
2009 Survey

2009 LibQual+TM Survey Results

Actions Taken in Response

All public computers in the Library were replaced in Summer 2009. These 130 machines are now on a three year lease replacement cycle. Work study students are assigned to check every machine at least once a week and to log any problems.

Electronic Resources
Some comments indicated that users found it difficult to navigate among sources to find relevant information. The Library added the Encore interface to the catalog. This interface allows users to discover search terms in the tags on the right as well as to limit results by choosing subject or copyright year on the left.


From this page, users can click on a database in Article and More (on the right) to search in database without any additional keystrokes.

Articles More


The Databases by subject pages were revised in Summer 2009.

In Summer 2009, librarians began work on the Library Research Guides Wiki.

Users may add suggestions for useful resources to the subject specific wiki pages.

Group Study Space
The creation of group study was the most frequently identified suggestion. This would require removing bound volumes to basement or remote storage. The Library is strongly committed to retaining the current number of seats. The creation of group study space, therefore, should not lower seating at tables in lounge areas. This is not something that can be accommodated in the near future. It is included in Library long range planning.

A request to extend hours beyond 11:30 p.m. and a request form Student Government for additional 24 space was addressed in a series of meetings between Library Administration and the building architects. Plans for this access have been drawn. If funded, additional 24 access space on the first floor could be available in Summer 2010.

Interlibrary Loan
All delivery of Interlibrary Loan documents is done online. The users receive an email with a link to the scanned text of the requested item. Rapid document delivery is within 24 hours. Traditional Interlibrary Loan delivery has been cut in half from 10 days to 5.

Library Orientation and Information Literacy
New faculty orientation took place on August 18, 2009. Orientation for Adjunct Faculty took place in the evening on September 22, 2009 in the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence. This year the Library inaugurated an orientation session for new Library Representatives and new members of the library Advisory Committee which took place during the lunch hour on September 22, 2009.

Quiet Study
Although signs asking for quiet were posted during exams, demands for more Quiet Space were addressed by designating the fifth floor as Quiet Study Spaces. Signing is posted on this floor. The grapevine also is helpful here with message that the higher you go, the quieter the study space.

Structure of survey
ACRL recommends no more than 14 categories for majors. This resulted in some majors, such as Philosophy and Theology being combined to reflect a composite assessment of these users satisfaction with the building, resources and staff. There are 22 standardized questions with the option of adding five local questions. To reflect the mission of the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥, the local questions concerned Jesuit identify. Some users were concerned that the demographic information compromised the anonymity of the survey. The survey has no links to demographic information. There is no way of knowing who responded or what responses were for the questions. Status and major are indicated in the voluntary open ended comments. Those who do not provide comments are totally anonymous. To assess a variable, the questionnaire asks the same question in different ways. Several responses indicated that they found it repetitive. LibQual+™ is testing the validity of a new version of this assessment that does not have the repetition.

Thank you and Incentive Prize Winners
The Library appreciates the time students and faculty took to respond to the survey. Thanks to your ratings, comments and suggestions, the Library has a clear focus for actions to improve service. As an incentive for participation, the Library offered prizes. Responses to LibQual+™ were confidential. The Library does not know who responded to the survey. LibQual+™ has email addresses in file that is separate from questionnaire responses. LibQual+™ pulled incentive prize winners from this file.

The first prize, a digital camera, went to Shawna Perry, a graduate student.

Second prize, an 8 GB USB drive, went to Peter Pinnel, an undergraduate student.

Third prize, an 8 GB USB drive, went to Scott Blakiewicz, a graduate student.

Although LibQual+™ has concluded, your feedback is always welcome. Please email strohlb1@scranton.edu so we can continue assessing users' needs to improve our services.

Thank you!

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