

How to Speak "¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥"

Abbreviations and campus slang giving you trouble? You came to the right place!

Colleges and universities have unique languages, and The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ is no different. On campus, the people you interact with use abbreviations and terms that you may not be familiar with. While we encourage you to ask for clarification whenever you find yourself wondering what people mean, we recognize that this can be hard, especially when you're new to our community.

To make things a little easier, we've prepared this comprehensive guide to the language of the University. The guide is broken up into five major categories, and these categories are further subdivided so that you can find exactly what you're looking for at any point.

Search the guide below throughout your time at ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥, and you'll be speaking like Royalty before you know it!

Campus Buildings and Places

  • AMH - Alumni Memorial Hall
  • CLP - Center for Literary and Performing Arts (McDade Hall)
  • The Estate - Admissions Building
  • TDC - The DeNaples Center
  • ELH - Edward R. Leahy Jr. Hall
  • BRN - Brennan Hall
  • LSC - Loyola Science Center
  • STT - St. Thomas Hall (connected to Loyola Science Center)
  • MGH - McGurrin Hall
  • ROC - Rock Hall
  • SMU - Smurfit Hall
  • Founder's Green - Green outside of Brennan Hall
  • The Green/The “Dionne” Green-Huge field between The DeNaples Center (TDC) and Loyola Science Center (LSC)
  • Linden Circle-Common meeting spots for groups at corner of Linden Street and Monroe Ave, near the flag poles
  • DeNaples Circle-Pickup/drop off area between The DeNaples Center (TDC) and Parking Pavilion
  • Madonna - Madonna de la Strada chapel, on Monroe Ave upward from Fitness Center
  • GLM - Gannon, Lavis, and MacKillop Halls
  • Pearn Auditorium - Brennan Hall (BRN) 228
  • Rose Room – Brennan (BRN) 509
  • PNC Auditorium - Loyola Science Center (LSC) 133

Academic Terms

There are 3 main colleges on campus:
  • CAS – College of Arts and Sciences
  • KSOM – Kania School of Management
  • LCHS – Leahy College of Health Sciences (formerly PCPS – Panuska School of Professional Studies)
  • CAPP Sheet – A document that lists all courses required for students to graduate with a chosen major. The CAPP sheet is a useful tool to track academic progress (courses taken, courses need to take and grades)
  • Major – main focus of study
  • Minor – 18 credits (generally) of study in an area of interest outside of your major
  • General Education (GE) - A set of courses that allow students an opportunity to understand not only breadth and depth of a major, but areas of natural science, social/behavioral science, quantitative reasoning, cultural diversity, writing, humanities, philosophy, and theology.
  • Humanities – courses in History, Literature, Foreign Language, Art/Music History and Theatre designated on the CAPP sheet by CH (Humanities History), CL (Humanities Literature), etc.
  • Natural Sciences – courses in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, etc. designated on the CAPP sheet by E
  • Social/Behavioral Sciences – courses in Psychology, Sociology, Criminal Justice, etc. designated on the CAPP sheet by S
  • Quantitative Reasoning – courses in math and statistics, designated on CAPP sheet by Q
  • Philosophy/Theology – designated on CAPP sheet by P
  • Cultural Diversity (D) and Writing Intensive (EPW)
  • Cognate – required courses outside of your major that support your major. For example, a Biology major requires an understanding and proficiency in Chemistry and Physics, which are cognate courses for the Biology major.
  • GPA – Grade point average
Honor Programs
  • Special Jesuit Liberal Arts Honors Program (SJLA) - Available to incoming first-year students by invitation and to second-semester first-year students and sophomores by application.
  • Honors Program - Rigorous program involving independent projects, tutorials, and mentoring. Minimum GPA of 3.3 is generally required. The application process typically begins sophomore year.
  • Business Leadership Honors Program (BLDR) - Application offered to eligible sophomores during the spring semester with a minimum of a 3.0 GPA.
Important Academic Resources
  • OSSS – The Office of Student Support & Success provides many services to assist students with succeeding academically; these services include, but are not limited to the Writing Center, tutors, assistance with time management, study skills, etc. OSSS also works with students who require academic and housing accommodations.
  • Bursar - The Office of the Bursar is the central billing and collection point. This office processes all tuition payments, as well as Royal Card deposits.
  • Registrar - Responsible for processes involving enrollment, graduating, registering for classes, and transcript requests
  • Provost - Senior Academic Administrator; person in charge of academic matters
  • Advisors vs. Counselors
    • Advisor - Provide guidance in achieving academic goals such course selection, major decision-making, academic support, goal setting and career development.
    • Counselor - Provide services for students seeking help with personal/confidential matters.
Miscellaneous and Important Academic “Lingo”
  • T/R = Tuesday/Thursday classes (“R” stands for Thursday)
  • GA – Graduate Assistant who assists with teaching classes
  • T/A – Teaching Assistant who assists with teaching classes
  • Intersession – a condensed semester/term in January
  • Service Learning - Community service that is connected to coursework
  • D2L (Desire to Learn) - class/academic online platform where many professors post important course information
  • Eloquentia Perfecta - A Latin phrase meaning perfect eloquence. These classes enable students to speak, write, and communicate through various modes and media. Courses include First-Year Seminar (FYS), First-Year Writing (FYW), First-Year Oral Communication (FYOC), and First-Year Digital Technology (FYDT).
  • T.A.P.E.S.T.R.Y- is a four year professional development program in PCPS (Panuska College of Professional Studies), with the first year focusing on the "Magis" by providing students with information and knowledge in order to help students excel in academics that includes your "head, heart, and hands" in the Jesuit tradition.
  • PASSPORT - The CAS & KSOM Passport Program is designed to introduce students enrolled in their academic programs to this educational ideal through a series of required co-curricular activities.

Student Life Terms

  • 1st - First Floor DeNaples. Provides cafeteria-style dining, students will find choices food from nationally recognized chains (e.g. Chick-fil-A, Which Wich).
  • 3rd - Third Floor DeNaples Fresh Food Company. Provides all-you-care-to-eat, buffet-style dining.
  • Big P.O.D. - On-campus market and dining location located below the Montrone Residence Hall on Mulberry Street
  • Little P.O.D. - On-campus convenience store on the first floor of The DeNaples Center
  • Flex - Funds usable at all on-campus dining locations, including both little P.O.D. and big P.O.D.
  • Late Night - Additional meal period after 8:00 p.m. on the first floor of The DeNaples Center.
  • Royal - Funds usable at all on-campus locations, including dining locations, the bookstore, the library, vending machines, and laundry centers.
Residence Halls
  • ResLife - Residence Life; Office located in Condron Hall responsible for the oversight of residence halls, as well as residential and off-campus student life.
  • RA - Resident Assistant; student staff member responsible for residence hall security and programming. RAs are also responsible employees who serve as resources for students navigating challenges and crises.
  • RAs on Duty - Resident Assistants responsible for responding to lockouts, noise complaints, health concerns, and other general community concerns from 8:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. RAs on Duty can be contacted via a phone number posted in each residence hall.
  • AC - Area Coordinator; Professional staff member responsible for the supervision of Resident Assistants (RA); the AC also responds to health and conduct-related incidents during the week.
  • Laundryview - Website allowing students to check the availability of washers and dryers in residence halls. Students can also check the amount of time remaining on washers and dryers. You can use Royal funds for this.
Student Engagement/Activities
  • CSA - Commuter Student Association; Student club open to both residential and commuter students hosting various on-campus events and programs throughout the year.
  • Late Night at ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ - Social programming on Friday and Saturday nights that is hosted by campus clubs and departments and coordinated by the Center for Health Education and Wellness (CHEW).
  • SEL - ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ Emerging Leaders program; semester-long seminar offered in the Spring semester for students of any year who are interested in developing a variety of leadership skills.
  • SO - Student Officer; University work study students who work with the University Police Department (UPD) to ensure general campus safety. They are responsible for patrolling campus and responding to minor incidents.
  • Springfest - End of the year celebration/carnival hosted by the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ Programming Board (USPB).
  • USPB - U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ Programming Board; student-run organization responsible for various on and off-campus social events.
  • OA - Orientation Assistant; student volunteers responsible for facilitating events during New Student Orientation and Fall Welcome Weekend. They also serve as resources for students throughout the academic year, answering general campus questions.
  • Pet Therapy - Campus Ministries-sponsored event allowing students to de-stress by playing with dogs.
  • PHE - Peer Health Educator; nationally certified student volunteers who design and implement wellness-related programs on campus.
  • RoyalSync - Online Facebook-like platform used by clubs and organizations to plan and advertise events. Students can fill out applications for several different leadership opportunities on RoyalSync.
Retreats and Service Information
  • Chapman Lake Retreat Center - University-owned property used for retreats and other University-sponsored events. Located approximately 30 minutes from campus.
  • DO - Domestic Outreach Service Program. Provides students with opportunities to serve marginalized populations across the United States over January Intersession and Spring Break.
  • F.I.R.S.T - First-Years Involved in Reflective Service Together; opportunity for incoming students to participate in five days of service in the ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ community prior to Fall Move-In.
  • IGNITE - Leadership conference open to all college students in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Break-out sessions discuss various leadership topics (e.g. communication, problem solving, team building).
  • IMPACT - Overnight retreat designed for first-year students interested in developing various leadership skills.
  • ISP - International Service Program. Provides seven to ten day opportunities for students to immerse themselves in the cultures of developing nations in Central and South America.
Miscellaneous and Important Student Life “Lingo”
  • Blackboard - Website where students can track Dining Flex, Library printing funds, Royal Card Debit, and number of meals remaining.
  • Dean of Students - Student advocate who works with students and their families to navigate challenges and crises (e.g. social, academic, familial). Serves as a support person and directs students to appropriate resources.
  • Flex - Funds usable at all on-campus dining locations, including both little P.O.D. and big P.O.D. Flex can only be used for food, Royal can be used for food or other items on campus.
  • PACT - Promoting Awareness of the College Transition; Mandatory program for new students that focuses on healthy relationships and navigating the transition to college.
  • Ridge Row - Lower parking lot located beyond the train tracks. Near the University Tennis Courts.
  • Royal Ride - Escort Van available to students requiring medical escorts during the week. The Royal Ride is also available for students desiring transportation between designated stops on Thursday 10 P.M. to 1 A.M and Friday & Saturday nights from 10 P.M. to 3 A.M., while the University is in session. Students must display their Royal Card when boarding.
  • The Forum – Study/gathering space on the second floor of The DeNaples Center housing several campus resources.
  • UPD - U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ Police Department; fully accredited police force responsible for campus safety. Central Office located on the second floor of the Parking Pavilion.
  • Student Health Services- Students can receive immunizations and free check-ups

¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ Places of Interest

  • City Market and Cafe- Small convenient store with Dunkin Donuts – 300 Adams Ave, ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥
  • Adezzo - Another cafe downtown; 515 Center St, ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥
  • Northern Light Espresso Bar and Café - 536 Spruce St, ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥
  • The Market Place at Steamtown (sometimes referred to as Steamtown or the Steamtown Mall) – 300 Lackawanna Ave, ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥
  • Colts – Lackawanna County transit system; free rides for U of S student with RoyalCard - 800 N South Rd, ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥
  • Nay Aug - nature park a mile from campus up Mulberry street with hiking trails and waterfall - 500 Arthur Ave, ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥
  • Manning Farm Dairy - Popular ice cream place - 210 Meadow Ave, ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥
  • Eden – vegan café – 344 Adams Ave, ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥

Jesuit Terms and Phrases

  • Magis - More; Jesuit belief to strive for excellence
  • Jesuit- one of the largest religious orders in the Catholic Church, founded in 1540 by St. Ignatius of Loyola
  • A.M.D.G - Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam (For the Greater Glory of God) - even the smallest gesture can glorify God.
  • Men and Women For and With Others - Jesuit teaching that encourages students to integrate contemplation and action, so they become men and women with well­-developed minds, generous hearts and reflective souls
  • Go Forth and Set the World on Fire - saying by St. Ignatius which calls us to use our gifts and talents for the betterment of others
  • Cura Personalis - Jesuit belief of 'care for the whole person' including mind, body, and spirit
  • Contemplatives in Action - Jesuit notion for engaging closely with God and allowing the Spirit to transform us
  • Finding God in All Things - invites a person to search for and find God in every circumstance of life
  • Metanoia - Transformative change of heart; spiritual conversion
  • Discernment - spiritual process of making choices
  • Liturgy – A Catholic term meaning “shared prayer” which can include Mass and group prayer.
  • Mass - Catholic church services. Masses are offered daily and multiple times on Sunday.
  • Eucharist - A Catholic term for the sacrament where one receives the body and blood of Jesus Christ
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