
Community Based Learning

Community-based learning is a way for students to actively connect their academic work with direct experience in the community. By combining hands-on work in the community with the academic framework provided by course work across the curriculum, students gain a rich experience of social issues. Students learn about the workings of community, encounter differences related to race, class and privilege, gain a deeper understanding about social justice, and are able to do work that is beneficial to others. They also gain a greater understanding of themselves. Community-based learning emphasizes academic rigor, reflection, and developing ongoing community partnerships. All academic disciplines and divisions (humanities, social sciences, sciences and the arts) can integrate community-based learning practices.

College of Professional Studies

Community based learning is required in the for graduation. Each major within the college has designated specific classes as Community Based Learning courses. Check with the department for an updated list of courses.  . Time sheets must be printed, completed with appropriate signatures, and submitted to the PCPS Dean's Office, McGurrin Hallroom 111. Please be sure to make a copy for your records before submitting your sheet. Copies can made in the library with your royal card account.


Several courses within the College of Arts and Sciences have a Community Based Learning component as well as courses within the SJLA (Special Jesuit Liberal Arts) Program. Timesheets are available from the instructor of the course.

Presentations to Classes

Campus Ministries' Center for Service & Social Justice coordinates service sites for Community Based Learning courses as well as assisting students and faculty in various aspects of the program. Support is offered to students in site selection, and with filling out service learning contracts and timesheets.
Support for Faculty who incorporate Community based Learning into courses includes in-class presentations on Community based learning and in-class reflections.  Requests for presentations by a representative of the CSSJ office can be made by contacting Patricia.Vaccaro@scranton.edu


Reflection and Community Based Learning
A central tenet of community based learning is reflection. It provides the transformative link between the action of serving and the ideas and understanding of learning. Reflection activities usually occur in the context of the classroom. They may include such activities as journals, papers, discussions and case studies. The course professor, staff of Campus Ministries' Center for Service & Social Justice or students may lead reflection activities.
Some basic reflection questions to be answered by each student about community based learning experiences include;

  • What did I observe?

  • How do I feel about what I observed?

  • What have I learned about myself, others and the community?

  • Where does this lead me?

  • How has this affected my faith life?

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