Requesting Information Literacy Instruction
The Weinberg Memorial Library’s Information Literacy Program supports the development of information literacy in U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ students at all levels of study through collaboration with course faculty.
The faculty Librarians in the Research & Scholarly Services department can develop customized, course-integrated learning experiences for your students, which may take the form of workshops, lectures, presentations, activities, research guides, or a combination of these teaching formats.
If you are a faculty member (full- or part-time) at The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥, you may request information literacy instruction for any of your courses. Please read the following before requesting to schedule instruction by a faculty Librarian in your course.
- Completion of the Weinberg Memorial Library Information Literacy Instruction Request Form (available below) is needed to schedule instruction by a faculty Librarian in the Research & Scholarly Services department.
- Instruction is tailored to your course research assignment, so we ask you to share details of the assignment with us as part of your request.
- Sharing your course syllabus with us (a draft or older version is fine) is also beneficial so that we can see how the research assignment fits within the course as a whole and so that we know when components of the research assignment are due.
- A request should be placed at least two weeks in advance of your preferred dates, though the earlier the better. This is for several reasons: two weeks notice allows the request to be scheduled and finalized with a Librarian; it allows the Library’s information literacy classroom to be reserved; and most importantly, it enables the Librarian to prepare a high quality learning experience for your students, a process that often involves dialoguing with you about your goals for the class session.
- Scheduling is on a first come, first served basis, so please schedule early to ensure the date that best fits your students’ needs.
Faculty Engagement
- Please plan to introduce the research assignment to your students prior to the class session taught by a Librarian. Students should be at a point in the research process where a class focused on conducting research will be most beneficial to them. Please schedule instruction at a time in the semester when students are aware of the assignment requirements and have had time to consider what their research focus might be.
- Being present and engaged in the instruction we provide communicates to your students that what we are sharing with them is valuable. It also signals that the Librarians are experts and can be sought for further assistance beyond the class session.
- Your engagement during our instruction in your course also invites your valuable insights into the research process of your discipline, and further integrates the content we teach into your course goals and content.
- Communication between you and the Librarian teaching your class, both before and after the instruction takes place, is essential to its success. We are especially grateful for feedback about the impact of our instruction on your students and their demonstrated learning in your course.
By proceeding to the Information Literacy Instruction Request Form, you are agreeing that you have read in full these best practices and parameters within which the Weinberg Memorial Library’s Information Literacy Program provides instructional services to the University community.
Access the Instruction Request Form
For questions about the Information Literacy Program, please contact Donna Witek, Information Literacy Coordinator, at
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Linden & Monroe
¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥, PA 18510
Library Services: 570-941-4000