Information Literacy Stipends 2008
Two Information Literacy Stipends were awarded for 2008. Project descriptions and final reports where available are found below:
Human Resources (HRA 502) is a survey course normally taken by new graduate students during the first semester of their proposed program. It will be taught by Dr. Terri Freeman Smith, Assistant Professor in Health Administration & Human Resources, and will be offered via the Angel course management system. Objectives include learning to identify scholarly resources and research, learning to access scholarly information by searching library databases and professional websites, developing skills in analyzing and presenting research using APA format, and developing research skills using the Weinberg Memorial Library’s databases.
Collaborating Librarian is Bonnie Oldham, Assistant Professor.
Read Dr. Freeman Smith's final report.
Students in Psychological Testing (PSYC 355), taught by Dr. Thomas Hogan, will become familiar with several useful psychological testing tools. One 75-minute class will be devoted to the information sources during the Fall 2008 semester. After being introduced to these reference tools, the students will be assessed for competency on how to use them effectively.
Collaborating Librarian is Betsey Moylan, Associate Professor.
Read Dr. Hogan's final report.
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