
Certification Information

The Education Department prepares its' program completers for certification in Commkonwealth of Pennsylvania. In order to apply for certification in Pennsylvania, the candidates are advised to create an account at

Graduates of the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥’s teacher education programs may be eligible for certifications offered by other states.  States’ requirements vary and are subject to change without notice. It is strongly recommended that students who wish to obtain certification in a state other than Pennsylvania, obtain certification requirements for the state(s) in which they wish to pursue certification. They are advised to review the respective state department of education’s website(s). We encourage you to contact the appropriate state licensing agency to seek guidance and verify requirements before beginning a program and during your program of study.

Click on the link below to view the Certification Requirements: 

Certification Officer Contact Information:
Scott Reilly
Certification Officer
Email: scott.reilly@scranton.edu
Telephone: 570-941-7405
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