Contact Us
The Roche Family Center for Career Development
Loyola Science Center (LSC) 235
¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥, PA 18510
Phone: 570-941-7640
Handshake Student FAQ
Who can access Handshake?
Only The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ student and alumni are eligible.
Why should I use Handshake?
Handshake users have the ability to explore and find amazing job and internship opportunities. The platform adapts to your needs, pushing out customized information that is relevant and timely based on your career interests, experiences, and major. Handshake is also where you will apply for jobs and internships, see relevant career articles, sign up for career events, and access on-campus recruiting interviews.
How do I access Handshake?
Currently registered students can go to the , select the "Student Sign On" button, and use you Royal ID and password to login.
My class year is incorrect. How can I change it?
On your profile page, click the pencil icon next to "School Year" and make the appropriate selection from the dropdown menu. If there are other fields that you would like to change but are unable to edit, please contact the Center for Career Development at 570-941-7640.
How do I upload a document (resume, cover letter, transcript, etc.)?
There are multiple ways to add documents in Handshake. You can upload documents from your profile by selecting "Manage Documents" or you can upload them directly from the Documents page which you can find by selecting your name in the upper right-hand corner of the page. Please allow our career coaches a few days to review your resume!
Clutter is filtering mail from Handshake. How do I stop it?
Outlook sometimes filters emails from Handshake into the Clutter folder. In order to stop this from continuing, right click on the message from Handshake and choose "Move to Inbox." You can also turn off the Clutter feature in your Outlook settings.
What if I have additional questions?
Please visit Handshake's or contact our office at 570-941-7640.