

What is a Campus Ministry Retreat?

Campus Ministry has a large and unique selection of retreats.
Some are designed for students who are new to this kind of experience, while others are better suited for those who are further along in their spiritual journey. Please contact a campus minister for additional details or to answer any questions you may have.


This retreat is for First Year Students only.

Connections aids first-year students with their transition to college life in an atmosphere of prayer and reflection. 

It is led by a team of students who share their experiences of their first year at ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ and how they adjusted to college life. 

Themes covered:

  • Life Before ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥
  • The First Year
  • Singing is Praying Twice
  • Formed by Jesuit Ideals
  • First Break Back Home

Finding The Trail

Hike Pennsylvania State Parks!

The one day retreat is an entry level retreat designed for individuals who have never been on a retreat before. The Fall retreat will take place at Rickets Glen State Park and the Spring retreat will take place at The Lackawanna State Park.

If you would like a longer experience there will be an over night retreat held in May at Chapman Lake Retreat Center. This retreat is specifically designed to be the culmination of the one-day retreats.

Themes covered:

  • What is a retreat?
  • Why do we make retreats?
  • Where is my relationship with God right now?
  • Where have I gotten off the trail and how do I find my way back?
  • What am I grateful for?
  • What is prayer to me?
  • Who or what do I want to pray for?

Mother-Daughter Retreat

Times like these are so precious!

The Mother-Daughter Retreat takes place each year during the Saturday and Sunday of Fall Break. 

Mothers and daughters:

  • Spend quality time talking with each other about what is most important in life
  • Enjoy a relaxing Fall weekend at Chapman Lake
  • Pray and reflect with other ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ moms & daughters

Ignatian Silent Retreat

Listen to silence. It has so much to say.

The three-day Ignatian Silent Retreat is a great opportunity to rest in the quiet and disconnect from the busyness of life.

This retreat offers:

  • The chance to re-connect with God and your inner self
  • Prayers and reflections from the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius to guide you through the weekend
  • Daily conversations with a spiritual companion
  • Time for praying, reading, reflecting, journaling, engaging with nature, expressing yourself through art and gathering for group prayer services

Time to reflect!

Alone and in small groups, reflect on who you are and who you want to be. There will be quiet time and time for fun. Monthly renewals are held to help grow and support your faith journey.

Ask Yourself:

  • Who is God for you?
  • What type of relationship do you want with God?
  • How can a faith community help?
  • What does it mean to live like a Christian?
  • Who are your role models?
  • How do you deal with conflicts?
  • How are you able to forgive?

Study Getaway

The Study Getaway in NOT a retreat. We offer quiet, peaceful spaces throughout the Chapman Lake Retreat Center for students to prepare for finals.

A Desert Experience

Jesus spent 40 day in the desert. Our experience will be 6 days!

Check out the video, 

This retreat takes place in Death Valley, CA, where students are introduced to contemplation while camping, hiking and exploring. 

Themes covered:
  • Self-actualization
  • Dying and Rising
  • Revelation and Incarnation
  • Perspective
  • Non-Dual Thinking


Take a drive to Chapman Lake!

The Commuter Retreat is a one night retreat during Winter Intersession sponsored in collaboration with the Commuter Student Association. 

You will:

  • Get to know your other commuters
  • Talk about issues important to commuter students
  • Engage in a service project serving the ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ Community

Divinely Designed

"Designed" specifically for women!

During the retreat we hope each young women will be reminded that she has been loved and uniquely created by God.

Themes covered:
  • Finding and Using Your Voice
  • Body Image
  • Self-Care
  • Relationships
  • Sexuality
  • Forgiveness
  • Faith and Spirituality


Why Manresa?

This retreat is named Manresa after the city in Spain where St. Ignatius of Loyola lived in a cave for a time to reflect on his life, his limitations and God’s love for him, The Manresa Retreat is led by a team of students, inspired by a prayer from St. Ignatius and explores how Ignatian values relate to our lives.

Topics discussed:

  • Finding God in All Things
  • Gratitude
  • A Faith that Does Justice
  • Discernment and Magis.


Re'Connect' one last time!

This retreat is for Seniors ONLY. Spend time with your friends at the Chapman Lake Retreat Center. Look back on the last four years, look ahead to what lies beyond ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥, reflect and converse with other graduates.  An Alumni speaker will discuss:

  • Grad school
  • Finance
  • The possibly moving back home.
  • Staying in touch with your friends
  • Fear of the unknown
  • Finding a faith community
  • How you can make a difference

Learning to Pray Through Lent

A 40 day retreat for the entire Church!

Participants set aside a couple of hours per week during Lent for reflection, prayer and spiritual direction.

Themes covered through use of:

  • Spiritual Exercises
  • Scripture
  • Personal & Group prayer

participants develop a daily routine of connecting with God during the 40 days of Lent.

Ezra 10:4 Men’s Discernment Retreat (MEN 18+)

*** This retreat is sponsored by The Diocese of ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ ***

Considering priesthood and seeking to follow God’s call in a deeper way this Lent? Join us March 21-22 at Holy Family Spiritual Renewal Center in Nanticoke for our Ezra 10:4 Men’s Discernment Retreat. For more information or to register, .

Praise and Worship

From weekly to overnight! 

Praise and Worship is a weekly evening gathering of students who enjoy singing mostly contemporary Christian songs to foster their faith and build community. Once per year the students head to our retreat center at Chapman Lake for an overnight experience filled with music, fun and meals together.

Spring Break at World's End

A Spring Break Alternative!

A spring break retreat designed for individuals who love nature based hiking and camping retreat. Space is very limited, and applicants must have attended another retreat here at ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ in order to apply.  World’s End will take place at beautiful World’s End State Park in Forksville, PA and retreatants will stay in creek-side cabins.

Themes covered:

  • God in the stillness
  • God as the author of life
  • Graces of God
  • God in moving water
  • Setting the World on Fire  
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