
Omicron Delta Epsilon

Welcome to the homepage for the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥’s Economics Honor Society, Omicron Delta Epsilon (ODE) – Xi Chapter. Please find more information about ODE below.  

  • History

Omicron Delta Epsilon, one of the world's largest academic honor societies, was created through the merger of two honor societies, Omicron Delta Gamma and Omicron Chi EpsOmicron Delta Gamma (The Order of Artus) was founded in 1915 by John R. Commons, University of Wisconsin and Frank Taussig, Harvard University.

Omicron Chi Epsilon was founded in 1955 by Alan A. Brown while he was a student at the City College of New York.

Omicron Delta Epsilon has over 578 chapters located in the United States, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, Mexico, Puerto Rico, South Africa, Egypt, and France.

The Xi chapter was founded in 1969 by George Babcock and John Giunta.

  • Criteria for Admission

Overall G.P.A. of 3.0

15 credits in Economics (with at least 12 credits already completed) with a "B+" average (3.33). (Finance and International Business courses may also be counted.)

Junior standing (60 credits) for undergraduate students.

One semester in residence for graduate students. (Undergraduate economic courses may be counted to satisfy the GPA requirements.)

Willingness to participate in chapter activities.

  • Application Timeline

Qualified students are invited to apply in February. Please contact Dr. Christos Pargianas
(mailto: christos.pargianas@scranton.edu) for additional information.

  • Activities and Benefits

        ODE Members engage in various activities including, but not limited to, the  following:

        Fall semester Major Fair for freshmen and undecided students

October and November Open Houses for prospective students and their families

Fall Henry George Lecture and ODE Luncheon

Spring Bus Trip

Spring ODE Induction Dinner

Spring Henry George Lecture

Spring Preview Day for incoming freshmen

Membership benefits include a one-year subscription to the American Economist, a publication of ODE.  Students will also be invited in Fall to a luncheon that features the speaker of the Fall Henry George Lecture. The application fee of $70 covers the membership fee as well as a graduation cord signifying membership in the honor society.

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