

Typography is used to create clear hierarchies, useful organizations, and purposeful alignments that guide users through the product and experience. It is the core structure of any well designed interface.

Vanguard Our primary heading font, Vanguard, is bold and modern, embodying the forward-thinking spirit of the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥. It's designed to capture attention and set the tone for our content. Use Vanguard for all main headings to ensure consistency and strong visual hierarchy.

Oswald Oswald serves as a secondary heading font. It complements Vanguard by providing a versatile and clean aesthetic that works well in various contexts, from webpage subheadings to document titles. Its sleek and modern characteristics help maintain a sense of structure and balance in our content.

Merriweather Merriweather is our chosen serif font. It introduces a touch of tradition and elegance to our brand identity, reflecting our rich history and academic excellence. While primarily used for printed materials, it can also provide a stylish contrast to our sans-serif fonts in digital content when used appropriately.

Roboto Roboto is our default text font. It's clean, neutral, and highly legible, making it perfect for body text across all platforms. Its simplicity ensures that our messages are accessible and easy to read, while still maintaining a professional and modern look.

Remember, consistent use of these typefaces is crucial in maintaining a unified brand image. By adhering to these guidelines, we can ensure that our content is both visually appealing and aligned with the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥'s brand identity.


Vanguard Regular

Vanguard Regular Fonts Weights

700 / Bold

700 / Bold Italic

300 / Light

300 / Light Italic

Oswald Fonts Weights

700 / Regular

700 / Bold

700 / Regular Italic

700 / Regular Bold Italic

300 / Regular

300 / Bold

300 / Regular Italic

300 / Regular Bold Italic

Merriweather Fonts Weights

400 / Regular

400 / Bold

400 / Regular Italic

400 / Regular Bold Italic

Roboto Font Weights

700 / Regular

700 / Regular Italic

300 / Regular

300 / Regular Italic

Type Scale

Type Font Styling Font Family

Heading 1

Font Size: clamp(2.59rem, 0vw + 2.59rem, 2.59rem);
Font Weight: 700 / bold
line-height: 1.1

Header 2

Font Size: clamp(2.08rem, 0vw + 2.08rem, 2.08rem);
Font Weight: 700 / bold
line-height: 1.1


Header 3

Font Size: clamp(1.66rem, 0vw + 1.66rem, 1.66rem);
Font Weight: 700 / bold
line-height: 1.1


Header 4

Font Size: clamp(1.33rem, 0vw + 1.33rem, 1.33rem);
Font Weight: 700 / bold
line-height: 1.1

Header 5

Font Size: clamp(0.85rem, 0vw + 0.85rem, 0.85rem);
Font Weight: 400 / Regular
line-height: 1.1

Header 6

Font Size: clamp(0.68rem, 0vw + 0.68rem, 0.68rem);
Font Weight: 400 / Regular
line-height: 1.1



Font Size: clamp(1.06rem, 0vw + 1.06rem, 1.06rem);
Font Weight: 400 / Regular
line-height: 1.6

""Oswald", sans-serif;"

Font styling classes

Text Left

Text Center

Text Right

Font Sizes - Helper Classes

.text-xs, .text-sm, .text-md, .text-lg, .text-xl, .text-xl, .text-xxl, .text-xxxl{
    margin: 0;
Type Font Size Class Name
Extra small clamp(0.68rem, 0vw + 0.68rem, 0.68rem); text-xs
Small clamp(0.85rem, 0vw + 0.85rem, 0.85rem); text-sm
Medium clamp(1.06rem, 0vw + 1.06rem, 1.06rem); text-md
Large clamp(1.33rem, 0vw + 1.33rem, 1.33rem); text-lg
Extra Large clamp(1.66rem, 0vw + 1.66rem, 1.66rem); text-xl
Extra Extra Large clamp(2.08rem, 0vw + 2.08rem, 2.08rem); text-xxl
Extra Extra Extra Large clamp(2.59rem, 0vw + 2.59rem, 2.59rem); text-xxxl

Contextual Color









Text Transform

Class Inputted Text Result

text-transform: none;

Text transform none

text transform none

text-transform: uppercase;

text transform uppercase

text transform uppercase

text-transform: lowercase;

Text Transform Lowercase

Text Transform Lowercase

text-transform: capitalize;

Text transform capitalize

Text transform capitalize

Code Snippets

font-family: "Oswald", sans-serif;
font-family: "Merriweather", serif;;
.text-bold{ font-weight: 700; } .text-thin{ font-weight: 300; } .text-italic{ font-style: italic; }
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