Hybrid Work Policy for Staff Approved
Below is the letter from Fr. Marina regarding the Hybrid Work Policy for Staff with a link to the approved policy:
Dear Friends,
The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ is committed to providing a transformational experience for our students and to ensuring that offices and departments are available to support and sustain that mission. At the same time, we recognize the increased challenges for today’s workforce and have sought ways to be more flexible when doing so does not compromise our core mission.
This month, the President’s Cabinet approved a new Hybrid Work Policy for University staff effective January 1, 2024. I am grateful to the members of the Staff Senate for their assistance in initiating and drafting the new policy, which will be administered by the Office of Human Resources. Through this new arrangement, staff members may be able to work off campus up to two days per week during designated timeframes and within specific requirements.
The designated timeframes for 2024 are listed below:
January 2, 2024 – January 19, 2024
May 28, 2024 – June 14, 2024
July 1, 2024 – August 16, 2024
Staff should speak with their supervisors to learn more about the remote opportunities and process requirements and to determine their eligibility.
Thank you once again for all that you do for our students and for each other to make the University such a special place.
Yours faithfully,
Joseph G. Marina, S.J.President
Staff Voluntary Time Donation Policy
Below is the letter from Father Marina regarding the Staff Voluntary Time Donation Policy and important links:
Dear Friends,
Earlier this fall, the President’s Cabinet enthusiastically approved a new Staff Voluntary Time Donation Policy for University staff effective immediately.
The new policy grows directly from the initiative of the Staff Senate. The Senate collaborated with Human Resources to develop a policy that puts a fair and equitable process in place to support a long-standing desire by staff to support each other during times of extended absence due to their own or an eligible family member’s illness or medical emergency.
Through the policy, staff members will be able to donate up to a combination of five days of sick or vacation time per calendar year into a timeshare pool from October 1 to November 30 by completing a available through Human Resources. The policy will be administered by the Office of Human Resources.
Eligible staff members may request time from the timeshare pool for medical emergencies as defined by the Internal Revenue Service. The amount of time that may be requested will depend on their regular work schedule and the amount of funds available.
In order to be compliant with IRS regulations, the policy includes a number of important steps and procedures. I encourage members of the staff to review the complete on the Office of Human Resources website.
I am deeply grateful to the Staff Senate for their dedication and effort in bringing this policy to fruition. Saint Ignatius reminds us always that love is shown more in deeds than words. The donation of time to care for each other in the challenging times of life is a beautiful expression of both our Ignatian mission and our incomparable community.
Yours faithfully,
Joseph G. Marina, S.J.
Updated Staff Handbook
This major project was led by the Office of Human Resources with support and feedback from the Staff Senate and President's Cabinet. The revision process began with Human Resources updating the existing handbook to reflect current practices and appropriate compliance and legal mandates. A revised draft was then provided to the Staff Senate for input. The Staff Senate convened the committee, reviewed the handbook and provided constructive feedback. Once the Staff Senate completed this review, follow-up meetings were held with Human Resources to discuss the Senate's comments. This draft was then presented to the President's Cabinet for final review.
The replaces and supercedes all previous versions of the handbook in its entirety and should be used as the current source of information regarding employment with the University.
Day Care Interest Research
Staff Senate Spirit Award
In the formation of a Staff Senate Spirit Award, renamed The Meg Cullen-Brown Magis Award, The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ Staff Senate has found a way to honor employees who exhibit our Jesuit ideal of “men and women for others.” The award will be bestowed each month to a deserving nominee recommended by our campus community. If you witness a staff member offering excellent performance of their duties or care above expectations, please recommend this individual for this award.
Magis Award recommendations can be made by completing the and forwarding it to You could also print it out and send to Peggy at her office in Louis Brown Hall 401. In addition, nomination cards will be available to Facilities Operations and University Police personnel through their supervisory chains of command.
The Staff Senate Recognition and Excellence Committee will review the nominees each month and award the deserving employee.
The award in addition to recognition, entitles the individual to a certificate for $50 worth of complimentary food at our fabulous University food service outlets and a reserved parking space for their award month in the Parking Pavilion. Each monthly winner is also invited to the Senate Recognition luncheon in May to receive a certificate of appreciation.
We hope you will join the Staff Senate in recognizing and nominating employees and share our excitement for giving individuals the opportunity to be acknowledged for their outstanding efforts on behalf of our campus community.
Employee Meal Plan
On Friday, February 15, 2013, University Dining Services announced the creation of a new “debit” meal plan for Faculty and Staff.
- Open an account by simply going to the Bursar’s Office and making a deposit.
- Minimum deposit is $100 and subsequent deposits may be made in $100 increments
- Each $100 deposit will be matched by a 6.0 % bonus added on.
- The account may be used at any of the eight dining locations on campus.
- This “employee debit” account can be accessed by informing the cashier and presenting your Royal Card.
- ALL University employees and ARAMARK and Follett employees are eligible (exceptions below).
- Full time students are not eligible. Resident students are not eligible.
- Funds will remain in the account indefinitely.
- Refunds can be requested (6% add-on bonus will be not be refunded).
Save up to 6% on all dining on campus by opening an account.
Employee Resources Document
The Staff Development Committee works on maintaining the Employee Resources Document. First released in the fall of 2011, this document is a collection of University resources, gathered in one location, intended to help new and seasoned employees find the contacts, forms, procedures and instructions necessary for conducting University business. It is a live, working document that has been updated and maintained as necessary. Current edition will be updated to reflect the changes to the My.¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ portal - Estimated release in Fall 2023.
Alternative Work Schedule
The Alternate Work Week Ad-Hoc Committee researched alternative work schedules and summarized their findings and recommendation into the Alternative Work Schedule presentation.