
Career Planning

Career Planning is a life-long process which involves a three step process: Discover, Test, and Choose.
  • DISCOVER: more about yourself and more about careers.
  • TEST: your self-knowledge against reality through courses, extra-curricular activities, informational interviews and work experiences including part-time, summer, internship, and full-time positions
  • CHOOSE: make plans and implement choices that are consistent with your self-knowledge and the results of your testing
Career Decision Making - Discernment Resources

As a Jesuit Career Center, we want to help you make good career decisions and believe these resources can help you to learn the discernment model that is a part of the Ignatian tradition.

Career Assessments

The Center for Career Development offers a number of career assessments to help students explore occupations that may match their interests and abilities. To take any of the available assessments, set up an appointment with a career coach, by calling our office at (570) 941-7640. 

The Strong Interest Inventory - To schedule an appointment to take the Strong Interest Inventory, please call our office at 570-941-7640 or use the appointment feature in .

Occupational Information


Four Year Action Plans for The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ Students

A Four Year (and beyond) Plan to Career Success 

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