think making it more easier to access and understand would be great.
More Accessibility 

IT and My.¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ Communications/Informations


We provide a vast variety of resources on our campus and we have compiled them on Our Services webpage. We also participate in various activities on campus, for what we have specific webpages: Undergraduate and Graduate Orientations, as well as new employee and faculty onboarding

Our leadership team will continue to review your suggestions about our information and my.scranton as we continue to find new ways to enhance the reach of our communication efforts.

Submitted feedback

Better access to WiFi - more reliable - easier to find information on any University website anywhere. The most important information is always buried under tabs and subsections of useless information. Students need links to forms and calendars.
Easier to use website and UI
Emails specifying all of the places you can go for help / areas they can help with
I guess maybe find ways to email students more about these services so it can get them more interested and more help with the technology.
I think making students more aware of how to access IT services would be a good improvement.
I think one thing that can be done to enhance the info technology services is a bit more information about it. Emails, posters, etc, can help spread the word about the useful services available.
I would say to advertise all the features more and make the interface easier to use.
I would suggest that there be a short-cut on the home page of my.scranton to quickly access information technology. 
It would be helpful if the services were publicized more because I never know what to do if I have an issue.
Make finding the site off of My.¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ is easier to find.
Maybe just have print outs on how to access things in addition to online, the website is a bit confusing
More advertisement of services
More knowledge about it, especially the advertisement in class in case we may need it for homework, or school project. 
Offer more information about how to use all the resources we have.
Perhaps the development of an easier method to obtain information.
Simpler interface
The technology page is very confusing to me. 
Not to my knowledge. The most important resource for students would be an easy-to-remember email or webpage to ask questions/get answers.
I actually did not know we had a website for remote access, and had in the past had difficulty accessing some academic journals off campus. This feature should be a bit more heavily advertised. 
I would like to see more remote access to class at the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥.  I would like to be able to attend class remotely in the case of illness or poor weather conditions. Some availability of online classes would keep us relevant. 
Easier setup or quicker way of accessing different information sources. If people aren't aware of how to use the library resources, it can be quite tedious.
Easier understanding on how to navigate
The my.¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ website is not easy to navigate for students. In order to get to services that we need almost daily, we need to click into multiple menus first. In the mobile version, icons that represent menus are unclear as to where they lead to. 
I think something that could be improved is spreading the word about what services information technology offers to graduate students. As a graduate student, I attended undergrad at a different institution. In turn, I don't know much about IT here. 

Duo Security


The Duo (Two Step Login) process has been vital in mitigating potential online security issues because it immediately neutralizes the risks associated with compromised passwords. If a password is hacked, guessed, or even phished, that's no longer enough to give an intruder access: without approval at the second factor, a password alone is useless. As such, we will continue to require a second form of authentication to access our valuable University resources.

Submitted DUO feedback

DUO mobile security not the greatest
I have not really had to go to IT for anything other then help with DUO. I think Duo can be annoying sometimes so I think adding an additional pin or maybe having students also log in with the last 4 of their social would be fine/better.
The ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ App allowing for students to remain signed in once they log in on their phones with 2 step verification once a week.
Not require duo login on every log in attempt. Everything else is good
1) Get rid of 2-factor authentication or improve the system greatly.
2) We have systemic problems for Apple users in offices (can't get documents to print on networked machines, also a lot of issues with classroom connection such as HDMI aspect ratio on screen, weird issues with presentation mode for powerpoint, etc). Completely unacceptable, need to stop treating Apple users like second-class users of university software and hardware.
3) I would like to have more experts/resources to call with functionality, software support (e.g. how to get more out of D2L/BS, advanced PowerPoint questions) as well as Apple/OS etc. If I called Brian Snapp or Glenn every time I had a question, they'd never be able to do their jobs, and some of my questions even they might not be able to answer (they're both really good staff members).


Submitted security feedback

Internet and computer related fraud and crime is rampant now. Need as much information as possible to be on the lookout for scams. 

Student Laptop Program


Our leadership team will continue to review your suggestions to strengthen our student laptop support program. 

Submitted feedback

be more responsive, I had a problem with my laptop and took it to IT in September. The problem was resolved in January and only because I started constantly reminding them I had a problem was it fixed.
Actually fix my computer so I don't have to keep renting out a laptop
Having someone that can fix lab tops very easily so it saves us money 
I wish they were able to send out an apple computer to an apple store
I would like the time the problem is fixed to be in a more timely manner. Also, if we need to get a loaner laptop, I would prefer they have MacBooks to hand out to students who have those since most of those students are not familiar with Dell.
Make it more aware of how much fixing computers or receiving aid from information technology could cost
Tech office needs to communicate more and stop getting annoyed at me for asking for updates on my laptop. It took them 3 weeks to fix my laptop because "the guy who fixes laptops" didn't come in for like 4 days in a row....
They should know about the technology that they offer students to buy. I bought a laptop that was recommended by the connection between ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ and Best Buy. When it didn't work they were no help. 
Better loan laptops 
Fix non dell computers
I was not happy with the services when my laptop broke. They took over a week to tell me they could not do anything.
More updates when a device is dropped off at IT services (daily, weekly, etc.) 
Well 3 years ago I gave them my broken flash drive and a brand new flash drive to transfer documents onto and they never gave the new flash drive to me and they ghosted me. I just want my new flash drive back or to be monetarily compensated.

Software and Hardware Purchasing/Availability


Information on our software purchasing,  hardware purchasing and  is available online. Our leadership team will continue to review your suggestions.  

Submitted software feedback

Access to antimalware software for students. 
adobe services free for students
easier remote access
easier search engine 
I would like if the University provided adobe enterprise services similar to how microsoft enterprise services (office 365) are provided 
Maybe the software could be faster and more user friendly 
Provide free real antivirus for the computers
Remotescranton is a great resource that's available to us. However, it is very glitchy and I've had countless unfortunate experiences with it. 
Aside from my own individual computing needs, I believe that the process for accessing and vetting external software is poorly executed (who to contact, timeliness of review by IT and GC, etc). As we are encouraged to buy rather than rely on IT to build, this area needs particular attention.  And often when we purchase software, we're "on our own" with little support from IT. I understand that this is part of the decision, but it seems to me that IT would want to have more knowledge of these products and ability to troubleshoot, in their own interest for security and other potential challenges on the user end.   I appreciate the IT newsletter - very informative. Library staff are wonderful. 
I don't like the sometimes impersonableness of fingerprints.  A lot of time I do not know who I'm talking with.  I love the phone call to talk about my problems. Communication of the problem and why it happened would help solve future problems. Not being able to install software is a very, very, very, big hindrance.  Why are faculty allowed to install more software than prof. staff?  I would love a guest account on deep freeze to turn it off and on to make software and programming adjustments to lab computers.
I honestly do not like the new work order system, the old one was much better. Not that I do not like change, but this one takes to much time to navigate
I hope for an improvement of copy and paste feature in Remote environment. 
It would be incredibly helpful for the staff to implement teams for meetings and collaboration. The tool is completely free with the MS Package but users seem ill informed about how to use it. Zoom makes sense, I guess, for faculty but Teams could increase the operations of individual departments. Perhaps more communication about the benefits of the tool would be helpful in making a change like this happen. 
We were granted access to Adobe suite off-campus which was incredibly helpful and I wish we maintained that access after the spring 2020 semester. 
If things have changed since we've gotten back after remote work I haven't noticed, though I think continued zoom access is still essential. Especially for grad students who live much more spread out than undergrads, being able to meet and work collaboratively online is really useful for group work and other assignments
Access to up to date 
Better service with zoom


Submitted hardware feedback

There are at least 50 faculty on campus who use Macs. Furthermore, a great many students use them. I am tired of calling the Help desk and being treated like an oddity. Gus Fernandez and Glen Pace should not be the only two persons on campus who are knowledgeable about Macs. I don't know what I would do without them. 
we need more people familiar with MAC devices as there are only 1-2 ITs people who can usually answer my questions.  And most students have MACs


Training Resources


The Technology Support Services team is currently reviewing our current catalog of training documentation and online instruction. We plan to launch a new training SharePoint site, that combines our University resources, M365 resources as well as available training sessions. In the meantime, you can visit our IT Training Resources website for more information.

Submitted feedback

An update of information for residential students such as an updated way of how to connect devices step-by-step.
If there are simple solutions to problems that can be solved on our own, making some step by step "how-to" forms so that students would not have to go to the IT center and take time out of class.
incorporate the training activities into first year seminar
Maybe add better instructions on how to add things to Wi-Fi besides your phone and laptop. I felt like that part was unclear.
More help for word and one drive.
More resources
Video tutorial on how to access them.
I would be interested in attending classes for Excel, Word and other platforms.
Offering more or expanded service is great, but many of us are pushed to our limits with tasks. Fitting new things into a heavy schedule may be challenging. But it would not be for lack of wanting to attend further training.
Would like to be more proficient if I had more time to commit.  My Administrative Assistant does research information or tech support for me that I need help with.
Easy access to have your devices set up for connectivity. I am an adult graduate student and I was never told that your laptop has to be set up to use on campus.
A few onboarding videos on basic tech and library resources for adjuncts.

IT Support


The Technology Support Center is available to our campus community through various communication methods. If you need immediate assistance, we recommend that you call us at 570-941-4357 or visiting us in AMH. Our business hours (as well as additional TSC information) are posted on scranton.edu/techsupport.

Submitted feedback

A quicker response time when contacted would be nice. I have had to wait almost the whole day one time to get an answer and it was very frustrating.
Have more and better services for the people with learning disabilities 
I think if there was a live chat for students we could ask quick questions and get answers form trained professionals
Make it simple/not as complicated
Making it easier to contact them
Maybe a chat bot on my.scranton.edu that will connect you with an IT department member if you have an issue rather than wait for replies on emails.
Maybe making use of a productive app such as Slack. This may help productivity at a lesser cost. 
More helpful people that are interesting in solving problems for students. 
Quicker response time
Reaching out to students more before dead and finals week
Get better, trained & more knowledgeable people at the Tech Support Desk. Pay them more. 
Increase the size of your IT department and reward them for doing a terrific job while being grossly understaffed.  I can't speak for the Library but do know that when I need them they are there to help!
In each area the staff goes above and beyond always!
Maybe a chat similar to the one available for librarians and library resources.
Able to make appointments rather than walk in services
Tech support should not be focused on logging tickets, rather fixing problems.
It seems like the IT desk is not permitted to help with BrightSpace problems. But since CTLE help closes at 4:00 or 5:00 and I often teach in the evenings, this is problematic. Could the IT desk learn a few skills from CTLE so that they can help when CTLE is closed.
Also, the IT desk offers an absolutely appalling lack of coverage over the weekends. Don't you realize that professors have to write books seven days a week?

Available Technology Equipment


We have a lifecycle/upgrade plan for all labs and classroom technology based on age and utilization. Upgrades are planned annually based on available funding. Please contact the Technology Support Center if you have a specific need you would like to discuss with us.

Submitted feedback

have ipads
Have teachers use more technology in class but also be considerate of the difficulties that come with technology
Higher process computers, 
Maybe upgrade the computers 
More computers 
More multi-screen computers to use that just aren't on the first floor. 
More ways to have loaner technology like computer or tablets to use.
New computers in the library. All of the current ones are very slow.
New desktops
Updated computers and charging stations
Updated technology
When I was a commuter, sometimes I'd forget a laptop charger. I wish these were more readily available on campus for such situations
Need lot more computers 
better use of technology in classes, so far all technology classes in MBA have been outdated and not helpful for the future
Bigger computer
Computer lab in different building 
constantly upgrade the system with recent innovations
Continue to provide the most updated version of the service.

Thank you for all the wonderful compliments that were shared

Submitted feedback

There is nothing I would change about the information technology services.
none, I have been satisfied with my interactions in information technology services.
I don't think anything needs to be enhanced
Everything is great
You guys are doing great. 
nothing, i think the services are great and helpful.
I have had good experiences with them 
Personally, I believe our technology services are very resourceful and and convenient. 
I am completely satisfied with the information technology services.
I would say that the services are very helpful as it is and I have had no problem with it
Nothing, I am satisfied with the IT services 
Information Technology service has been great. 
In my opinion, there is nothing that need to be done to enhance the information technology services, as I feel they are already impressive.
Everything is fine the way it is right now
None, they do a great job 
I feel that the information technology services are satisfactory as they are.
Nothing! It's perfect!
I am satisfied with the information technology services.
I appreciate the IT newsletter - very informative.
I believe the IT department was incredibly responsive and helpful in addressing the new issues and challenges we faced as a result of the pandemic. Thank you.
Increase the size of your IT department and reward them for doing a terrific job while being grossly understaffed.  I can't speak for the Library but do know that when I need them they are there to help!
In each area the staff goes above and beyond always!
I am very pleased with the assistance I received from library & IT staff.
Tech Support was terrific during COVID.  At the beginning of COVID, it was truly amazing how IT got us converted to remote.  Thank you for always being there and for your support.

Whenever we have an issue or an upgrade with EdConnect (Dept. of Education software), Shawn Beistline and Diane Kennedy are there to lend their expertise.  Tom Kern (in his previous position) has helped many times in the past.

Cindy Hricko and John Tabor always give 100% to the Financial Aid Office.

Karl Johns, Don and the help desk provide the support when a computer issue comes up.
I have not utilized IT services since undergrad. When I utilized the services, they were wonderful. I had a positive experience. 
My experience has been very satisfactory to me. I recommend continuation of services as they are
I think the information technology services is great.
The library and technology services have been extremely helpful in allowing my success as a faculty member. I hope we continue to have the services that we currently have and the University continues to move forward as library and technology advances.
I'm a heavy user of the library and tech support, including ILL and PALCI. My students use it as well.  All these services are excellent. I give a 10/10 for professionalism, knowledge, etc. and a giant thank you.
Thanks for your Amazing resources!

The following information is not a part of IT or Library Services. Thes will be relayed to the appropriate offices.

Please get rid of D2L, I know it has nothing to do with the library but that application is actually horrific. 
They should improve the royal sync website. It is absolutely awful to use and has often crashed on me or failed to load tasks. The wifi services outdoors are not great either. They should cover more areas outdoors. 
we should put the rooms being used in the facilities system so i have an idea of classrooms being used.
CTLE should handle all Brightspace questions, as it feels like their system. my.scranton.edu is tech support and Brightspace is CTLE.
educating staff on turning on correct settings in Brightspace to allow exam testing with chrome book an tablet infrastructure. laptop loan program. 
More diversity in IT
Faculty should be able to tailor D2L to their needs (hide courses as needed). 
I'm concerned about the loss of Susan Bowen in IT. She changed the culture in the division in ways that were necessary. IT now functions in partnership/collegially with faculty as opposed to treating us as if we are customers calling the Geek Squad. I hope that continues. More practically, and I know that emergency situations occur and budgets are tight, but MS products (like Teams, SharePoint, the Office 365 suite) are so limited and frustrating compared to other products. I'm going to be upset when Zoom gets taken away, like I was when we lost Dropbox. If you all don't want to fund for campus-wide use of alternatives, there should be options for faculty who want to continue use of products individually. For now I am asking for Dropbox to be paid for through my dean's office. Not sure for how long that will be covered.  
One significant complaint I have regarding campus technology is the inability to create and maintain a personal professional web page to support teaching and research without having to go through CMS training.  This CMS system is unnecessarily complicated and, from my conversations with colleagues at other institutions, not the norm.  Most of my colleagues have web pages where they can easily post research articles and teaching materials, and we are confusingly out of the norm on this.
Please, please reevaluate Brightspace. It's cumbersome and unintuitive. After seven or eight years -- and with hours of one on one assistance from Brian Snapp -- I have finally gotten it to do all I need...and to make that happen, I have to have students post most of their assignments to two different locations.
This is software designed for teaching in the sciences, and it does not serve us well in discussion classes where instructors simultaneously need to give feedback.
Should have specific questions about the Engage system.
The option to zoom into a class in stead of attending in person* (numerous responses related to Zoom as an option for remote classes)
Recorded classes/Hybrid classes 
I wish we were able to attend class remotely if we are ill or quarantined or even during bad weather. 
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