
Ariel view of Campus on a sunny day

Clubs and Organizations - Special Events

While student clubs and organizations host hundreds of unique events each year, the information below provides guidance for a variety of special events that are planned throughout the academic year.

Sponsoring Visiting Speakers

All speakers, regardless of honorarium, must complete a Speaker Agreement form. Please submit the Speaker Agreement form complete with a biography of the performer and an outline of the content/purpose of the speech. An Event Registration form must also be submitted whenever a speaker is invited to campus. The Center for Student Engagement can assist clubs/organizations with obtaining approval to host speakers. All requests should be submitted a minimum of four (4) weeks in advance of the event in order to secure approval.

The presence of a guest speaker on the campus of the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ does not necessarily imply approval or endorsement by the University of the views expressed by the guest speaker, or by anyone else present at the event. If deemed appropriate, the University administration may require a statement be read at the event and/or included in all marketing materials. The statement will be provided to the student group once the Speaker Agreement has been signed by all parties.  

Film Screenings

Student clubs and organizations are advised that federal copyright laws restrict the showing of films (including digital versions readily available on DVD or streaming service) in a public space without prior consent of the copyright. Film rights must be acquired through the appropriate vendor prior to a screening on campus. For assistance with acquiring rights for a film screening, please see email cse@scranton.edu for assistance 

Screening R-RATED FILMS 

Student clubs and organizations are not permitted to screen movies that are rated R rated due to excessive violence, nudity, drug use, etc. without an express educational purpose. If a student club or organization wishes to show an R-rated movie, the club or organization will be asked to submit written justification identifying the educational purpose (e.g., current event discussion/open forum after the showing, talk back).

Events with Alcohol

Alcoholic beverages may only be served at University social events at which students are present when approved by the Vice President for Student Life (or designee). Student clubs and organizations must register the function with the Clubs and Organizations Office at least four (4) weeks prior to the event to ensure the necessary time for review by the Vice President (or designee), University Police, and others as needed in accordance with the University's Alcohol PolicyDue to the increased liability in hosting events with alcohol, student clubs and organizations should carefully consider whether alcohol is necessary for the event to be successful 

In addition, the following regulations apply to University social events where alcohol is served: 

  • Persons under twenty-one (21) years of age may attend functions where alcohol is served only with the written approval of the Vice President for Student Life. The approval is based on the nature of the event and the ability of the organizing group, department or division to provide suitable and effective control. No one under the age of twenty-one will be permitted to consume alcohol at these functions. 
  • Non-alcoholic beverages and food items must be provided and must be as accessible as alcoholic beverages. ARAMARK must cater all events where alcohol is served on campus. 
  • Alcohol must be served by bartenders provided by ARAMARK. Hiring costs are the responsibility of the sponsoring club or organization, which must also provide individuals from its own membership to serve as checkers of identification and control agents to monitor behavior. 
  • A U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ identification card or valid driver’s license, or both, are proper identification to verify the age and University status of an individual. Some events may require the use of a computer-generated list to verify age or University status. 
  • The University’s Chief of Police will determine when University Police officers and/or ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ Police Department personnel are necessary. 
  • Alcohol will not be served to visibly intoxicated persons. 
  • Advertising or promoting alcohol as a primary attraction of an event and the marketing of alcohol by beverage manufacturers or distributors or by clubs or organizations are prohibited. 

Any chartered club or organization hosting an event where alcohol will be served must complete a request to serve alcohol form available from the Center for Student Engagement. This form will then be reviewed for approval by the moderator of the club or organization, the Vice President for Student Life/Dean of Students, and University Police Chief. Clubs and organizations must initiate the the approval process at least 4 weeks before your event to allow time for necessary signatures and approval. Any club or organization that fails to follow these guidelines and procedures may lose the privilege of conducting social events for a period of time determined by the Vice President for Student Life (or designee).


We are here to help! All questions regarding clubs and organizations can be directed to the Center for Student Engagement at cse@scranton.edu or (570) 941-6233.
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