
Quick Answers: OneDrive for Business

This page provides answers to frequently asked questions. If you don't find an answer to your question here, please contact please contact the Technology Support Center at 570-941-HELP (4357) or email techsupport@scranton.edu.

How can I obtain an account for OneDrive for Business?

All currently enrolled students, faculty and staff with the University are automatically licensed to use OneDrive for Business.

Where do I get the OneDrive sync client?

Mac users: please note that you should uninstall all previous installations of OneDrive and/or OneDrive for Business clients before proceeding.
Windows users: please note that this client replaces all preexisting Microsoft clients including the SkyDrive and OneDrive for Business clients. If you have a OneDrive for Business client installed, do not attempt to configure it with your OneDrive for Business account. Please download, install and configure the latest client.


What does the OneDrive folder do?

This folder is kept in sync with OneDrive for Business. If you add, change, or delete a file or folder on the OneDrive for Business website, the file or folder is added, changed, or deleted in your local OneDrive folder and vice versa.

Do I have to install the OneDrive sync client on all my computers?

No. You can still work with your OneDrive for Business files on that computer by going to the OneDrive for Business website.

How do I access OneDrive for Business?

To access OneDrive for Business, visit .

Which credentials do I use to login to OneDrive for Business? To access

To access OneDrive for Business and other Office 365 resources, use your U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ e-mail address (firstname.lastname@scranton.edu) and your my.¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ password.

I forgot my password for OneDrive for Business. How do I get it?

Please visit  and click Forgot your password.

How much space do I get in my OneDrive for Business storage area?

1 TB

Is there a size limit on the files that can be uploaded?

There is a 15GB file size limit for each file that’s uploaded to the OneDrive for Business library.

Is there a limit on the number of files that can be synchronized?

The sync performance of OneDrive may start to decline when you store more than 100,000 files in a single OneDrive for Business site. If you have a lot of files, you can use selective sync to select only certain files to sync to your computer.

Are there any files that won’t be synchronized to OneDrive for Business?

The OneDrive for Business client will not synchronize files that meet any of the following criteria:

  • Any file that is empty.
  • Any file with the following characters in the file name: " * : < > ? / \ |
  • Any thumbs.db, or ehthumbs.db file.
  • Any file with the following extensions: .aspx, .asmx, .ascx, .master, .xap, .swf, .jar, .xsf, .htc
  • Any file that is currently open in an application, such as a .docx file that is open in Word.
  • A folder named "forms" that is at the root level for a list or library.
  • Any folder name that begins with a tilde character (~).

Can I recover deleted files in OneDrive for Business?

When you delete a file, it goes to the Recycling Bin for 93 days. After 93 days, it gets deleted permanently.

To recover a deleted file:

  • Sign in to onedrive.scranton.edu
  • Click Recycle bin in the left sidebar
  • Select the file to be restored
  • Click Restore

Do I have document versioning turned on in OneDrive for Business?

Version history is enabled by default in OneDrive for Business.

To review a previous version of a document:

  • Sign in to onedrive.scranton.edu
  • Right click the document for which you want to restore an earlier version
  • Then click Version History
  • In the Version History dialog box, select the link for the document version you want to view

How can I share my files and folders in OneDrive for Business?

You can share your files and folders by sending invitations to share your content or by sending a link. You can share files and folders with individuals who are not members of The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥.


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