
Reservation Guidelines


University facilities, including food services through ARAMARK, are available for University functions and certain non-University events as described below.

The University reserves the right (based on the nature of the event and scheduling factors) to judge the propriety of hosting any event on campus. The University is committed to standards that promote free speech and expression and that foster the exchange of ideas and opinions. These standards, however, are subject to reasonable restrictions. Free speech and expression do not include activity that is unlawful or that endangers or threatens the safety or any member of the community or the community’s facilities. Expression that is clearly offensive on matters such as race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or sexual preference is inconsistent with the accepted norms of the University.

Granting the use of University facilities does not imply acceptance or endorsement by the University of the organization using the facility or of any views held or expressed by it. No non-University organization may use “The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥” in its name for any other reason except to identify the location of the event. The University may, at its discretion, require organizations to display clearly the disclaimer “Not endorsed by The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥” on all promotional materials, advertisements, and literature distributed at or before the event as a condition for using University facilities.


  1. Public or private functions or events that are directly related to the University and that have University departments and/or full-time faculty or staff sponsors, including events sponsored by the Alumni Society or its clubs.

  2. Co-curricular or extra-curricular University functions.


  1. Educational and public service functions of non-profit or political organizations, whether or not they sell or collect contributions for their activities. Public service activities sponsored by for-profit groups will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

  2. Private social events of full-time University employees and immediate members of their families (husband, wife, mother, father, son, daughter).

  3. Wedding receptions for full-time University employees are limited to the months of June, July and August, provided facilities and ARAMARK are available.


  1. High school class reunions and similar social events, regardless of the person requesting use of facilities, and wedding receptions except as outlined in #3 under Allowable Non-University Functions.

  2. Political events directly or primarily for fund raising purposes.

Approved 12/13/90 
Administrators Conference


  1. When events are scheduled at the University, minimum cost coverage will be requested to cover direct and/or overtime costs. Insurance certificates will ordinarily be required to protect the University against any claims.

  2. Requests for exceptions will be directed to the Vice President for Enrollment Management and External Affairs.

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