2006 Survey
2006 LibQual+TM Survey Results
Normative data for all institutions that administered LibQual+™ is not yet available. This final piece of data is an important part for interpreting how well the Library is meeting expectations. For example, many libraries report responses indicating dissatisfaction with access to electronic journals. The norms will establish if Weinberg Library’s users are better satisfied than users of most libraries. As soon as the data is available, it will be posted to this page.
Respondent comments
In general, comments were extremely positive and complimentary.
PDF of all Respondent Comments
Positive - 38 Comments
"The library offers great services for accessing information and acquiring texts which are not available on campus." - Nursing/OT/PT, undergraduate
"I'm very impressed by library services--always beyond what I expect. And the people are fantastic, always so patient with requests. The interlibrary loan service has been of enormous help in my research."- English/Foreign Languages, undergraduate
"The library was one of the very first things that caught my attention at this school. It is a great facility and is something I tell others when they look at this school."- School of Management, undergraduate
"The Library has met or exceeded all my expectation. There is a diverse amount of information contained there, with both academic and personal interests represented." – School of Management, undergraduate
"The Library is a comfortable place, I like it... I like the certain amount of free prints!"- Communications/Journalism, undergraduate
"I have never actually visited the library in person. All of my access has been electronic. Therefore, I have no information or opinion about the atmosphere or physical comforts of the library. I have had no difficulties with remote access to library resources." - Counseling/HS/HAHR, undergraduate
"The UofS library is an awesome place to get work done! It has a great set of employees that help all the students!" - Counseling/HS/HAHR
"They are just satisfactory." - School of Management, undergraduate
"Too obsessed with technology, otherwise great service." - Philosophy/Theology/Religious Studies, graduate
"During finals the library gets too hot and packed." - Biology/Chemistry/Environmental Science, faculty
"They are just satisfactory." - School of Management, undergraduate
"Too obsessed with technology, otherwise great service." - Philosophy/Theology/Religious Studies, graduate
"During finals the library gets too hot and packed."- Biology/Chemistry/Environmental Science, faculty
Those who entered open ended comments addressed nine areas.
- Access - there were 4 responses in this category summed up nicely by this comment:
"Oh, and when you are attempting to access the online databases off campus, it can sometimes be a pain." - Counseling/HS/HAHR-undergraduate student
Actions Taken - Collections - 14 comments
There can be more fulltext articles to be read via the library web page.”- Education, graduate student
"I am very satisfied-I just wish there were more journal selections."- Biology/Chemistry/Environmental Science, undergraduate
"I think you do an outstanding job. My only quibble us the lack of journals and $$ available to purchase books."- Biology/Chemistry/Environmental Science-faculty
Some individuals mentioned holdings in specific areas of nursing, psychology, neuroscience, linguistics and second language acquisitions, history and political science, theology and Occupational Therapy journals. For example:
"More history and political science related books are a must. PALCI is great, but I have to often resort to it when the library lacks books in my field that are often necessary for my studies." -History/Political Science, undergraduate
"The Library should have at least 1 required textbook for each class." –Counseling/HA/HAHR-graduate student
Actions Taken - Food - 1 comment
"I think it would be a good idea to have a snack bar or something in the library-to promote health snacking instead (of) vending machine junk food." - Biology/Chemistry/Environmental Science, undergraduate
Actions Taken - Group Study - 15 comments
"The Environment is comfortable. Sometimes there is not enough group study rooms." -Education, Graduate student
"I wish that there were more community group study rooms available in the library for group studying. I enjoy the fourth floor quiet study room and go there for a place to study away from noise very often." - Biology/Chemistry/Environmental Science, undergraduate
Actions Taken - Hours - 5 comments
"I have no problems with the library, other than that sometimes it seems that it closes too early. Extended hours, especially during midterms and finals, would be nice." -Counseling/HA/HAHR- undergraduate
"I think they should have tables open late at night because I hate the Pro Deo Room. I can't do work in the cubbies." – School of Management-undergraduate
"I feel that the library hours should be changed. The library closes too early during the week and should definitely be open 24 hours during finals. I feel that the Library should close at 2 during the week because this would better provide students who are studying on the 2-5 floors enough room to do so. The Pro Deo Room is not sufficient in providing adequate study space. I suggest that public safety patrol the library when the librarians leave for the night." - Communication/Journalism, undergraduate.
Actions Taken - Information Literacy - 8 responses
We grouped comments about use of resources, navigation of pages and locating information under information literacy. Some comments reflect on the arrangement of web based resources. These issues are discussed under Access.
“It is very hard to find full text journal articles or periodicals using the electronic sources of the Weinberg Memorial Library.” - Biology/Chemistry/environmental Science, undergraduate
“The orientation to the library and resources is very helpful and presented in a user friendly fashion.”- Nursing/OT/PT, faculty
“Some of the databases I have tried to use (e.g. Proquest and LexisNexis) are confusing-as much to the librarians as to me. This has considerably slowed my efforts to conduct academic research. I think those web sites are poorly constructed.” - Philosophy/Theology/Religious Studies, graduate
“The library seems to be moving in the right direction. Every time I use the system it gets easier and easier.” -Counseling/HS/HAHR, undergraduate
“The library should make it easier for students to find materials related to their majors through better advertisement and placement of online journals.” - Nursing/OT/PT, graduate
Actions Taken - Noise - 9 comments
Several comments on noise were lengthy indicating a substantial level of frustration.
"I am frequently annoyed by the level of noise (and rudeness) in the library. Last week a student was dozing on a couch with his IPod blasting while students were trying to study. Other times its students just using the library to visit and other times its cell phone conversations, although I have to admit that this year I’ve notices less of that. I dread having to go to the library and resent so many materials being "library use only" when I would have a quieter and more comfortable place to use them elsewhere." - English/Foreign Languages, undergraduate
"Groups studying outside the Group Study Room should be instructed to stay as quiet as possible. Unfortunately they don’t-especially on the second floor." - School of Management, undergraduate
"Please do something about people on their cell phones. It is annoying those who are studying." Biology/Chemistry/Environmental Science.
"Somehow try to enforce no talking on upper floors. People talk like they’re at the mall up there." - School of Management, undergraduate
Actions Taken - Printers - 3 comments
"The second floor printers are out of order too often. There are several computers (the white ones) which are too slow to bother using and should be replaced" - English/Foreign Languages, undergraduate.
"There needs to be more printers available to students. Otherwise, everyone is friendly and always willing to help." - History/Political Science, undergraduate.
"I've never once had a problem with any aspect of the library. We should be able to print more pages! (for free from our RoyalCard")- School of Management , undergraduate
Actions Taken - Staff - 18 comments
"I would be lost without the library and the people here who help us." -Biology/Chemistry/Environmental Science, undergraduate
"If I ever have a question that needs answering, I’m always given the help I need whether its students or adults; the library staff is incredibly helpful and always willing." - English/Foreign Languages, faculty
"I often use the library. People working there are very polite and nice so the library is one of my favorite places to go. I hope the library will be like this from now on. Thanks!"- School of Management , undergraduate
One comment indicated a wish for more staff walking around the building. Three comments addressed issues with assistance with circulation of books
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Weinberg Memorial Library
Linden & Monroe
¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥, PA 18510
Library Services: 570-941-4000