
Information Literacy Stipends 2015

Six Information Literacy Stipends were awarded for 2015. Project descriptions and final reports where available are found below:

Dr. Jessica Bachman, Assistant Professor in the Exercise Science and Sport Department, was awarded a stipend to integrate information literacy into Exercise, Nutrition and Women’s Health (EXSC 435). Following an information literacy session, students will be required to retrieve a primary, peer reviewed journal article and document the process that they used. They will then find three articles cited by the author(s) of that article and analyze how accurately they believe the author(s) describe the cited articles. Students will then reflect on “how this experience will affect how they search for and utilize health information in the future.”

Collaborating Librarian is Bonnie Oldham, Associate Professor.
Read Dr. Bachman's final report.

An information literacy stipend was awarded to Dr. Scott Breloff, Assistant Professor in the Exercise Science and Sport Department, for Research Methods (EXSC 448). His collaboration with the Library proposes several information literacy sessions built around the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education. An assessment plan will be developed that utilizes pre- and post-testing to determine student learning outcomes in information literacy.

Collaborating Librarian is Bonnie Strohl, Associate Dean of the Library.
Read Dr. Breloff's final report.

Adjunct faculty member Dawn D’Aries Zera was awarded a stipend for Composition (WRTG 107). The goal of her proposal is for students “to further develop critical thinking skills and … more thoroughly assess the source of their information.” After completing an argument research paper, students will revisit their sources and reflect on the effectiveness of those sources. She will compare the responses of this group of students who will be directed to consult with a librarian to the responses of another group of students who were not.

Collaborating Librarian is Betsey Moylan, Associate Professor.
Read Prof. D’Aries Zera’s final report.

Dr. Jean Harris, Professor in the Political Science Department, was awarded a stipend to integrate information literacy into American National Government II (PS 131). After participating in an information literacy session, students will be required to submit bi-weekly assignments. Dr. Harris will assess these assignments to determine the effectiveness of the searches along with how the sources’ credibility is evaluated.

Collaborating Librarian is Kevin Norris, Assistant Professor.
Read Dr. Harris's final report.

An information literacy stipend was awarded to Dr. Ben Willis, Assistant Professor in the Counseling and Human Services Department, to help students in Research Methods (COUN 505) understand and evaluate counseling literature. After participating in an information literacy session, students will search for, find, evaluate, and share empirical studies related to the practice of counseling in order to complete several assignments. Dr. Willis plans to develop a rubric to assess how students meet the threshold concepts of “format as process” and “information has value.”

Collaborating Librarian is George Aulisio, Associate Professor.
Read Dr. Willis's final report.

The goal of the stipend awarded to Prof. Julia Guzman, Occupational Therapy Faculty Specialist, is to develop learning activities that can facilitate the acquisition of primary research skills and develop fluency in information literacy for the students in Occupational Therapy Practice I (OT 306). Her proposal identified specific Student Learning Outcomes that can be mapped to ACOTE standards. She will utilize a pre-/post-test as an assessment tool for student learning.

Collaborating Librarian is Bonnie Oldham, Associate Professor.
Read Prof. Guzman's final report.

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