Leahy Center
Contact Us:
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Academics Page
Program Dates
Spring 2019 program dates: Orientation on February 16th; Sessions on March 22, 29, April 6, 12, 26, and May 3. Click here for the information flyer
An Afterschool Program for Elementary School Students by College Students
Peacemakers is a free six-week after school program for children between the ages of 9 and 13. The goal is for students to experience and explore the meaning, history and vision of peacemaking, and to develop the skills necessary to carry these experiences into the future.
The program takes place on Friday afternoons from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. during the Spring semester (i.e. March and April) and Fall semester (i.e. October and November). This program is held in the Leahy Community Health and Family Center at The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥. The program is facilitated by Geri Barber and University Graduate student mentors.
Learn how to make a difference
At Peacemakers, we eat together, play cooperative games together, create projects together, sing together and learn together. We learn peaceful ways to treat our bodies, each other, the environment, and our world. We do centering activities and active imagination exercises. Weekly letters are sent home to the peacemakers’ families so they can be a part of the children’s experience as well.
Some typical activities might include: yoga, meditation, healthy snacks, and crafts. Activities are designed to promote awareness of dimensions of wellness and peacemaking.
The program’s focus is on five elements of peacemaking:
- Peace within us
- Peace between persons
- Peace with our bodies
- Peace with our earth
- Peace among all peoples
Please note: Transportation is NOT provided to and from the program.
A healthy snack is provided at each session.
- Letters home for each session
- Evaluation form and
- To provide a space and experience where children and college students can explore the meaning, history and vision of peace making
- To provide a space and experience where peacemaking can actually happen
- To develop the ability to have meaningful relationships with children
- To develop and refine organizational, planning and responsibility skills
- To provide modeling of peaceful relationships through collaboration and communication
- To apply professional standards to participation
- To successfully achieve understanding and working relationships with diverse populations
- Planning and implementing a weekly activity that integrates a peacemaking theme, e.g. music or a project
- Development of a lesson plan that will need to be given to coordinator at least a week in advance
- Understanding of materials and lessons to be delivered by other mentors
- Administrative tasks, including set up and clean up
- Interaction with and having fun with peacemaker participants!
Arrive at the Leahy Center on Fridays of program by 3 p.m. If you are responsible for the content that week, you must be there by 2:30 p.m. Short debriefing at 5:30 p.m. every Friday of program.
Mentors must have an up to date (on an annual basis) PA criminal record check, FBI fingerprint background check, and child abuse clearance.
Thank you to our funding partners:
- The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥
- Gerrity’s Supermarkets
- Wegmans
To register and for more information regarding the Peacemakers program, contact us at 570-941-6112.
Address: Leahy Center, 230 Kessler Court, McGurrin Hall Lower Level, ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥, PA 18503