Information Literacy Stipends 2011
Seven Information Literacy Stipends were awarded for 2011. Project descriptions and final reports where available are found below:
Dr. Pornthip Chalungsooth requires students in Counseling Theories (COUN 502) to apply “Digital Story” techniques to demonstrate how they would use a counseling theory to serve the future targeted population with whom the students plan to work. Her course is a perfect example of how new literacies are being used in the classroom. Librarian Kristen Yarmey will provide information to the students about copyright regulations as well as the proper attribution for photographs, video and audio clips, and other digital media.
Collaborating Librarian is Kristen Yarmey, Assistant Professor.
Read Dr. Chalungsooth's final report.
Dr. Kathryn Meier will continue the partnership that she has developed with Librarian Kevin Norris to enhance the research skills of students in The Craft of the Historian (HIST 140). Students in this course learn and practice the skills needed for historical research such as the ability to differentiate among primary, secondary, and tertiary sources, to efficiently access sources, to critically evaluate those sources, and to give appropriate credit to the ideas of others. Dr. Meier will design a pre-test/post-test that will assess student learning.
Collaborating Librarian is Kevin Norris, Assistant Professor.
Read Dr. Meier's final report.
Dr. Peter Olden will integrate information literacy into Health Services and Systems (HAD 519). Students in Dr. Olden’s class complete a semester-long project which involves determining the health status of an actual community and culminates with a final written report. Librarian George Aulisio will instruct students on how to search for primary data for their reports, will participate in a course Discussion Board to exchange ideas and sources of information, and will review resources in students’ draft reports.
Collaborating Librarian is George Aulisio, Assistant Professor.
Read Dr. Olden's final report.
Dr. Benjamin Bishop and Dr. Cyrus Olsen developed a team-taught FYS: Science and Religion (INTD 184). This pilot course is organized around a series of student debates that focus on the interaction between science and religion in modern society. The goal of this proposal is to strengthen the research skills of students as they prepare for these debates. Librarian Donna Mazziotti will introduce the class to both digital and traditional resources and will follow up with one-on-one support to individuals or groups as they research a particular topic.
Collaborating Librarian is Donna Mazziotti (Witek), Assistant Professor.
Read Dr. Bishop and Dr. Olsen's final report.
Prof. Eva Polizzi, the first adjunct faculty member to be awarded a stipend, proposed integrating information literacy into Composition and Rhetoric (WRTG 107/WRTG 106) to improve students’ information literacy skills. By participating in several sessions with a librarian along with completing various exercises and assignments, students in these courses learn how to evaluate their sources and to incorporate their findings into their papers without paraphrasing or quoting too much.
Collaborating Librarian is Betsey Moylan, Associate Professor.
Read Prof. Polizzi's final report.
ST: Rhetoric and Social Media (WRTG 284) is a new course being designed by Prof. Teresa Grettano as a Special Topic in Writing. She will incorporate student learning outcomes for information literacy including the ability to determine options to make effective choices based on their rhetorical situations; to engage in public discourse in informed, responsible ways; and, to illustrate awareness of and respect for copyright standards and practices.
Collaborating Librarian is Donna Mazziotti (Witek), Assistant Professor.
Read Prof. Grettano's final report.
Dr. Peter Leininger will integrate information literacy objectives into Orthopedic Physical Therapy I (PT 713). After a demonstration of advanced searching techniques by Librarian Bonnie Oldham, students will search library databases such as CINAHL, PEDro, and Medline for information that will enable them to critically review orthopaedic assessment techniques and rehabilitation interventions. Dr. Leininger will compare the literature searching strategies and practices of the students in this class to those of students who have previously taken this class without a library faculty intervention with the expectation that there will be significant improvement from this class.
Collaborating Librarian is Bonnie Oldham, Associate Professor.
Read Dr. Lenininger's final report.
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