
Information Literacy Stipends 2020

Two Information Literacy Stipends were awarded for 2020. Project descriptions and final reports where available are found below:

Dr. William Miller in the Health Administration and Human Resources Department was awarded an information literacy stipend for use in the course Research Applications in Human Resources (HRS 293). Through collaboration with a librarian, students are required to critically evaluate sources, synthesize information, and present their learning in multiple formats. Students will rely heavily on primary sources and summary statistics to debate the pros and cons of concerns in the field of human resources. Throughout the semester, students will maintain a research journal in which they reflect on the use of research as a tool in each of four modules of the course. In addition, students will submit a reflection paper on the research process and the strategies that made them most successful. Dr. Miller is focused on helping students examine the credibility of sources, reflect on research as inquiry, and be prepared to think critically and defend their thoughts about issues in the field of human resources today.

Collaborating Librarian is Frank Conserette, Assistant Professor.

An information literacy stipend was awarded to Prof. Joshua Arp in the Theology/Religious Studies Department for the course Theology II: Christian Theology (T/RS 122). Prof. Arp hopes that students will learn for themselves to isolate theological themes and see how they are presented and developed in various primary and secondary sources. Culminating in a research paper, students are asked to deepen their understanding of the Bible and the Nicene Creed, draw conclusions about biblical themes, evaluate a secondary theological source for its situatedness, deepen their understanding of theological concepts, and tell the story of their own research progression, thereby evaluating the effectiveness of their personal research process. Collaboration with a librarian will include consultation on revision of the syllabus, research prompt, and grading rubric to include information literacy goals, as well as guest instruction by the librarian and further development of an online research guide for the course.

Collaborating Librarian is Donna Witek, Professor.
Read Prof. Arp's final report.

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