
Information Literacy Assessment 2019-2020

For the 2019-2020 academic year, the Weinberg Memorial Library assessed the same six student learning outcomes we assessed in 2019. The outcomes map that connects our learning outcomes to The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥’s Institutional Learning Outcomes and the frames is found on the Information Literacy Curriculum and Assessment home page.

In 2019-2020: 5 Research & Instruction Librarians in the Research & Scholarly Services department generated 1 Program-wide and 15 Individual Classroom Activity Reports in support of assessment of student learning in the Information Literacy Program.

2019-20 Program-wide Classroom Activity Reports
2019-20: INTD 112: Eloquentia Perfecta Foundations (EP)
5 Faculty Librarians
12 Course Sections Total (5 sections were a part of the Gonzaga Program)
Fall 2019 Individual Classroom Activity Reports
ACC 463/527: Financial Statement Analysis & Research (EP)/Financial Reporting & Research
Librarian: Prof. Frank Conserette
Course Instructor: Dr. David Salerno
COUN 509: Professional Issues for Counselors
Librarian: Prof. Kelly Banyas
2 Course Sections
EDUC 113: Reading-Research (Gonzaga Program)
Librarian: Prof. Kelly Banyas
Course Instructor: Dr. Amy Simolo
ENLT 140: English Inquiry
Librarian: Prof. Donna Witek
Course Instructor: Dr. Mary Engel
NURS 140: Introduction to Nursing Concepts (EP)
Librarian: Prof. Ian O'Hara
Course Instructor: Dr. Lisa Lesneski
OT 494: Evidence Based Research in Occupational Therapy (EP)
Librarian: Prof. Ian O'Hara
Course Instructor: Dr. Deborah Budash
OT 501: Leadership in Occupational Therapy
Librarian: Prof. Ian O’Hara
Course Instructor: Dr. Marlene Morgan
PHIL 415: Nietzsche
Librarian: Prof. George Aulisio
Course Instructor: Dr. Matthew Meyer
Spring 2020 Individual Classroom Activity Reports
COMM 240: Communications Research Methods
Librarian: Prof. Frank Conserette
Course Instructor: Dr. Hyuk Jun Cheong
HIST 190: Digital History (EP)
Librarian: Prof. Donna Witek
Course Instructor: Dr. Aiala Levy
HRS 293: Research Applications in Human Resources
Librarian: Prof. Frank Conserette
Course Instructor: Dr. William Miller
OT 393: Research Methods in Occupational Therapy (EP)
Librarian: Prof. Ian O’Hara
Course Instructor: Dr. Carol Coté
PHIL 401J: Philosophy, Politics, Economics
Librarian: Prof. George Aulisio
Course Instructor: Dr. Matthew Meyer
PT 772: Scientific Inquiry II for Physical Therapy
Librarian: Prof. Ian O’Hara
Course Instructor: Dr. Renée Hakim
WRTG 107: Composition (EP)
Librarian: Prof. Kelly Banyas
Course Instructor: Prof. Julie Lartz
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