

Responding to the Survey

  1. How long does the survey take?
    The average time is 10 minutes.

  2. Can I skip questions that don't apply to me?
    To be counted in the aggregates scores, all 22 core questions need to be answered. Instead of skipping a question, select NA (not applicable).

  3. Will there be any special incentives for participating?
    There is no compensation per se for completing the survey. Respondents may choose to enter their emails in a drawing for a prize. The drawing will take place at the close of the survey and the winners will be posted on the Library News page .

  4. Do I need to use a specific web browser for the survey?
    LibQUAL+™ does not rely on Java or cookies. Any browser should work so long as it is not too old.

  5. Is the survey exclusively web-based, or can I complete a paper version?
    Respondents who are unable to complete an online questionnaire may obtain a paper copy of the survey by emailing libqual@scranton.edu. Return the survey to Bonnie Strohl, Weinberg Memorial Library, The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥, ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥, PA 18510.

  6. Is the survey compatible with text-to-speech web browsers?
    Yes, the survey is compatible with the JAWS screen reader software.

  7. Why isn't the survey at a "scanton.edu" email address?
    The survey is administered through the Association of Research Libraries and Texas A & M University, and the survey and data are housed on secure Texas A & M servers.

  8. If I deleted the email can I still take the survey?
    Yes. You can get another copy of the web link. Contact Bonnie Strohl, LibQUAL+™ Project Coordinator, strohlb1@scranton.edu to have the link emailed to you. Your responses to the survey will still be confidential since the survey is separated from emails.

  9. What if I cannot open the URL from my email?
    If you have trouble opening the URL from within your email message, you can copy the URL and paste it into your Web browser. If you still cannot access the survey, contact Bonnie Strohl, LibQUAL+™ Project Coordinator, strohlb1@scranton.edu

  10. Can I respond to LibQUAL+™ if I am not part of the random sample?
    The Weinberg Memorial Library is always interested in feedback from our users. To be valid as a representational sample of the University community of faculty and students, only those returns from the random sample will be forwarded to LibQUAL+™ for multi-institutional analysis and comparison. If you are not part of the present random sample, but would like to complete a survey, you may contact Bonnie Strohl, LibQUAL+™ Project Coordinator, strohlb1@scranton.edu for a print version. The University Library welcomes completed surveys from other interested users, and will review these returns along with those gathered from the random sample to help us best serve our users.

  11. Why do some questions see to be repeated?
    The survey examines a variety of dimensions of library services, each represented by a number of questions. Repetition or redundancy in questions allows the survey designers to analyze the validity of each service quality dimension through statistical methods.

  12. Why did I get a reminder when I had already completed the survey?
    When submitted, survey responses and identifying information are immediately separated, so we have no way of knowing who has already responded, therefore reminders are sent to everyone.

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