

The Royal Card is the multi-purpose photo ID card for all students, faculty, and staff at the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥. It acts as a meal card, library card, access card for residence halls, several academic buildings and 24-hour access to the Pro Deo Room in the Library. It can also be used as a debit card at University bookstore, campus vending machines, parking office, laundry facilities and for science supplies.

See the Requesting A Royal Card Reader section below to request a reader.

Access the RoyalCard Online Card Office

The Online Royal Card Office allows you to make online deposits, access your account balance, view your transactions and deactivate your card.

Faculty, students and staff can access the Online Royal Card Office by following the steps below:

  1. Open a web browser and log into my.scranton.edu
  2. In the top right corner, click on the waffle icon
  3. Click on eAccounts
Parents and guests may access the 


The Royal Card serves as your U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ personal identification (carry it at all times), as well as a:

  • Meal card
  • Library card
  • Access card for residence halls, several academic buildings and 24-hour access to the Pro Deo Room in the Library
  • Debit card -- a substitute for cash on campus (if a deposit account is set up) for all University dining facilities
  • University Bookstore
  • Campus vending machines
  • University Printing Services (duplicating)
  • Weinberg Memorial Library copy machines and Internet printing
  • Parking decals and fines
  • Laundry facilities
  • Chemistry and Biology supplies


You must be a current University student, faculty or staff.

Visitor Cards can be obtained for individuals and groups that will be on campus for short-term stays and need card access while on campus. Before requesting a visitor card, please review the Procedures. Contact the  for further assistance.

Non-Employee Affiliate cards are used for individuals that are volunteers on campus, vendors or those needing a card for extended stays on campus. For such requests, please review the  and complete the Form. Please allow three business days from the date of submission of form to card issuance.

Terms and Conditions

  1. Account provides the cardholder with the ability to prepay for goods and services purchased later at points of sale accepting payment through use of the Royal Card. The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ has created the Royal Card Account to reduce the necessity of students, staff, faculty and visitors to carry cash and University personnel to handle cash in payment of services ordinarily part of the range of services which universities maintain as an incidence of the main purpose of education whether performed by the University or by a franchise under contract with the University. The Royal Card is not a credit card account and under no circumstances may debits and charges to the account reduce the account balance below zero. The Royal Card may not be used to obtain cash or cash advances under any circumstances.
  2. Uses of the Card and Limitations of Its Use. The uses made of the Royal Card and the Royal Card Account are as particularly set forth above. There is no daily limit on the number of times the card may be used or the dollar amount of the purchases provided the cardholder does not exceed the amount of funds in the cardholder's account at that time.
  3. Lost or Stolen Cards or Unauthorized Transactions. The cardholder shall immediately report any lost or stolen Royal Cards or the occurrence of any unauthorized transaction with the Royal Card Account to the Technology Support Center, Room 102, Alumni Memorial Hall, The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥, ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥, PA 18510, (570) 941-4357, during business hours. Subject to the following limitations the cardholder is responsible and shall be responsible for all transactions debited to the holder's account prior to proper notification to the Technology Support Center. If notification is given within two business days of the cardholder learning of the loss or theft of a card or occurrence of an unauthorized transaction, the responsibility of the cardholder is limited to a maximum of $50.00. If notification is not given within two business days, then the cardholder is also responsible for up to a maximum of $500.00 for unauthorized transactions occurring thereafter and prior to 60 days following the transmittal of a periodic statement to the cardholder by the University. If the cardholder fails to notify the University by 60 days following the transmittal of a periodic statement, then the cardholder is totally responsible for unauthorized transactions occurring thereafter. Liability of the cardholder is also dependent upon the University being able to show that the unauthorized transactions would not have occurred if notice had been received by the University.
  4. Business Days at the Technology Support Center. The Technology Support Center hours can be found at the following link . Lost or stolen cards or the occurrence of unauthorized transactions may also be reported after hours by contacting the Public Safety Office at (570) 941-7888. Cardholders have the ability to suspend activity on their card through the Online Card Office located at .
  5. Increasing the Balance in Your Account. You can make deposits to your account at any time in the . You can also make deposits in person at the Bursar's Office, and by inserting cash in the RoyalCard Value Transfer Stations in the DeNaples Center, McGurrin Hall and in the Weinberg Memorial Library.
  6. Charges for Transfer, Returned Checks and Replacement Cards; Minimum Balance and No Interest Paid. No charges are made to the cardholder for any transaction, however, a charge of $25 will be made for any check presented to be credited to the Royal Card Account that is returned to the University unpaid by the bank on which it was drawn. No interest shall be paid on any balance in the Royal Card Account. After the account is opened, there is no minimum balance required. There is a fee of $10 charged to replace a lost or stolen Royal Cards.
  7. Receipts, Statements and Transaction Documentation. Receipts will be provided either as a matter of course or upon request at all locations that the Royal Card is accepted, except, at vending machines, copiers, microfiche machines and laundry machines. Statements showing all transactions are made available on request or can be viewed online at  . Written documentation of any transaction that is the subject of error resolution will be provided.
  8. Disclosure to Third Parties of Account Information. We will disclose information to third parties about your account or the purchases made only: (a) where it is necessary for completing transactions, or (b) in order to verify the existence and condition of your account to a third party such as a credit bureau or merchant, or (c) in order to comply with a government agency or court orders, or (d) if you give us your written permission, or (e) in conjunction with all other account holders in the aggregate but not specifically in regard to any individual's account.
  9. Closing Account; Refunds; Returns. The Royal Card Account will be closed automatically in due course if the Holder ceases to be a student of The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥. At the time the account is closed the Royal Card Office will transfer any remaining account balance to the student's account receivable. Goods and services purchased and debited to a Royal Card Account may be returned according to return policies at the location where the purchase was made; if such return is permitted, the Holder's account will be credited for the appropriate amount. The Holder understands and agrees that no cash refunds or withdrawals may be made to the Holder.
  10. Error Resolution. In case of errors or questions regarding your Royal Card Account, contact the Technology Support Center as soon as you can, if you think your statement or receipt is wrong or if you need more information about a transaction listed on the statement or receipt. We must hear from you no later than 60 days after we sent you the first statement on which the problem or error appeared. (1) Tell us your name and account number; (2) describe the error or transaction you are unsure about and explain as clearly as you can why you believe it is an error or why you need more information, (3) Tell us the dollar amount of the suspected error. If you tell us orally, we may require that you send us your complaint or question in writing within 10 business days. We will tell you the results of our investigation within 10 business days after we hear from you and will correct any error promptly. If we need more time, however, we may take up to 45 days to investigate your complaint or question. If we decide that there was no error, we will send you a written explanation within three business days after we finish our investigation. You may ask for copies of the documentation that we used in our investigation.
  11. Changes in Terms and Conditions. The terms and conditions of the agreement shall be in effect from the date hereof until written notification is received of a change in the terms or until the account is closed.
  12. Governing Laws. This cardholder agreement shall be governed in all respects by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Requesting A Royal Card Reader

The process for requesting Royal Card readers has changed. Students can no longer request Royal Card readers. If you are a student, please contact your group’s moderator (University staff or faculty member) to submit the request for you.

Moderator:  Follow instructions below to request a Royal Card reader for your group’s use:

  1. Log into 
  2. Go to Request a Service
  3. Click on Royal Card
  4. Select Royal Card Request for Attendance Reader

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