
Off Campus Application Process


Current sophomore students that wish to live off campus during the 2021-2022 academic year must complete an application process to receive permission for the privilege to live off campus. We encourage all current sophomore students (residents and commuters), in addition to any junior or senior student, to attend an educational session.  The application is based on the OCCSL page in . Staff from Off-Campus and Commuter Student Life and Residence Life are excited to work with students on this process. Please review the information on this page to learn more about the process.

This process is designed to:
1. Educate students about being good citizens within the broader ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ Hill Section community.
2. Provide students with the tools and resources needed to have a positive experience living off-campus.
3. Maintain an accurate knowledge base of student residences and addresses, which is important for safety.
4. Ensure students are fully aware of the pros and cons of off-campus living.

Application Process Overview

Current sophomores seeking to live off-campus for 2021-2022 must complete the application process prior to moving off campus. This process includes the following:

  1. Completion of the The application is live upon the completion of the first session.
  2. Attendance at an educational session. Additional information is provided below.
  3. Review of academic and disciplinary standing as of December 31, 2020.

Notice of application status will be provided to students via email after January 28, 2021, either providing permission to move off campus or requiring an additional meeting with a department representative during the spring 2021 semester prior to receiving permission.

Mandatory Off-Campus Living Educational Sessions are held in the fall each year. Both resident and commuter students are required to attend one session as part of the application process; failure to do so will result in an incomplete application and permission may not be granted to live off campus. The sessions will last less than one hour and provide information about the process, on and off campus resources, community expectations, and codes/law.

  • If you missed the offered session, please email occsl@scranton.edu to seek an alternative way to fulfill this requirement.

Each applicant will be notified via University email as to whether they are released to live off-campus for 2021-2022 prior to the end of the Spring 2021 semester. Applicants should refrain from signing a legally binding lease/agreement prior to receiving a decision regarding their application.

Things to consider when thinking about leasing off campus:

  • Are there hidden costs such as utilities?
  • Who am I living with and how well do I actually know them? (i.e., roommate conflicts, shared responsibility for behaviors at the house)
  • How will this move impact my academics?
  • How will living off-campus affect my connection to campus?
  • Where do I want to live off campus?
  • What kind of living environment is right for me?
    • Apartments? Split house? Large multi bedroom home?
  • Have I discussed my plans with my parents or guardians?
  • Do I understand what’s expected of me? (i.e., Off-Campus Behavior Policy)
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