
The Royal Threads Closet

2024-2025 Royal Threads Sponsors


Royal Threads is a professional clothing closet in the Roche Family Center for Career Development. Begun as a collaboration with the Jane Kopas Women’s Center in the fall of 2017, the program has grown over the years.

While eliminating the financial stress of purchasing professional attire, this program aims to provide undergraduate students with business professional and business casual clothing items to help them succeed at job fairs, interviews, networking events, and other career-related opportunities.

This closet, located in the Loyola Science Center 235, houses masculine, feminine, and neutral attire.

How it Works

All students have access to this service!
  1. Schedule an appointment on  or by calling our office at 570-941-7640 to access the Royal Threads closet. 
  2. Try on and select one complete outfit or just one or two individual items to complete your professional look (students may take up to 4 items per academic year).
  3. Wear your new look to your next professional event.
  4. Keep the items you selected! You can use them in the future!

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