
University Retention Committee

Purpose/What We Do

The purpose of the University Retention Committee shall be to examine current retention practices, identify the variables that impact retention at the University, and recommend appropriate strategies and tactics to the Strategic Enrollment Planning Team and the Provost's Council for action immediately and over time to improve retention.  To this end, the committee is responsible for:

  • Compiling and analyzing comprehensive data concerning student enrollment, student progress and student retention;
  • exploring factors affecting student academic persistence and recommending strategies for maximizing student success;
  • examining existing and ongoing institutional research on student engagement and student satisfaction to determine areas of strength and concern that impact enrollment;
  • assessing of the impact of policies relating to and affecting student registration and student  progress to degree;
  • monitoring progress toward approved enrollment and retention goals.

2023-2024 Committee Members

Dr. David Marx, Associate Provost
Mrs. Shannon Zottola, VP of Enrollment Management
Mrs. Mary Kay Aston, Associate VP of Financial Aid and Enrollment
Mr. Joseph Roback, Associate VP of Admissions and Enrollment
Ms. Meghan Nowakowski, Bursar
Ms. Mary Ellen Pichiarello, OSSS
Ms. Geraldine Loveless, KSOM Advising
Mr. Adam Szydlowski, KSOM Advising
Mr. Stanton Estwick, OSSS

Ms. Shannon Murphy-Fennie, Assistant Dean Student Life
Mr. Richard Walsh, Data Analytics Officer
Mrs. Deirdre Curry, Financial Aid
Dr. Victoria Castellanos, Dean PCPS
Dr. Murli Rajan, Associate Dean KSOM
Dr. Maria Squire, Interim Associate Dean CAS
Dr. Jerry Muir, Faculty Senate Representative
Professor Vincent Rocco, Faculty Representative
Mr. Kevin Curry, Assistant Dean PCPS
Ms. Christine Falbo, CAS Advising
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