
Virtual Labs And Remote Desktops

The virtual lab and Remote desktop provides access to a wide variety of University software from your own device. The virtual lab can be accessed from any computer (Windows or Macintosh) and is accessible from any location, both on and off campus. Remote desktop is accessible via a web browser. Microsoft Edge browser is not supported.

When using the virtual lab or remote desktop, make sure to save all your information to OneDrive/SharePoint, H:\G:\ Drives, Desire2Learn or to e-mail. All work saved locally in remote will be lost when logging off. 

Two Step (through DUO) is required when using our remote (VDI) environments. This change does not apply to VDI in classsrooms.


Students, faculty and staff can access a variety of University computer resources from any device, at anytime from anywhere via a web browser. Microsoft Edge browser is not supported.


All faculty and staff can access the remote environment by going to remote.scranton.edu.

For questions, contact the Technology Support Center at 570-941-4357 or techsupport@scranton.edu.

Request Virtual Lab Access for a Class

Faculty members can request virtual lab access for all students enrolled in a class by contacting the Technology Support Center and providing the course CRN. If requesting virtual lab access for a class, please note the following.

  • Everyone enrolled in the course (including the faculty teaching) will be granted access to the virtual lab.
  • Graduate Assistants will not be automatically added with the course. If a GA needs access, please provide the GA’s Royal ID Number.
  • Once a course is added, it will be available for the duration of the course and will expire at the end of the course.
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