
Club and Organizations - Frequently Asked Questions

 Please see below for a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) regarding student club and organization activities.

All club and organization events must be registered and approved by the Center for Student Engagement by creating an event in your ROYALSYNC organization within two to four weeks of the scheduled event date. In order to be considered for approval, the event must follow all guidelines set forth in the student handbook and contribute to the overall educational mission of the university.

Please note, that it is very important to adhere to the requested two-four week window for events. It can take seven to ten days to find an open space on campus and longer if additional requirements are needed (purchases, external vendors, promotional materials, etc.).

The Center for Student Engagement will only facilitate meeting and events for clubs and organizations recognized by Student Government. Departmental events or events for organizations that are not chartered through Student Government must be facilitated by the department sponsoring the event.

All club and organization events that take place off of the campus footprint are considered "off-campus" events. As with all events, they must be registered and approved by the Center for Student Engagement via the  form on ROYALSYNC.

In order to be considered for approval, the event must follow all guidelines set forth in the Student Handbook and contribute to the overall educational mission of the University. Events off campus must be submitted to RoyalSync at least four weeks prior to the event because they will also be submitted for approval to the University General Counsel for review. The General Counsel's office will require that a waiver be signed by each participant for travel off campus.

Please note that it is very important to adhere to the requested four week window for off-campus events. as the General Counsel's office will not review waiver requests submitted less than four weeks prior to an event. The Center for Student Engagement will facilitate student government chartered club events only. Departmental events or events for organizations that are not student government chartered must be facilitated by the department sponsoring the event.

As a final note, it is expected that all club and organization members remember that they are representing the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ and, as such, are expected to comply and follow all guidelines in the student handbook both on- and off-campus.

If your organization wants to spend either your club (agency) account funds or Student Government allocation, you should start by submitting the  on ROYALSYNC. Please allow three business days for your request to be approved. Once approved, your next step will be to make an appointment with a staff member from the Center for Student Engagement assist you with a purchase. We encourage you to plan ahead when making purchases to allow for approval the request and scheduling a day and time to sign out the purchasing card. 

Please note, all spending must be in adherence to previously approved line-items submitted in the annual budget process. Questions can be directed to sgtreasurer@scranton.edu. 

Many organizations find table sits helpful to advertise for upcoming events, manage ticket sales, and distribute information to the campus community. Table sits may take place on the 1st floor and 2nd floor of the DeNaples Center. The number of tables and the locations of the tables are limited and must be reserved in advance. To reserve a table sit day and time, please submit a  form on RoyalSync. If you will require a Royal Card Point of Sale (POS) reader to process Royal Card payment for tickets or other items, please indicate that on the Table Sit Request form as well. 
Any club, organization, or University related department wishing to promote campus events and activities may place a whiteboard easel in the DeNaples Center in one of five (5) designated locations. Whiteboard easels must advertise and promote an event or activity sponsored by a recognized student club or organization or a University department. The name of the sponsoring club or organization as well as date of the event/activity MUST appear on each whiteboard. Whiteboard easels may only be placed in designated locations no earlier than two days prior to the promoted event or activity. Whiteboards are meant to serve as final reminders and as a supplement to other forms of advertisements.

All speakers, regardless of honorarium, must complete a Speaker Agreement form. To initiate this process, please create an event in your organization on ROYALSYNC. The Center for Student Engagement will assist clubs and organization with the Speaker Agreement form. Please include a biography of the performer and an outline of the content/purpose of the speech in the registration form.

The presence of a guest speaker on the campus of the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ does not necessarily imply approval or endorsement by the University of the views expressed by the guest speaker, or by anyone else present at the event. If deemed appropriate, the University administration may require a statement be read at the event and/or included in all marketing materials. The statement will be provided to the student group once the Speaker Agreement has been signed by all parties.

Please see the  regarding hanging posters in the DeNaples Center. Up to 5 posters may be hung in the DeNaples Center per event. Generally speaking, about 30 posters should be enough to distribute among campus buildings. 
Generally, a contract requiring a signature is needed when a club/organization is seeking to purchase goods or retain services. Students are NOT permitted to sign any contracts or act on the authority of the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥. If your organization is looking to contract with a vendor for goods/services, please create an event in your organization on ROYALSYNC. The Center for Student Engagement will assist clubs and organization with navigating the contract process. You may also need to submit a  if you are seeking to use Student Government allocated funds or club funds to pay for the contracted goods/services.

Student clubs and organizations that collect dues as part of membership can do so by collecting cash and depositing it at the Bursar's office or by requesting the use of a Royal Card Point-of-Sale (POS) machine. To request the POS machine, please create an event in your ROYALSYNC organization and select the option to request the machine. The Center for Student Engagement can assist student clubs/organizations with deposits to the organization's club account. Before collecting any dues, please email cse@scranton.edu for further details.

If your club and organization are mandated to collect dues, as some clubs may be required to do so if they are a part of a national organization, please reach out to Vanessa Moylan (sgtreasurer@scranton.edu) in order to navigate this process and options for collecting dues.

Please note, student clubs and organizations are not permitted to use Venmo at any time. This includes the collection of dues or payments of any kind.

The activity of clubs and organization is an asset to our ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ community, and we remain committed to encouraging and fostering club engagement. We understand this is a demanding task, and as always, these efforts have not gone unnoticed.

Student Government requires all funded organizations to perform three (3) community service activities per academic year (unfunded organizations are required to perform one (1) activity per year). Student Government and the Center for Student Engagement will be in contact with club/organization leaders with instructions for reporting community service activities.

All new organizations wishing to seek a charter through Student Government must go through the petition for charter process. Please email studentgovernment@scranton.edu and/or Kayla Betacchini (kayla.betacchini@scranton.edu) for additional information.
We are here to help! All questions regarding clubs and organizations can be directed to the Center for Student Engagement at cse@scranton.edu or (570) 941-6233.
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