Memories and Condolences
Rev. Scott R. Pilarz, S.J., was a beloved member of our University community.
As we mourn the loss of this inspirational leader, we remember the impact he made at The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ and beyond.
Below are memories and condolences shared by members of the University family. Share your own, here.
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Abby Adams
FriendTo a dear friend and Georgetown Class of 1981 classmate, you will be sorely missed Scott. Patrick & Abby Adams -
Adriana Annarumma
Undergraduate Student '23I didn’t know Father Pilarz personally. I know he was a kind person and helped shape our community into something more then great. He will forever be something that we as a community are grateful for. Thank you Father Pilarz for your... -
Andy Buttner
Alumnus/a '20Fr. Pilarz inspired me to not take for granted even a single moment with friends at ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥. He was truly a remarkable person. -
Alison Colussi
Alumnus/a '09I'll never forget running into Jack on the Commons the day after graduation. Shockingly he was far ahead of his human companion who caught up, said one last congrats, and farewell. Right outside GLM where it all started. It meant the world to... -
Andrea Elsiet
Parent of Current StudentIn memory of Fr. Pilarz for all his contributions to the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥. -
Ariana Flores
Undergraduate Student '24It would have been an honor to have met such an amazing and impactful person like Father Pilarz. -
Andrew Giaccia
FriendTo a fine man, a loving and caring priest, an inspiring leader and a beloved college classmate and friend. You will be missed. With all of our love, the Giaccia/Pavco family -
Amber Goffredo
Undergraduate Student '23Father Pilarz will be missed so much. He was the epitome of ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ and his impact will continue to be remembered and celebrated. -
Amanda Goffredo
Alumnus/a '20Fr. Pilarz will be incredibly missed. He was such a light in the ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ community, and I hope we can honor his memory to the best of our ability. -
Ashley Jones
Alumnus/a '05Fr. Pilarz was a pilar of the UofS community. He impacted the lives of so many students and will be greatly missed. -
Addie Keefer
Undergraduate Student '22Fr. Pilarz, I will never forget you or your impact as a president. Though I was not fortunate enough to have spent as much time with you as our president as I might have wished, you have always been a great example of the jesuit spirit and of God... -
Allison Keller
Alumnus/a '96I’m sorry for the loss of Fr. Pilarz, S.J. Although I didn’t know him directly, I admired the enthusiasm and affinity he had towards the university and its students. He will be missed. -
Austin and Lindsay Martin
FriendTo the man who always grounded us by reminding us to find a homecoming, wherever that might be, and surrounding us with those we love and the memories we share. -
Ashley Mullan
Undergraduate Student '22Father Pilarz never stopped supporting his students for a second. -
Abhijit Roy
FacultyThank you Fr. Pilarz, for your dedicated leadership and vision for our institution! -
Adam Sunday
Alumnus/a | Staff '15Father Pilarz was an awesome man. I was very fortunate to get to know father when I worked at campion hall. I will miss many of the conversations including the ones about how Bruce Springsteen is the best artist to ever grace this earth. I know... -
Anna Todaro
Alumnus/a '10I will always remember Fr. Pilarz's distinctive and commanding voice, his love of scholarship, his generosity towards students, and his true passion for the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥. Thank you, Fr. Pilarz, for making this gem of a university... -
Annaruma Family
Parent of Current StudentMay you rest in peace. We know you will be watching over our children. God bless you. Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. -
Alumnus/a '06 G'12In his homily at Fr. Pilarz's funeral mass, Fr. Keller reminded us of the love that Fr. Pilarz had for the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥. These reminders, including Fr. Pilarz referring to ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ as the "miracle in the mountains" and his... -
The Ascher Family
Parent of Current StudentOur thoughts and prayers are with Fr. Pilarz, his family and the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ community. -
Brenda Amato
StaffMighty and obedient servant of God, a great vessel of the Word. -
Bobby Armes
Alumnus/a G'96Thank you for all you did for U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥. God bless you. Rest In Peace. -
Bill Gentilesco
Alumnus/a '07“Pride, Passion, Promise... Parade Day” Such a silly slogan, but one that resonates still throughout the University community. I am extremely saddened by the loss of Rev. Scott Pilarz to complications from his ALS. I have so... -
Belinda Juran
Alumnus/a '81During the homily in the Mass for the Class of 2020, Father Pilarz said, "You have been well-loved. Don't waste love." I will always associate that phrase "Don't waste love" with Father Pilarz. He always demonstrated... -
Bridget Lally
Alumnus/a '06Prayers for our community. His Spirit is within as we honor his Presence, Passion, Charism, Wisdom & Compassion. Remembering his leadership, fostering of community, values, lived faith and presence to all in very individualized sacred ways... -
Brett Lubba
Alumnus/a '19Father Pilarz came back to ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ during my senior year at the U. He immediately gained the respect of the current students through his strong leadership and amazing ability to connect with people. I did not personally know him but his battle... -
Bertha Ludwikowski
StaffFather Pilarz will be missed by so many. My condolences to his family. -
Brian Paulson S.J.
FriendMy prayers are with the Pilarz family and all who mourn his passing. May our faith in the communion of saints be a source of hope and comfort. Surely, Scott is holding a graduate seminar for those interested in not wasting love. Fr. Brian Paulson,... -
Bethany Purdy
Alumnus/a '10As a non-traditional student, Fr. Pilarz truly made me feel a part of the University community during my time there. Loved the class he taught that I had the joy of taking: plus who could forget the large shrimp we enjoyed!! Eternal rest grant... -
Brendan Smith
Alumnus/a '09I really appreciate that I got to attend the University, while Father Pilarz was President. I'll always remember him walking his dog around campus. One of my favorite memories is when he bought us beers at The Saw Doctors concert in 2008.... -
Charles Barber
FriendRev Pilarz was one of the smartest people I have ever met. And when you spoke with him, he always made you feel like you were the most important person in the room -
Carolyn M. Bonacci
StaffI started working at The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ just about a year ago, and although I started remotely, coming to the University and having Fr. Pilarz as President was like coming home. His abundant love and care for the entire ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥... -
Carolyn Callahan
Alumnus/a '98Thank you for your dedication, leadership, and love to the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ and all who pass through the doors. -
Claudia Campo Mirabent
Undergraduate Student '24I never got to meet Rev. Pilarz, but I know that this university is great because of him. I am forever grateful for the man who dedicated his life to ensuring that students like me received an education. -
Christine Costanzo
Alumnus/a '91Sending love and prayers to the ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ community -
Christie Garrecht
Alumnus/a '14 G'15I will never forget the days that I was struggling freshman year with home sickness and I’m come “home to GLM” greeted by a big smile from Father Pilarz and a butt wag from his dog Jack. Father Pilarz was always so... -
Colin Gildea
Undergraduate Student '23Anytime you ran into Father Pilarz he would always be sure to stop and ask how you were doing. He truly cared about everyone at the school and he will never be forgotten. -
Christopher A Gombos
Alumnus/a G'93Eternal Memory! -
Christopher Hauser
FacultyAs a new member of the faculty, I have been deeply inspired throughout my first year here by Fr. Pilarz's powerful messages of love and commitment to this community. Memory of his example will inspire my own commitment to our students for... -
Chris Haw
Grandma Virginia Bindokas -
Christine Hennigan
Parent of Current StudentRev. Pilarz was a wonderful man. I never met him in person but he was a kind and generous person. God Bless him. -
Chris and Jenn O'Hara
Alumnus/aOur sincere condolences are with Fr Pilarz's family and the entire Jesuit community. While our interactions with Fr Pilarz were limited and distant, we admired his leadership for the institution we both love. His inspiring words, willingness... -
Colleen Zanis Job
Alumnus/a '07"Never stop serving, remember always your role in the world as women and men for others. Never stop loving. Here at ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥, you were handed and then built for yourselves a community where people care deeply about one another and invest... -
Christopher J. Kane
Alumnus/a '86RIP Fr. Pilarz . You are free and back home with God. -
Courtney Kazmierczak
Alumnus/a '03God Bless Father Pilarz and the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ community today and always -
Carly Kreizter
Alumnus/a '20In this time of sorrow, we offer our sincerest condolences to the family and ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ family of Father Pilarz. We will always cherish in our hearts the special memory of dining with him and getting to spend time learning the lessons he bestowed... -
Cheryl Moran
Alumnus/a '85 G'87With much thanks to all he did for the U of S. -
Colin O'Boyle
Alumnus/a '04Father Pilarz was a truly great man. He embraced ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ as his own and became one of its best champions. He personalized the experience for the UofS community, and helped us to understand it was not just an education, but a special life... -
Christina Rakowski
Alumnus/a '07The day your parents leave you at college is always a moment in time that you will always remember. Before my parents left, we attended Father Pilarz’s farewell mass on the GLM green, right outside my new home. As he lead the mass my... -
Christina Rickrode
Undergraduate Student '21Thank you for your leadership! -
Colleen Rohr
Alumnus/a '20Fr. Pilarz truly loved the ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ students. He was a strong and selfless leader and we were so blessed to have him as our president. -
Chris Villa
Undergraduate Student '24While I did not get to fully know Father Pilarz since I just started this year, I could feel his presence of kindness in the university community. -
Colleen Wallace
FriendFather Pilarz was bigger than life. He motivated people to be their absolute best and his charismatic personality lit up a room. He was my friend, my priest. I miss him and pray he is at peace and smiling down on us from heaven. -
Diana Berna-Silva
Alumnus/a '05I only have great memories of Father Pilarz. May he rest in peace <3 -
Diana Marie Collins
Thank you for your exemplary and steadfast leadership and kindness. -
Danielle Desseyn
Graduate Student | Alumnus/a '20 G'21I will always remember how much effort Fr. Pilarz put into celebrating the Class of 2020 amid the pandemic. In addition to creating a virtual graduation and trying very hard to celebrate us in person, he dedicated the St. Thomas Gateway to our... -
Daniel DiPaola
Alumnus/a '14 G'17My father and I were walking up the commons on my first day on campus when a priest came walking in our direction. After introducing ourselves, my dad asks "So what do you teach"? Fr. Pilarz chuckles, and politely responded "Oh!... -
Donna Geslak
Parent of Current StudentFather PilarzThank you for loving us and leading us with the Holy Spirit. Thank you from day one on Campus making us a part of the ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ Jesuit family. We will greatly miss you. -
Daniella Hauser
Alumnus/a '13 G'14Fr. Pilarz was an amazing leader. His dedication to the university we all love was so inspiring! -
Danielle MacCourtney
Alumnus/a '07 G'08Father Pilarz made my time at ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ feel like home. I will never forget his presence on campus, Jack the bulldog and his ability to bring comfort and security with a simple hello. 💜💜💜 -
David Nee
Parent of Current StudentIt's funny how you can feel an affinity for someone you've never met but even when my Daughter was researching colleges I saw kindness & caring in Father Pilarz and that has only been reinforced these past 2 years in his writings... -
Delia Pellettiere
Undergraduate Student | Parent of Current Student '22Many Thanks from The Pellettiere Family -
Diane Prinzing
We remember Fr. Pilarz very much from our daughter Lauren's convocation mass during her freshman year at ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥, in 2010. He was a gifted speaker and very engaging. -
Dawn Tobin-Holt
Parent of Current Student | Alumnus/a '92Father Pilarz, your calming presence and warm, generous spirit will be missed. May God hold you in the palm of his hand. -
Msgr. David Tressler
Alumnus/a '81Fr. Pilarz was an outstanding educator and priest. He was an inspiration as a spiritual leader who understood the mission. May he Rest In Peace!May his family experience the love of Christ from those who surround them now and in the future. -
Donna Witek
Alumnus/a G'13It was an honor to have been hired during Fr. Pilarz's first tenure as president. He was a caring and deliberate leader and I will miss him dearly. -
Erica Cartlidge
Alumnus/a '06I remember being so impacted by Fr Pilarz wanting to live in the Freshman dorm when he came to ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥. I loved seeing him walking down the Royal Way with a mug of coffee and his loyal pup at his side on the way to class. -
Edward Hayes
Alumnus/a '61Thank you for your service to the University and the Church. -
Elaine and Joseph Maresca
Fr. Pilarz was a great inspiration for all. We were truly blessed to have him in our lives. -
Erin Johnson
Alumnus/a '06Father Pilarz was special to us beyond words. We were blessed to have countless memories with him at the U. We were fortunate enough to have him marry us over 11 years ago and he will forever hold a very special place in our hearts and our lives. -
Edward Kloniecke
Alumnus/a '11 G'14For my friend, Scott. -
Emilie Tronoski
Alumnus/a '19At the 2019 graduation, Fr. Pilarz gave the most beautiful speech. Telling us that our time at ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ might be over, but ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ will live on forever in the friendships and memories we made. -
Elaine Vellutato
Alumnus/a '83Fr. Pilarz 'Scott', you will be dearly missed. Your kindness and love is beyond words. Love, your fellow Camden Catholic High School graduate and U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ Alum, Elaine Truran Vellutato -
Frank Gilroy
FriendI had the pleasure of driving Fr. for years, to look at some of his accomplishments oh you have to do is look at Mulberry Street and see what a great job was done there.One thing that I will miss is his voice he had that commanding type of voice... -
Frank Homer
Alumnus/a | Faculty '64It has been my privilege to have known personally half of the University's 28 presidents, including 5 acting or interim. Fr. Scott Pilarz truly stands out, even among those that left an indelible mark such as the late John Long and J. Allan... -
Francesca Melisi
Undergraduate Student '23I will never forget Father Pilarz's strength as he brought us light on the dark days during the Covid- 19 pandemic! -
Frank Sabella
Parent of Current StudentThank you Father Pilarz for your leadership and stewardship at the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥. You have shaped the lives of many students including my daughter. You have dedicated your life to service and it is appreciated. One of the Jesuit Values is... -
Gary Bernabe
Alumnus/a '78Fr Pilarz was a perfect example of a Jesuit priest and someone I will always think of when I remember my alms mater. My wife Patty (‘80) and I graduated well before Fr’s arrival but were fortunate enough to have our daughter... -
Gina Butler and Staff Senate
StaffOn behalf of the Staff Senate, we send our sincere condolences to The Pilarz Family. Father cared so much for everyone on this campus and staff truly appreciated his support, friendship, engagement and humor! We cannot express our gratitude for... -
Gina Butler
Alumnus/a G'84My sincerest condolences to the Pilarz Family. Father Pilarz was a wonderful person. He truly will be missed. May cherished memories fill your hearts with love during this time and support you in the days ahead. -
Geraldine Cespe
Parent of Current StudentRest In Peace. You left an amazing legacy. -
George Evans
Alumnus/a '82Thoughts and prayers to Fr Pilarz and family. Such an inspiration to the University and even more so during his courageous battle. Always a friend and mentor. He once told me - LEADERSHIP IS NOT JUST KNOWING WHAT ONE WANTS TO BE – BUT... -
Gina and Frank Marrazza
FriendOn behalf of the DiMedio/Marrazza family, we send our most beloved thanks for your being such a magnificent gift in our lives over the past decades! Your mom and dad started our family's love, and were the truest of friends to Grandmom and... -
Griffin Lubba
Alumnus/a '19I never had the privilege to meet Father Pilarz, although I did shake his hand at graduation. He was one of those people whose mere presence left a lasting impact. His reassuring voice of reason was a welcome return to campus the last... -
Glenn Petriello
Alumnus/a '07 G'08I think the fondest memory of Fr. Pilarz would be his address to us, the class of 2007, during our commencement when he cited Michael Scott from The Office saying, ""Ain't no party like a ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ party 'cause a ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ party... -
Grace Pfisterer
Alumnus/a '12Fr. Pilarz was an influential figure in the ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ community and an inspiration to all of us. I never knew him personally, but could always feel his light, especially when seeing Jack wandering around Gannon Hall. RIP <3 -
George J. Savitske
Alumnus/a '69A man of great humility and extraordinary courage in the face of personal devastation. He lead by example and all who knew him are better for it. He may be gone but his spirit and love for the University will never die' -
Gerald Sullivan
Parent of Current StudentFr. Pilarz is resting peacefully with our Lord. Our family will forever be greatfull for the gift of friendship and support he and the administration provided our family. -
Heather Bednarz
Alumnus/a '06 G'07Father Pilarz has left a lasting mark on the University and all who are part of the University family. He will be truly missed. Rest in peace Father. -
Hank Willenbrink
FacultyFr. Pilarz was the president when I first arrived at the University. Everyone knows about his commanding voice, but what first struck me about him was his incredible energy and vitality. I recall how he almost bounded around the room. Fr. Pilarz... -
Ian Taylor
Alumnus/a '16While I never had to opportunity to meet Fr. Pilarz since I was at ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ in between his terms. I do have a special like for him because I live in South Jersey about 30 minutes from where he grew up.Rest in Peace Fr. Pilarz! -
John Barcinas
Parent of Current StudentRev. Pilarz, our gratitude for exceptionally leading the University amidst all the challenges and opportunities for growth and learning. We are privileged to have two of our sons study and prepare for their life's mission under your... -
Joseph Butash
Alumnus/a '07Fr. Pilarz changed my life. Whether we were hawking t-shirts, striving to serve our community, pursuing our academic goals, or breaking bread together, I always felt like he had our backs. He taught me what it really means to be a man for others.... -
Joseph Cavanagh
Parent of Current StudentI feel so fortunate to work at ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ and have a daughter graduating month. We owe such a debt of gratitude to Father Pilarz and his incredible visit and upbeat spirit that will live at ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ forever. We are all blessed to have known him! -
Joseph F. Cimini, Esquire
Alumnus/a | Faculty | Friend '70It was a pleasure to be an alumnus at the times Father Scott R. Pilarz, S.J. served as President of The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥, as well as a distinct and singular honor to be a full-time member of its faculty during Father's first presidency.... -
Janet Cole
Parent of Current StudentWhile attending many of my daughters "firsts" during her freshman year, I had the privilege to hear Father Pilarz speak, I was graced by his presence, and quickly learned of his genuine love for The U, and for the students. My deepest... -
Joelle Cote
Undergraduate Student '22I can't imagine anyone else having led our community through this incredibly challenging time, with such grace and strength. We miss him dearly, and are so thankful for the gift of his faith and love. -
Jimmy Dalkiewicz
Alumnus/a '13 G'16 G'17Fr. Pilarz brought a very special energy to The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ campus. He will be forever missed. A true gentleman and scholar. -
Joseph Daniel
Alumnus/a '12Fr Pilarz met everyone where they were, taught us to love openly and generously, and man, was he fun. His celebration of life spread to all. We are left to keep his spirit alive, both in our lives and at the U. Don't waste love -
Jennifer Dunworh
Alumnus/a '93Sadly, I didn't have the opportunity to know Fr. Pilarz. But I see his impact in the young alumni I've met. "Where you love, you live" -
John Filiberti
Parent of Current StudentAs the parent of a sophomore, I did not get to know Rev. Pilarz for very long, but every email I sent was replied to, and I could easily tell how committed he was to his students and to their families. -
Joan Giurdanella
Parent of Current StudentThank you for enriching our lives lives with your grace, your courage, your sense of humor, your generosity, and your love.'The Giurdanella Smeets Family -
Dr. Joan Grossman
FacultyI have a vivid memory of my first Mass of the Holy Spirit in the fall 2010, with my three children and my parents as they were with me to celebrate the beginning of my tenure at ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥. I distinctly remember Fr. Pilarz had this incredible... -
Jennifer Guglielmi
Alumnus/a '06We lost a beloved classmate Brendan Giblin during our senior year. Father Pilarz and his parents hosted us all back to his childhood home in Cherry Hill, NJ after the services for food and celebrate Brendan. The Pilarz entire family "never... -
Jamie Hayes
StaffFather Pilarz, was a true follower of Christ, he was a compassionate leader, and committed to the University where I serve. I found his greatest strength in his writing. His appreciation for staff was beautifully conveyed in the notes he sent our... -
Joyce Henegan
Alumnus/a '80Such a loss to the U. A wonderful, wonderful man and priest. -
Jack Hueter
Alumnus/a '06Scott was a friend, mentor and leader. His legacy will live on at UofS! 'We're gonna get to that placeWhere we really want to go, and we'll walk in the sunBut till then, tramps like usBaby, we were born to run' - Bruce Springsteen -
James Janci
Alumnus/a '77Fr. Pilarz was a energetic force for growth and change. A true 'man for other's' ... His heart beats loud for the U of ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥. Jim J 77' -
John Kallianiotis
FacultyI have very good memories with Fr. Pilarz and I wish to him God bless his soul and good Paradise! -
John Kaufman
Alumnus/a '79While I didn't know Father Pilarz personally, I have always known of his dedication and commitment to the University. God bless him. -
Joseph Kraus
Just thinking of Scott. He gave his all to this place. -
Justin and Liz Murphy
Alumnus/a '76As ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥’s president he lit up the campus and the city with his enthusiasm for the possibilities the University helped to turn to realities.As a leader he energized others to see opportunity where there were obstacles.As a man he was... -
Jennifer Mamrol
Alumnus/a '15I never had the pleasure of being a student while father pilarz was at the U. He was lucky enough to come speak at our graduation ceremony and this was my first time interacting with him. I’m so lucky I got to hear him speak to all of us... -
Joseph Marina
What a privilege it is to succeed this wonderful man and great Jesuit. Rest in the peace of Christ, dear brother. And GO ROYALS!! -
John P. McLaughlin
Parent of Current StudentMay GOD Bless Rev Pilarz and The University of SCRANTON -
Jospeh Mele
Alumnus/a '05Thanks to Fr Pilarz, I have two godsons from my ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ friends/family -
Joan Musinski
FriendThank you, Fr Pilarz, for leading young people to continue living with faith. -
Jim Napier
FriendWe were classmates at Georgetown and he was a very goodMan. -
Julie Nastasi
Alumnus/a | Faculty '00Thank you for your leadership and guidance. We were so lucky to have you as our president. -
Jim Olechna
Alumnus/a '12 G'14I love and miss you Scott. Thank you for being such an integral part of my life. From weddings to baptisms, you always made the time for your friends. Thank you for setting the world on fire. -
Jack J. O'Malley, Ph.D.
Alumnus/a | Faculty '64I have copied a reflection on a Mass of Remembrance and I am attaching a prayer by St. John Chrystosom, which we received at the Mass. I hope that they bring to all mourners of our beloved Fr. Pilarz, the consolation and hope that the Mass and... -
Joanne Ott
Parent of Current StudentGodspeed Father Pilarz -
Jessica Palmeri
Alumnus/a '11 G'13He was the Voice of God, a larger than life figure on campus, and he will be missed -
John Price
Alumnus/a '62Truly a man with Christ in his heart! -
Joanne Pulice
Alumnus/a '79We first met Father Pilarz when our daughter was a student. We so enjoyed attending mass when he was the celebrant. We saw him many times at Christmas celebrations and our class reunions and have many fond memories. -
Jennifer Rose Pennington
StaffMy deepest sympathies to all who loved and were close to Fr. Pilarz. He was truly transformational in his leadership and love for the University community. May he rest in love and peace. -
Jason Rush
Alumnus/a '93It was a great honor to introduce Fr Pilarz to the Southern California community in Laguna Beach when he first became President. It was even a greater honor to reintroduce him to the Class of 1993 at our 25th reunion dinner on campus in 2018. RIP... -
Jason Shrive
Alumnus/a '06Don't waste love -
Jeanne Marie Thallmayer
Alumnus/a '11Fr. Pilarz gave so much to the to the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ and the community. I am sure Our Lord said welcome home my child to your eternal reward for a job well done. In the arms of the angels and Our Lord may your soul find comfort and may you... -
Joyce Tressler
FriendFather Scott Pilarz was a very special gentleman and priest. He was intelligent, kind, caring, and patient in spite of his many health issues. Dave and I had the privilege of talking to him when he and my husband were patients at Allied Rehab... -
John Tucciarone
FriendSo happy both our children got to know Fr Pilarz and his ideals of a ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ and Jesuit education! He will be missed but his legacy of grace, love and Royal spirit will live on! -
Julie Welsh
Alumnus/a '08I played basketball at the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ and Father Pilarz was always there! I will never forget him in the student section on the students shoulders during the elite 8 as well as celebrating with him after. My very favorite ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ memory! -
Julie White
Parent of Current StudentIn Memory of Fr. Scott Pilarz -
Joseph Yale
Alumnus/a '81I'm so thankful for Father Pilarz's leadership of the University during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. -
Kelsey Andrews
Alumnus/a '19Fr. Pilarz’s leadership and compassion made me proud to be a student at the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥. I’m grateful for the interactions we had and for his kind and encouraging words. -
Kailyn Angelo
Undergraduate Student '21In memory of Father Pilarz -
Kathryn Antonawich
Undergraduate Student '21I remember Father Pilarz talking about our christmas tree in Junior year and how even though many people were upset about it’s size, he was able to place a positive spin on it and teach us a lesson about embracing imperfections and... -
Kaitlin Baker
Alumnus/a '08Father Pilarz made my experience at ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ so much more memorable. He was a special person who truly cared about the students and tried to connect with as many as possible. He built a caring, inclusive community and was a great example... -
Kathleen Burke
Alumnus/a '00As a graduate of the class of '00, I have the distinct memory of Fr. Pilarz (President of the "U" post my tenure) saying: "Sons and Daughters of ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ - Welcome Home!"I've been thinking about his directive of... -
Kiera Carmody
Undergraduate Student '21I want to send my most sincere condolences to your entire family. Father Pilarz was an extraordinary man and I can't thank him enough for all that he has done for The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥. He created an environment that we all loved!!!! -
Kevin and Debbie Loughney
Alumnus/a '80God Bless Fr. Pilarz for all he has done for our U. -
Ken and Kathleen DeTreux
Parent of Current StudentThank you Father Pilarz for your dedication and leadership during a very trying time, both personally and for the University. Rest in Eternal Peace. -
Kelly Donohue
Undergraduate Student '24Praying for the ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ community! -
Karen Golding
Alumnus/a '81In honor of Mary Ellen Griffith Fiore '90. Thank you for your dedication & service to the University. Your vision was unmatched & commitment to strong Jesuit values unwavering. Your legacy will impact generations. May you rest in... -
Kelly Haggerty
Alumnus/a '09Fr. Pilarz will forever be a prominent part of what made my U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ experience so wonderful. He will be missed. -
Kerry Holt
Undergraduate Student '23Thank you for making my first 1.5 years amazing. -
Kelly Hurley
Alumnus/a '90In memory of Fr. Pilarz - don't waste love -
Kayla Jacobson
Alumnus/a '20The education I received at the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ saved me. Thank you. -
Kathleen Jordan
Alumnus/a '08Love you and miss you, Father Pilarz! Thanks for your impact on all of us. -
Katherine Juliano
Alumnus/a '13Fr. Pilarz, you were larger than life! Your presence as a leader was unlike any other. You reminded us that we belong to each other, and to never take for granted the gift that is human relationship. The world is a better place because you were in... -
Kathleen Kardos
Alumnus/a '12Father Pilarz embodied all of the best things the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ stands for. He exemplified abounding joy and love in action in the most authentic way. The greatest advice he ever gave us was "Don't waste love." We will... -
Kate Krenzer
Alumnus/a '06 G'07Fr. Pilarz was the kindest man who took the time to make memories with the student body on many levels. He will be forever an example in my mind of how to treat others. -
Kathleen Long
FriendWhat a legacy of love you have built at ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥. We miss you deeply. Love, Kathleen Long and Kevin Acton -
Christine McBride
Alumnus/a '13Thank you for teaching us to not waste love -
Kirstin Olivia Morrill
Alumnus/a '10I don't have a specific Fr. Pilarz story, but wanted to acknowledge that the tone he set for my 4 years at ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ truly shaped my college experience in ways I could never describe. A truly wonderful person who allowed God to act through him... -
Kate Musto
Alumnus/a '20One of my fondest memories of Father Pilarz was his speeches at the 2019 PBC dinner. He knew how to captivate the room with his story telling. He was so funny and spread so much joy. He was so kind that night when he spoke kindly of my late... -
Karen Noll
Parent of Current Student | Alumnus/a '89Thank you Father Pilarz for sharing your life and love with the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ -
Kathryn Olafson
Undergraduate Student '24Although Father Pilarz was only my president for a semester, it is clear to see the lasting positive impact he had on our school. Don't waste love will be a quote I keep with me forever. -
Kathryn Scala
Alumnus/a '09 G'10We were all lucky to have Father Pilarz to look up to. We've learned so much from him and he will be missed. What a legacy. -
Kelsey Schatz
Undergraduate Student '23Father Pilarz worked very hard for his students and made it his effort to show us love and support. He made ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ feel like home even during this pandemic -
Karen Shupp
Parent of Current StudentAs my son is currently a freshman, I only had the brief privilege of knowing Father Pilarz, and only via livestream. But he made a lasting impression on me. Even from the handful of videos I saw of him speaking, I saw the warmest Christian heart.... -
Krista Skinner
Parent of Current StudentFather Pilarz brought comfort to us during the pandemic with his inspiring and messages and prayers. We were lucky to have you lead us through our daughter's years at ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥. Rest in Peace. Pray for Us. -
Kristin Sutton
Alumnus/a '06Forever a people's president; thank you for our dog walks, Shakespeare, and telling us what do if arrested in Wildwood, Mr. Pilarz. -
Kimberly Toth
Parent of Current StudentMy interactions with Father Pilarz were limited. I admired his leadership during COVID. Being a parent, his weekly video updates connected us closely to the Jesuit community. He kept us at ease and informed. God bless his soul. May he Rest In Peace. -
Kay Unangst
Parent of Current StudentI’ve never had the pleasure of meeting Father Pillarz. However, in watching his videos you could tell that he was a compassionate person who truly cared about the students. Very sorry for everyone who knew him loss. -
The Keegan Family
Parent of Current StudentMay you find rest and peace with God! -
Leslie Ditta
Alumnus/a '00Father Pilarz is now free from the burdens of ALS and among the angels. Thank you for caring for The University with integrity and love during your tenure, and please watch over and bless all those affiliated with The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥. God... -
Louis and Janine Long
Parent of Current StudentAlthough we were unable to become personally acquainted with Fr. Pilarz, his incredible energy, boundless dedication and love of our Lord and the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ was so evident to all. May he rest where the light of the Lord's face... -
Linda Lewis
Parent of Current StudentYou will never be forgotten for who you were and all that you did. A roll model for all. Rest in peace. -
Luanne Pavco
FriendScott was an integral part of my family, marrying me; baptizing each of my children and just being an all around lovely human to us. Thank you for making life brighter. -
Lauren Stein
Alumnus/a '10Thank you for everything you did for the ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ community. We are all so fortunate to have had you in our lives. You will be greatly missed. -
Marie B Ali
As a past parent, I met Fr. Pilarz several times. He was an incredible mentor and friend to the students. His love for The U was contagious, as well as his zeal for preparing it for future generations. RIP Father. There will never be another like... -
Marie Barry
Alumnus/a '13The legacy that Fr. Pilarz left behind at the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ is insurmountable. As a student, his positive influence and the benefits he brought to our school were noticeable in all facets of the school community. As a senior, it was an... -
Madison Borys
Undergraduate Student '24Although I have only been here for a little less than one year, Father Pilarz was talked about in such high esteem and handled our current situation incredibly gracefully. I wish I could have had more time with him as my president. -
Mary Brennan
Parent of Current StudentMy deepest sympathies go out to the family of Fr Pilarz. He was a loved and respected priest whose strength and deep faith was an inspiration to all. He will be sorely missed by the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ family. His leadership and guidance will... -
Mike and Cheryl Swartz
Alumnus/a '97Finally connected with President Scott at Christmas past and it was blessing b to me. He was a great man, and leader for the U of S. Condolences to his family and I am sure he has a very short line for Heaven. -
Mara Castellano
Alumnus/a '07 G'14Father Pilarz was a pillar of leadership, love, and passion at the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥. I was blessed enough to learn from his example at a pivot point in my own life. While I am deeply saddened to hear of his passing, as I’m sure the... -
Matthew Christy
Alumnus/a '98A great man who will be missed by all. -
Maura Clark
Parent of Current Student | Alumnus/a '89Fr. Pilarz personally answered my emails and calls when my daughter was a freshman and had a problem with a teacher. He handled the situation with grace and made sure it was resolved in the best way possible while enduring the complications of his... -
Mary Ellen Conway
FriendScott Pilarz was a cherished friend and will be sorely missed -
Matthew Cooper
Alumnus/a '90Every conversation I ever had with Fr. Pilarz made you feel as if nothing was taking away his attention and no one more important than you standing in front of him. He always made you feel special and valued. -
Mary Beth Driscoll D'Andrea
Alumnus/a '82 G'93Fr. Pilarz will continue to hold a special place in the lives of all ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ Alumni. -
Meghan Durney
Alumnus/a '12 G'15I lived on the same floor as Fr Pilarz and Jack my freshman year. I remember meeting Fr Pilarz within the first week of school as Jack would often wander into my room. Fr Pilarz was so welcoming and gracious, always offering a smile or joke as he... -
Michael and Emily Surovick
FriendFather Pilarz was the definition of church. He brought people together in love, fellowship and spirit. He led by example and loved with abandon. We will forever treasure the moments spent with our cousin, uncle and friend. -
Marissa Every
Alumnus/a '13Don't waste love -
Mary Beth Fessler
FriendI was blessed to be a classmate and friend of Scott's from Georgetown. We celebrated with him during his first inauguration at ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥....and loved the campus and community. It has only grown in love and giving. -
Michael Flynn
Alumnus/a '10The voice of Father Pilarz was like no other, in regard to eloquence and tone. There are few Jesuits who understand that the arts separate us from the Neanderthals. -
Matt Fullmer
Alumnus/a '00God Bless Fr. Pilarz. A true man with and for Others. -
Michelle Geise
Alumnus/a '10 G'11As a part of performance music from 2006-2011, I attended each graduation during my 5 years and returned to play at his inauguration as the 27th president. I will cherish the memories of hearing him speak at these ceremonies. I love my ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥... -
Mary DiGiacomo
Parent of Current StudentFr. Pilarz made an impression on my family and I at the open house. He is one of the reasons my daughter Grace (freshman) decided on the University if ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥. We truly love this University. Thank you for all you do! -
Mary Giblin
He was a special man and a special friend. He will be missed by many but loved forever. -
Mariana Helmold
Parent of Current StudentAlthough we never got to meet Fr. Pilarz in person, we always felt like we knew him. His reassuring messages while leading the University during a pandemic made parents more comfortable with a terrible situation. ly high with the angels Fr.... -
Matthew Lambert
FriendScott was a most kind, thoughtful, and generous human being and he will be greatly missed. His legacy will live on forever at Georgetown and ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥. May he rest in eternal peace. -
Martina Martin
Alumnus/a '80With love in memory of Fr. Pilarz -
MaryAnn Maslar
We all loved our dear Fr Pilarz. He is so missed but we'll always remember how he shepherded his flock - His entire community at The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥. May he forever Rest In Peace. Amen -
Mary M. McCambridge
Alumnus/a '79One of the most memorable days of my life was when Fr. Pilarz presented me with the Frank J. O'Hara award in June 2009, the highest award bestowed on alumni from the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥. He was an authentic, compassionate man who had a... -
Maya Mintzer
In honor of Pam Kalinowski -
Mary O'Toole
Alumnus/aMy deepest condolences to the Pilarz Family. Father was a smart, compassionate man who willingly shared his gifts with many. I met him when he came to Marquette and I enjoyed the times we were able to share together. In 2014, while in NYC for the... -
Mary and Patrick Haveron
Alumnus/a '83With deepest condolences to the Pilarz family and to the entire ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ community. Fr. Pilarz’s courageous leadership throughout his illness will forever be an inspiration to all of us. His passion for the University and its students... -
Margaret Palmieri
Parent of Current StudentAlthough I never met him in person, I observed that through the communication and videos of Fr. Pilarz, he seemed to have fought the cross of ALS with grace, perseverance, and Trust to the very end. His suffering brought much glory to God. Thank... -
Marlene Quijano
Parent of Current StudentThe heavens have gained a bright angel in Father Pilarz. I am so grateful for your leadership , your kindness and your love for the students and the University. Thank you for your light- the light about you separates you from all the rest. You... -
Maureen Redington
Alumnus/a '05 G'07Thank you for your leadership at the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥. -
Mary Jo Saint Surin
Parent of Current StudentWhat a loss! My son is a freshman at the University, I have never met Father Scott R. Pilarz physically, however, with the welcoming speech to the new students that he addressed to them, the content of his speech and the genuine attitude he... -
Mary Beth Schluckbier
I am grateful most of all for the powerful ways he named, nurtured and reverenced the unique community and friendships that underly all that was and is the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥. Fr. Scott Pilarz, The Miracle Maker in the Mountains. May You Rest... -
Maryla ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥
FriendI resigned as a Trustee when I was diagnosed with cancer. A year later I attended the annual dinner in New York City. Fr. Pilarz was greeting everyone. When he saw me he took my hand and said 'I pray for you every day'. I will never... -
Maria Smalley
Alumnus/a '05 G'06The impact that Father Pilarz has had on the University Community is remarkable and will be ever lasting. His love of academics, the Catholic Jesuit mission, the University and the student body will always be remembered. God Bless him. -
Mara Smith
Alumnus/a '13 G'21Fr. Pilarz embodied Jesuit leadership and was truly a man for others. The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ and the student and alumni communities are forever better because of his passion and love for our beloved school. -
Marisa Tagliareni
FriendI have so many memories of Scott but most of my favorites are from the Jersey Shore sitting around talking, singing, dancing, and being together. -
Matt Tibbitts
Alumnus/a '14The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ community has experienced an immeasurable loss with the passing of University President, Father Scott Pilarz. He was a giant, with his deep, booming voice, yet approachable with his bespectacled, disarming features. In... -
Mary Tracchio
Parent of Current Student | Alumnus/a '88So sorry about the passing of Fr. Pilarz. He was a wise and inspiring man. -
Michael Walton
FriendI was hired to DJ the Presidents Undergraduate Reception back in 2009 and I wasn't sure what type of event it would turn out to be. As people started to dance and the dance floor got more and more crowded, I had a request to play... -
Mary Frances Warther
Alumnus/a '84Thank you, Father Pilarz, for the dedication and love you bestowed upon so many from the ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ community, and beyond. You are missed! -
Mary Whipkey
Friend '23A friend who taught me much about my faith and life in general. -
Tara and Gavin McFarland
Parent of Current StudentWe are saddened by the loss of Fr.Pilarz, who was a great leader and champion for ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ University,His dedication to the students and faculty will be fondly remembered. -
Natalie Kaer
Alumnus/a '11Father Pilarz's booming voice and positive attitude strengthened the University while I was there. Now, ten years after my graduation, his passing has strengthened my appreciation for the University and all the friendships, academic... -
Nicole McGovern
Alumnus/a '14Thank you, Fr. Pilarz, for who you were and all that you made ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ to be. I have fond memories of my time at the U, and they include you. -
Nancy Neumann
Alumnus/a '87Fr.Pilarz was a gift to the University. God bless him. -
Nicole Quaranta
Alumnus/a '14 G'17I first saw Father Pilarz speak at accepted students day. At that moment I knew I wanted to be a Royal! -
Nicole Scala
Alumnus/a '11Father Pilarz will be missed by so many. We will not waste love and will go forth and set the world on fire for him! -
Paula Barrett
Alumnus/a '81I had the honor of serving as a Trustee during Scott's Presidency. He had a gift of making everyone feel valued and special. He was inspiring and continued our focus on the Student. What a gift it was to know him and serve with him! -
Hon. Patrick J. Cummings
Alumnus/a '86I hope that Father Pilarz continues to guide us from heaven with the courage and caring which he so freely gave throughout his leadership at the U of S. -
Paul Gerst
Alumnus/a '83I met Fr. Pilarz at an alumni event in Dallas. I learned his mother taught me in high school. He was a good man that I was proud to say lead the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥. He made a deep impression and will be remembered. -
Patty Lynn
Parent of Current StudentFr. Pilarz made a lasting impression on my daughter Cali's life through his Jesuit teachings, and the love he shared with his ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ community and beyond. Thank you Father Pilarz and may your memory live on forever. 'Don't waste... -
Patricia Moran
Alumnus/a '81Father Pilarz and I joined the Board of Trustees in the same year and I had the pleasure of serving with him and getting to know him during that time and as he later ascended to the University presidency. I thought the world of him and will always... -
Pete and Sue Garatino
Parent of Current StudentWhat a beautiful soul. He will be greatly missed. He always took the time with anyone who needed his help, be it parent or student. May you Rest In Peace Fr. Pilarz. -
PJ Tabit
Alumnus/a '10It is impossible for me to separate my memories of the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ from the presence that Father Pilarz was on campus. In my mind, he and the university were one and the same. He embodied our core values, lived them daily, and inspired... -
The University's Performance Music Department
Undergraduate Student | Graduate Student | Alumnus/a | FriendA performance of "Be Thou My Vision" presented by a virtual choir comprised of representatives of Performance Music at The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ student and alumni musicians, dedicated to celebrating the life of Rev. Scott Pilarz,... -
Ron Krupka
Alumnus/a '66After ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥'s WBB Final Four game in Va(2005), sat in hotel lobby w/ Scott & AD Lovecchio discussing plans for the U(SS sports complex), then Scott said Mass w/ homily, then dinner for team, parents,& fans; it was a great community... -
Robert and Miriam Murphy
FriendOur deepest sympathy to Father Pilar’s Family You have lost a beloved member of your family. Beyond your family all os us have lost a remarkable man who has given so much to so many in his lifetime. I am sure his wonderful, generous... -
Rick Malloy, S.J.
FriendHis lively and wonderful mother Joan had a surprise for him after his first Mass. At the party after the Mass, she had the Ferko String band show up and play. Philadelphians and those from South Jersey will appreciate how great that is!Scott... -
Richard P. McHugh
FriendFr. Pilarz loved ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ as do I, being a native son. -
Richard Naughton
Alumnus/a '01AMDG -
R. Barrett Noone, M.D. FACS
Alumnus/a '61I first met Scott R. Pilarz, S.J. when we served together on the University' s Board of Trustees. I was a surgeon and educator in Philadelphia and and he was Professor of English at Georgetown. His humility and friendship were exemplified in... -
Rita Tomann
Alumnus/a '11 G'14We think about the words you spoke on our wedding day often. Your impact on the lives and hearts of everyone who knew you is only growing stronger each day. We love you! - Rita & Alex Tomann -
Rita Tomann
Parent of Current StudentMay You Rest In Peace, Fr. Pilarz. The Breithaupt Family -
Samantha Davenport
Alumnus/a '11Father Pilarz was a wonderful man. I remember when my father, who was a painter at the University, took me to campus to see if this was where I definitely wanted to go for school. Father Pilarz was so nice and understanding about my concerns about... -
Sean Doherty
Alumnus/a '82God Bless and Rest In Peace Fr. Pilarz -
Sarah Frey
Alumnus/a '06It was an honor to watch Father Pilarz get to know the U of S community when he arrived in 2003 and grow in his role as a leader. The improvements that have been made on campus under his guidance are truly amazing and will serve students for years... -
Stephanie Hadley
Alumnus/a '86The University was blessed by the leadership and loving example of Fr. Pilarz. May God watch over him and bless him. -
Shawn Kenney
Alumnus/a '14My first Noel Night and hearing address the crowd really made me feel like ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ was home with how he spoke. Also the goodbye song at his last graduation at the University in his first term that I sang in choir. -
Susan Lenczewski
Parent of Current StudentOur sincere condolences to the family and friends of Fr. Pilarz. Our family will be forever grateful for his kindness and leadership to the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ students and families. -
Stacy Lewandowski
Alumnus/a '10Father Pilarz was more then just the president of the University. He made everyone who met him feel as through they were his friend. I was fortunate enough to know Father Pilarz before I attended ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ because my sister attended ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ first.... -
Susan Chrusciel Marangos
Alumnus/a '04I got to know Fr. Pilarz during my final year of undergrad. It was the first year of something that would truly be wonderful to the ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ community. From his booming voice to seeing him walk Jack up the commons, he just exuded this sense of... -
Sheila Strickland
Staff | FriendFr. Pilarz always told the students "not to waste love" and he certainly did not waste his love for the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥. His presence and memory will live on and be felt by all of us. His love for the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ was... -
Tracy Bannon
Alumnus/a | Friend '84When it was announced in March of 2017 that Scott would return to the University as President for a second term, I had the honor of delivering a toast to welcome him home. I'd like to share the toast from 2017 as a memorial in gratitude to... -
Fr. Timothy Cadigan, SJ
FriendBrother, I miss you. Fr. c -
Thaddeus Chapa
Alumnus/a '62I was always inspired when I read about U of S events when Fr. Scott was involved. -
Timothy Cody
Undergraduate Student '21"A few days into my sophomore year, Fr. Pilarz announced his ALS diagnosis. We had never met, but I felt compelled to write a letter then slide it under his door. I shared our campuses' love for him and need for his guidance, along with... -
Tara Cullen-McFarland
Parent of Current StudentFr. Pilarz was a dedicated, exceptional champion for the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥. He devoted all his energy to enhance the spiritual and institutional environments at ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥. We are forever grateful for his leadership. May he rest in peace. -
Taylor Daniele
Alumnus/a '09In memory of a wonderful man. The U of S community was so blessed to have you! -
Tony DeGennaro
Alumnus/a '09 G'09Father Pilarz was such a wonderful priest, role model, and person. He truly cared about people. This could be seen from the kindness he showed to all those around him on a daily basis. He will be greatly missed! -
Tim Gallic
Alumnus/a G'09I never met Fr. Pilarz but my Father died of this same disease so when I found out what he was suffering from I started to pay attention to how he acted. Knowing how challenging ALS is it was amazing to see Fr. Pilarz approach it all with grace... -
Tyler Glavocich
Alumnus/a '20Growing from just being a transfer student who knew no one to finding the love of my life on campus, Fr. Pilarz quickly became a symbol of what ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ offers best: Love and Hope -
Theresa Haughey
Alumnus/a '87His love for Bruce & when he came back to the University for the second time as President he said, “Who says you can’t come home”- ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ was where he needed to be!💜 -
Thomas Kiely
FriendScott was a man whose presence reverberates across the years and the relationships he cultivated. -
Tika Lozinger
Parent of Current StudentWe never met Father Pilarz in person, but we know his legacy will live on... -
Tammy Marushin
Parent of Current StudentDeepest sympathies for the loss of Father Pilarz. A courageous selfless compassionate guiding light who will be deeply missed and always remembered for being a hero. Wishing you peace. -
Thomas McGonigle
Alumnus/a '79We lost a great leader and a great man far too early. We will miss him -
Terry Schafer
Alumnus/a '81Thank you Fr Pilarz for being such a dedicated champion for the University and all Jesuit students. We were lucky to have had you in our life. -
Tracy Seyferth-Sullivan
Alumnus/a '91Sharing in the sorrow of the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ family in the loss of a great leader. May you rest in peace, Fr. Pilarz. -
Thomas Spellman
Parent of Current StudentAppreciate all that Fr. Pilarz has done for the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ community. He has made a really positive impact for all of us and will be missed. -
Timothy St. Clair
Alumnus/a '96Rest in Peace, Fr. Pilarz. -
Tiffany Toth
Undergraduate Student '22I didn't know Father Pilarz personally. His contributions as President to this institution made it more then great. I enjoyed his covid video updates each week. He was a great example of the Jesuit spirit and of God himself. May he Rest In... -
Thomas Vanaskie
FriendFather Pilarz was an inspirational figure in my life. -
Victor Tuohy
My three children flourished at ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ during your tenure. Rest in peace. -
Victoria Unangst
Undergraduate Student '23I only met Father Pilarz once, but he seemed like a great person! My condolences goes out to all his family, friends and other people who knew him personally. -
William Coda
Alumnus/a '79Donating in remembrance of a great leader, visionary and Jesuit..gone too soon. -
William Colona
Alumnus/a '08Father Pilarz was a good man whose mark on the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ was left on the campus he helped build, the culture he cultivated, and in the hearts of every alumnus who had the high privilege of having attended while he was president. He... -
William Doiron
Parent of Current StudentOur daughter is a sophomore at ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥, and we are deeply saddened by the news on the passing of Father Pilarz. God bless and rest in peace. -
William Fessler
FriendMy wife and I were blessed to know Scott through her Georgetown class, and the wonderful gatherings we had at Chapman Lake thanks to Scott. His impact will live on -
William Lambert
Alumnus/a G'08My sincere condolences to the PIlarz family, a great loss for you and the University community. Father Pilarz was a congenial, robust, engaging presence at The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥. His warmth, sincerity and remarkable leadership is and will be...