- General Information & Staff
- Tuition & Fees
- Financial Hold Information
- Methods of Payments Accepted
- Refund Information
- Withdrawal Refund Information
- Tuition Protection Plan
- Tuition Discount Programs
- Graduate Tuition Guarantee Program
- Royal Card Deposits
- Common Forms
- Important Links
- 1098T FAQ
- Financial Aid
Contact Us:
- St. Thomas Hall, Room 103, 800 Linden Street
- ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥, PA 18510
- The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥
- Phone: 1-888-SCRANTON or (570) 941-4062
Tuition Discount Programs
Diocesan Discount: Any clergy member in the Diocese of ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥, administrator or teacher in the Catholic school system of the ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ Diocese is eligible for a 50% tuition only discount. Fees are billed at full rate. If you are applying for this program the Diocesan Discount Form must be signed by the school administrator and superintendent of schools. Return the completed form to the Bursar's Office.
Senior Citizen Discount: Persons sixty years of age or older may audit courses at no tuition charge on a space-available basis. Fees and other costs are assessed at the normal rate. Persons sixty years of age or older may take courses for credit at a 50% tuition discount rate. This discount applies to on-campus courses only. Online courses are not included in this program. The student must complete the Senior Citizen Discount Form. Please contact Graduate and Continuing Education.
Family Tuition Reduction: Whenever two or more dependents from the same family are in attendance at the University as full time undergraduate students in the same semester or session, a special Family Tuition Reduction policy will apply. Each student will receive a 10% discount on the total tuition charges. Fees, room and board are not included in the calculation of the discount. Complete the Family Tuition Reduction Form and return it to the Bursar's Office.
Second Baccalaureate Program: Graduates of the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ Baccalaureate program who wish to take additional undergraduate courses are eligible for a 50% tuition discount. Please contact Graduate and Continuing Education for more information regarding this program.
High School Scholar Discount: High school students who have completed their sophomore or junior year with a minimum of a B+ GPA may take one University course each term until they graduate from high school. Courses may be taken for credit or audited at a special tuition rate of $190 per credit. Registrations are processed on a space available basis. Further information can be obtained from Graduate and Continuing Education.