Contact Us:
- Public Relations
- 600 Linden Street, 2ndÌýFloor
- ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥, PA 18510
- The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥
- Phone: 570-941-7952
Online Procedure
Online Procedure for General Users
University departments should schedule rooms for University events online through . Login by entering your username and password. If you do not know your password, contact the Technology Support Center at (570) 941-4173. Once logged in click University Links and under the heading Events and Facilities click Non-Instructional Events Submission.
At this point you will be welcomed into the Events Menu and will be able to add, update (modify or cancel) or query events. The query will allow you to view what is scheduled in the rooms that reside on this system. You can view all buildings and rooms or use the menu drawdown option to choose a specific room or change the default of today's date to focus on a specific date range.
When you have determined that the location and date you wish to reserve is available, return to the menu and click on Add an Event. The tab or your mouse will allow you to move from field to field. Please complete the form with specific information about your event. After entering the information, click on Submit Event. You will receive an event number for tracking. The Manager of Scheduling & Operations reviews each request and will approve, deny, adjust and coordinate each event request as needed. A system-generated response will be sent via email to the requestor for all requests submitted.