Course Descriptions
NEUR 110 - Neuroscience Lab Rotations (0.5 cr.)
Note: this course is typically taken by Freshmen or Sophomores
Through directed readings and laboratory visits, this course will expose students to neuroscience-related research currently under way at The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥. Various faculty members will demonstrate research activities in their labs while assigning readings and discussing current/future research plans. Graded pass/fail.
NEUR 111 - Neuroscience Research Literature (1 cr.)
Note: this course is typically taken by Freshmen or Sophomores
Guided by program faculty, students will read and discuss current ground-breaking research in the field. Graded pass/fail.
NEUR 231 - (E) Behavioral Neuroscience (3-4.5 cr.)
Note: this course is a required majors course. (Prerequisite: PSYC 110 or BIOL 141-BIOL 142)
Introduction to the field of neuroscience, examining the cellular bases of behavior, effects of drugs and behavior, brain/body correlates of motivation and emotion, and neural changes accompanying pathology. Three hours lecture and optional 1.5-credit laboratory. Lab fee; Lab offered fall only. (Credit cannot be earned for PSYC 231 and NEUR 231.)
NEUR 330 - (W) Neuroscience Research Methods (4 cr.)
Note: this course is a required majors course. (Prerequisite: BIOL 141 and BIOL 142, PSYC 210 or equivalent, PSYC 231)
Hands on experience using techniques specific to neuroscience to understand neurobiological problems. Integrated lecture and laboratory class outlining the theories and application of neuroscience. Topics vary but may include neuropharmacology, immunohistochemistry, neurostatisitics, neurophysiology and computer-aided neuroreconstructions.
NEUR 339 - Psychopharmacology (3 cr.)
(Prerequisites: PSYC 110; grade of C or higher in NEUR 231/PSYC 231)
This course surveys the field of psychopharmacology with particular attention being paid to functional neuoranatomy, the important role of behavioral science, and the neuropharmacology of normal/abnormal behaviors. Numerous research strategies are examined, including dose response functions, therapeutic indices, routes of administration, and pharmacological/behavioral models of clinical conditions. (Credits cannot be earned for PSYC 339 and NEUR 339.)
NEUR 348 - Functional Neuroanatomy (3 cr.;)
(Prerequisite: BIOL 245, or, for Neuroscience majors, NEUR 231/PSYC 231)
Study of the organization and function of the neuron, neural circuits, and the major sensory and motor components of the central nervous system; bioelectric phenomena, synaptic transmission; the neural basis for higher functions such as cognition, memory, and learning. Three hours lecture. (Credit cannot be earned for BIOL 348 and NEUR 348.)
NEUR 350 - Cognitive Neuroscience (3 cr.)
(Prerequisites: Grade of C or higher in PSYC 210; PSYC 231/NEUR 231, or PSYC 234)
This course explores the neural underpinnings of human cognition by introducing research on the relationship between mind and brain. The course introduces and expands on neuroanatomy, research methods used to make inferences about brain bases of cognition (e.g., imaging, electronencephalography, lesion studies), and computational approaches to cognitive neuroscience. Discussions and activities focus on the brain bases of cognitive operations in perception, attention, memory, language, executive control, social cognition, reasoning, and decision making.
(Note: Credits cannot be earned for NEUR 350 and PSYC 350.)
NEUR 357 - Developmental Neuroscience (4 cr.)
(Prerequisites: One of the following: , , , , , )
Study of the embryonic and regenerative development of the nervous system in metazoans. Topics include brain development, neuron growth and regeneration, nervous system repair, and emergence of behavior. Integrated laboratory exercises focus on embryonic nervous systems, nerve cell growth in vitro, and independently designed experiments.
NEUR 358 - Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology (3 cr.;)
Note: this course is a required majors course. (Prerequisites: BIOL 141-BIOL 142)
Introduces Biology and Neuroscience majors to the cellular and molecular biology of the vertebrate nervous system. Includes ion channel structure and function, synthesis, packaging and release of neurotransmitters, receptor and transduction mechanisms, intracellular signaling, cell-to-cell communication, glial cell function, and neural growth and development. Three hours lecture. (Credit cannot be earned for NEUR 358 and BIOL 358.)
NEUR 368 - Neuroethology (4 cr.)
(Prerequisite: 200-level or higher Biology course)Study of the neuronal mechanisms of behavior in an organism’s natural environment. Topics include evolution of neuronal control, neuronal processing of sensory information, sensorimotor integrations, spatial-orientations, neuromodulations, neuronal underpinnings of bird songs, neuroethology of navigation and learning and memory. (Credits for both BIOL 368 and may not be earned.) (Course is offered alternate years.)
NEUR 384 - Special Topics in Neuroscience (3-6 cr.)
(Prerequisites: BIOL 141-BIOL 142, NEUR 231/PSYC 231)
Course topics are developed by individual faculty to provide in depth coverage of specific areas in neuroscience. Some courses have required or elective laboratory components. Course titles and descriptions will be provided in advance of registration.
NEUR 493
Note: this course is a required majors course. (Prerequisites: -, , NEUR , and permission of instructor)
Individual study and research on a specific topic relevant to neuroscience under the supervision of a faculty member. It is strongly recommended that this research be initiated during the junior year, and it is expected that the research will extend over a two-semester period.
For more on this course, click here.