
From Timothy Cody

Undergraduate Student '21
Timothy Cody 's Father Pilarz memory "A few days into my sophomore year, Fr. Pilarz announced his ALS diagnosis. We had never met, but I felt compelled to write a letter then slide it under his door. I shared our campuses' love for him and need for his guidance, along with my excitement for his return to our school while offering an ear if he ever wanted to talk. This simple gesture has become a significant influence on my life. Over the past three years, we have built a strong connection through multiple visits and hours of conversation. He quickly took on the role of my mentor.
On November 20, 2020, Fr. Pilarz and I shared dinner together for the last time. We were celebrating the closing of my senior fall semester, and it was one of those nights where we lost track of time because it was filled with so much laughter, love, and happiness...I don’t think either one of us wanted it to end. If I had known that this would be the last time I spoke with my mentor face to face, I would have shared how much he means to me and the profound impact he has had on my life.
Fr. Pilarz was not just my mentor, but he was a dear friend. Even as his body continued to fail him, in my eyes, he had not changed. His mind, faith, and personality remained vibrant until the end. For those of you who knew him, I think we could all agree that he worked in mysterious ways and had the special ability of bringing people together. As a Jesuit, all he stood for, and his attitude towards the students and staff embodied the spirit of this University. Fr. Pilarz may be gone, but he is forever ingrained into my consciousness.
After seeing the outpour of love from students, staff, faculty, alumni, and the community over these past few days in response to Fr. Pilarz’s passing...how could I but glow inside at all of you, and feel privileged all over again at being here? It was a thing of beauty and made my heart full.
St. Ignatius, I come to you along with the community at the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ asking for your guidance during this emotional time and request your intersession on behalf of Fr. Scott Pilarz. May his journey and ours be filled with peace, love, and understanding. Fr. Pilarz, like you, saw opportunity to spread God’s love to all people through works of mercy and beautifying this world while giving God glory. May we all continue in his example to share love with one another and give God glory in all we do. God bless you, God bless Catholic and Jesuit Education, God Bless the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥, and God bless Father Pilarz. Amen."
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