Information Literacy Stipends 2019
One Information Literacy Stipend was awarded for 2019. Project descriptions and final reports where available are found below:
Dr. Catherine Richmond-Cullen, Assistant Professor in the Department of Education, was awarded an information literacy stipend for use in the course Reading-Research (EDUC 113, Gonzaga Program required course). Throughout this course, students develop their reading, writing, and speaking skills culminating in a paper and oral presentation. Dr. Richmond-Cullen will collaborate with a librarian to plan detailed information literacy instruction sessions with the goal of improving students’ abilities to search for and analyze scholarly sources available in the Weinberg Memorial Library. While preparing research-based assignments, students will strategically utilize vetted information that supports their arguments and ideas.
Collaborating Librarian is Kelly Banyas, Assistant Professor.
Read Dr. Richmond-Cullen’s final report.
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