
Professional Societies

Professional Societies

  The American Mathematical Society. This organization focuses on mathematical research. The MathSciNet database of mathematical reviews of research publications is available at this site.

   The Mathematical Association of America. This organization focuses on the teaching and exposition of college level mathematics. Our department is a member of the Eastern Pennsylvania and Delaware (EPADEL) MAA section.

The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. The goals of SIAM are to advance the application of mathematics to science and industry, promote mathematical research that could lead to effective new methods and techniques for science and industry, and provide media for the exchange of information and ideas among mathematicians, engineers, and scientists.

   The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. This organization focuses mainly on the teaching of mathematics at the K-12 level.

This is an honorary national mathematics society whose purpose is the promotion of scholarly activity in mathematics among students in academic institutions. The organization consists of 276 chapters at various approved institutions of learning. There is a chapter at the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥.

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