
Veterans Information

The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ would like to thank you for your service and let you know that we are dedicated to assisting our veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces and the commitment that they and their families have made for our country. 

We are pleased that the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ falls within your education plans and we look forward to providing service to you as you utilize one of the following benefits:

Post-9/11 GI-Bill® higher education benefits as a Veteran, Service member or eligible family member for service given after September 10, 2001. 

Yellow Ribbon - The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ proudly participates in the Post-9/11 GI Bill® Yellow Ribbon Program where we match remaining tuition and fees in partnership with the VA to qualifying CH 33 benefit recipients at 100% eligibility as a Veteran or child dependent of an Active Duty Service member or Veteran.

Montgomery GI Bill® as an active duty service member, Reservist, survivor or dependent of a deceased Service member or dependent of a survivor who was left with a service-related disability.

Tuition Assistance (TA) for active duty, National Guard and Reserve Component Service members for voluntary off-duty education programs.

Getting Started

The first step in enrolling at The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ is to apply for admission through U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ Admissions.  If you are using your own benefits, in most all cases, veterans are evaluated as transfer or adult students.  For further information, contact Debbie Lipinski at 570-941-4839 or deborah.lipinski@scranton.edu.

Apply for Veteran Education Benefits: Veterans and eligible dependents may determine eligibility and apply for VA Education Benefits by visiting  or by contacting the VA at 1-888-442-4551. 

 A Certificate of Eligibility (COE) or Statement of Benefits will be sent to the student by the VA and will confirm eligibility, chapter information, start date and months of eligibility.  We ask that you forward a copy of the COE or Statement of Benefits to the Financial Aid office at finaid@scranton.edu upon receipt.  This form will remain in your electronic file.

You need only provide this form at the onset of your enrollment and upon any changes to your eligibility status or VA chapter, as determined by the VA. 

Tuition Assistance information and application must be made by consulting your individual Unit or base education office for procedures on establishing your benefits as well as rules and payment rates as all Branches of Service have different rules and regulations for Service members to follow:

Once you receive your TA Authorization form, please provide a copy to The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ by emailing it to the Financial Aid office at finaid@scranton.edu.

 Please note: The VA and/or Department of Defense make all final determinations of your benefit eligibility.  You must be registered for courses in the term before the Financial Aid Office can certify your enrollment.

Request to Use VA Benefits

All military education benefit recipients must complete the University’s online Veteran’s Request for Certification Form each semester.

Submission of this form prompts the Financial Aid Office to certify to the VA that you are enrolled so that the VA may issue the benefits for which you are eligible. You must be registered for courses in the term before the Financial Aid Office can certify your enrollment.

To access The Veterans Request for Certification Form:
- Register for classes for particular semester that you are using your benefit
- Sign into your My.¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ account
- Click on the Student Link to the left (shaded purple area)
- Under Student Links, click on Veteran
- The Request for Certification form needs to be completed in its entirety 

You are encouraged to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at  to determine what you qualify for in Federal Grants and Loans. The Financial Aid office will communicate your Federal, State and Institutional aid and will explain how this aid is used in conjunction with qualifying VA Education Benefits through a Financial Aid Notification and Shopping Sheet.

U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ Point of Contact Information

Certification of VA Education Benefits is done through the Financial Aid Office
Financial Aid Office
Maryellen Burns, VA School Certifying Official
570-941-7769 or 570-941-7701

Billing for VA Education Benefits is done through the Bursar’s Office
Office of the Bursar
Meghan Nowakowski, Bursar
570-941-7754 or 570-941-4062

University Student Support Services

The following services are available for all students at The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥:

The Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence (CTLE):  Phone 570-941-4038
Provides tutoring, reading and writing help, reasonable accommodations for special needs, and other support services to all students. In order to receive appropriate accommodations, students with disabilities must register with the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence and provide relevant documentation. Students should contact Mary Ellen Pichiarello (Extension 4039) for an appointment. Located in Loyola Science Center 580.
Counseling Center:  Phone 570-941-7620
Free, confidential individual and group counseling for students about such things as: relationship and family issues, career decision making, misuse of alcohol and other drugs, stress, anxiety, depression, bereavement, and many other issues, as well. Located in O'Hara Hall, Room 606.
Academic Advising Centers
For help in choosing and scheduling classes, majors, etc., contact your Academic Advising Center:
College of Arts & Sciences – St. Thomas 209, 570-941-6323
Panuska College of Professional Studies – McGurrin Hall 111, 570-941-6390
Kania School of Management – Brennan Hall 206, 570-941-6100
Student Veterans Organization
Provides a welcoming atmosphere to all military veterans through peer support, advocacy and community involvement.  Membership is open to all student veterans and interested members of the University Community.  Students may make email contact at veteransorg@scranton.edu

Military Leave Policy

If a student is called or volunteers for active military duty while attending The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥, The University will do its best to protect the academic and financial interest of the student within the norms of good academic judgment. The student must meet with the dean of his/her college and provide proof of being called to active duty. The dean, after conferring with the director of financial aid, the Bursar, the student’s current faculty, and the student, will decide the course of action. The dean will then process the necessary paperwork and place the student on military leave status. If the student does not concur with the dean’s decision, the student may appeal to the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs. The student is responsible for all room and board and related expenses incurred. Deans must confer with the Financial Aid and Bursar’s Offices before making decisions regarding refunds.

Information about re-enrolling after military leave can be directed your Academic Advising Center:
College of Arts & Sciences – St. Thomas 209, 570-941-6323
Panuska College of Professional Studies – McGurrin Hall 111, 570-941-6390
Kania School of Management – Brennan Hall 206, 570-941-6100

Important Resources

VA Education Support Services

Please keep in mind that, in addition to providing education benefits, the VA offers counseling, vocational rehabilitation and employment services, and tutorial assistance to eligible veterans and their dependents.  You are encouraged to work with the VA to maximize access to benefits and services.

You can reach the VA at  and can submit a question pertaining to education benefits to: 

For VA debt information and COVID-19 debt relief options, visit: 

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).  More information about education benefits offered by the VA is available at the official U/S. government website at 

Important COVID-19 Updates for Veteran Education Benefit Recipients

Due to COVID-19 concerns, the Financial Aid Office staff are working remotely.  We will be responding to all phone calls to the Financial Office via email.  We encourage you to email the office directly at finaid@scranton.edu from your Royal email.  Please include your Royal ID number and a member of the Financial Aid office staff will respond within one or two business days.

For those students who have eligibility through Post 9/11 GI Bill ® (Chapter 33) and Vocational Rehab (Chapter 31) VA Education benefits, where tuition and fee payment is sent directly to the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥, please know that we are continuing to receive wires from the VA and are posting to students accounts within a normal 1-2 day timeframe.  If payments generate a refund to your account, you may contact the Bursar’s office for direct payment into your bank account as usual. The Bursar’s email address is bursar@scranton.edu

 For those students who normally attend classes on campus and have since moved to an online learning environment due to COVID-19, please know that we have been directed by the VA not to make modality changes to online coursework through our VA certifications.   We are following the House approved Bill, S.3503 which was just signed by President Trump on Saturday evening.  This law authorizes the Secretary of Veteran Affairs to treat certain programs of education converted to distance learning by reason of emergencies and health-related situations in the same manner as programs of education pursued at educational institutions, and for other purposes.  

We assure you that we will keep you posted with any necessary updates that are received from our Veteran Affairs Education Liaison Representatives.

Attention Veterans and Family members who have a VBA overpayment.

If you are affected by the COVID-19 (CORONA VIRUS), have a VBA benefit debt and need temporary financial relief, please contact DMC at 1-800-827-0648 to request assistance.

Thank you for your partnership in serving Veterans and their families in this challenging situation.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Maryellen Burns, Director of Financial Aid 
Financial Aid Office
St. Thomas Hall Suite 400
800 Linden Street
¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥, PA 18510
Telephone: (570) 941-7769
Fax: 570-941-4370
Email: maryellen.burns@scranton.edu

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