
Book Orders

HEOA Compliance

The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA), in an effort to make more transparent the cost of education, requires all institutions receiving federal financial aid to "publish" a list of all required and recommended books and other course materials for all classes (undergraduate and graduate) offered at the institution at the time of student registration. The items that must be displayed are:

  • Book title, including edition
  • Book author
  • ISBN number
  • Retail price.

The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ partners with the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ Bookstore (Follett) to satisfy HEOA reporting requirements. After required and recommended textbook information is received by the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ Bookstore; the Bookstore posts the course material information via the university’s “Course Schedule Search” tool through the “Book” icon/link.

Textbook FAQs

I don't use the Bookstore to order my textbooks. Do I still have to report my textbooks to the Bookstore?

  • Yes.  You will need to supply the Bookstore with your course textbook and material lists so that the University can make it available to students in accordance with the law.

Can I place my book order online?

  • Yes!  Follett Discover is an electronic tool available through our learning management system that allows you to easily research, and adopt course materials all in one place.  This method is particularly convenient if your materials remain the same semester to semester.  Follett Discover also makes it easy to search and adopt non-traditional materials such as YouTube videos, open education resources, and MOOC content. In some cases digital desk copies are also available for download.  In order to access Follett Discover:
    • Log into the my.scranton portal.
    • Locate the Launchpad Card on the home screen and select Brightspace.
    • The Follett Discover link is located on the bottom right side of the Brightspace homepage.

It's early Spring and I'm putting together a new course for next year. I won't be able to determine the course materials until the summer. What should I report to the bookstore now?

  • The regulation allows an indication of "To Be Determined" when textbook information is not yet available. If you do not know which books you will be using in a course, you may indicate "To Be Determined" in your response.  You must, however, contact the Bookstore with the textbook information as it becomes available.

I may be changing some of the required readings for my existing course. What should I report to the Bookstore now?

  • Report all known course materials to the Bookstore at this time.  Contact the Bookstore with the additional textbook information as it becomes available.

I don't know the ISBN number or the price of the books. Do I have to look that up somewhere?

  • If you do not know IBSN information, the Bookstore will add it before publishing the textbook information. As long as you know the name of the book and the author, the Bookstore should be able to locate it.  The ISBN can usually be found on the back cover of most books.

What is the penalty for non-compliance with this law?

  • This law does not include any specific penalty for non-compliance but does instruct the Secretary of Education to monitor compliance. It also instructs the US General Accounting Office (GAO) to conduct compliance audits. All institutions must comply with the law “to the maximum extent practicable.”
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