Additional Resources
There are many additional resources within The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥:
Pursue at least one of the three honors programs available to you—Special Jesuit Liberal Arts, Undergraduate Honors, and Business Leadership.
Begin to work with a faculty member in your major field as early in your undergraduate career as possible.
Student-Faculty Teaching Mentorship Program:
If a faculty member asks you to participate in this program, consider doing so. If no one approaches you about being in the SFTMP, contact the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence to find out how you can become involved.
Community Outreach Office:
By the middle of your first term on campus, you should be well-known in this office. The staff will help you discern ways in which to use your talents to serve others both on campus and in the community.
Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence:
The CTLE always needs tutors; you may be nominated by a professor, you may ask a professor to nominate you, or you may apply directly to the CTLE. If you are selected to be a tutor, you will be assisting other students as they prepare to meet the requirements of their courses, you will be refreshing your own understanding of courses you have previously taken, and you will get paid for your efforts.
Office of Career Services:
Visit this office early in your undergraduate career. Use the services of their staff and their library. Explore their web site. Confer with a staff member about locating an internship relevant to one of your major (or minor) fields.
Study Abroad Office:
The staff in this office will help you find appropriate institutions at which you will be able to continue course work towards your U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ degree. Introduce yourself to the Study Abroad Advisor early in your freshman year, and continue studying foreign languages that may be needed for your studies abroad.
Through the Women’s Center, you may work to advance an environment in which women and men can live and work together in equality, understanding and mutual respect; help to increase awareness of gender issues and thus promote personal growth and whole-person development among University students,faculty and staff; and contribute to the University’s commitment to community service and social justice by providing leadership and resources on gender issues.
University Ministries:
This office provides opportunities to learn about the Catholic/Christian faith, and to pray and share faith with students, faculty and staff. In addition, University Ministries holds many different types of retreats at the beautiful Champman Lake Conference and Retreat Center.
There are also many resources to explore outside of The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥:
In this program, pre-medical students accompany physicians at the City of ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥’s Regional and Moses Taylor Hospitals to gain exposure to clinical settings in primary-care medicine. Students gain transcript recognition for participation in this externship, as well as a clear view of the profession they seek to enter.
Amigos Program:
This program links University students with High School ESL students and recent immigrants to the US for a variety of fun activities. It is an excellent volunteer activity for ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ students, particularly for students of Spanish and Portuguese.
United Neighborhood Centers:
Through UNC, you can help to assess and meet the needs of low-income families, youth and senior citizens in Lackawanna County, providing people with the tools needed to integrate into the community and attain self-sufficiency.