CARE Answers
¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥CARE is committed to assisting you in navigating and understanding University policy and student life. This Q/A forum is not intended for the submission of complaints, but to offer a resource for clarification of questions related to Title IX, the University Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy, definitions of sexual misconduct and available student support. Answers to your questions will be posted on our ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥CARE blog page.
FAQ's Complainant
*Complainant refers to an individual who experienced sexual harassment or sexual misconduct even if the person decides not to proceed with any formal or informal process.
Q. What happens if I want to move forward with a formal complaint?
Q. What happens if I was under the influence of alcohol or drugs when the incident occurred?
Q. What happens if the respondent was under the influence of alcohol or drugs?
Q. Will my parents or family member be told?
Q. Will I have to share my identity?
Q. Do I need to identify the respondent?
Q: Can I move from my residence?
- Geisinger Community Medical Center, 1800 Mulberry St., ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥, PA 18510-(570) 703-8000
- The Regional Hospital of ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥, 746 Jefferson Ave., ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥, PA 18510-(570) 770-3000
- Moses Taylor Hospital, 700 Quincy Ave., ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥, PA 18510-(570) 770-5000
A. The cost of the SAFE exam may be covered if the individual completes a . Costs beyond the exam, including any additional tests, treatments, etc. may be covered by the by completing the ; however, certain rules apply for coverage. There is no guarantee that the cost will be covered by the State.
A: Your medical insurance company may be billed, but you can, however, request to opt in to HITECH (Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health), by telling the hospital you want the visit billed confidentially through HITECH.
- The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ Counseling Center (570) 941-7620, located on the 6th floor O’Hara Hall, at the corner of Linden St. and Jefferson Ave.,
- Student Health Services (570) 941-7667, located at the corner of North Webster Avenue and Mulberry Street in the Roche Wellness Center, provides confidential medical support and assistance to University students.
- Women’s Resource Center of Lackawanna County (570) 346-4671 is a confidential, community-based agency serving those who have experienced sexual assault or other sexual misconduct.
- National Sexual Assault Hotline (800-656-HOPE) is a free, confidential national resource available 24 hours a day by calling or
- Employee Assistance Program: (1-800-327-2255) NexGenEAP, offers professional counselor services, including confidential counseling in-person or over the phone for a variety of stressful issues including sexual harassment and misconduct.
Q. Who else can I talk to?
- Campus Ministries (570) 941-7419, located in the DeNaples Center, Suite 200, offers pastoral support.
- The Jane Kopas Women’s Center (570) 941-6194, located in the DeNaples Center, Suite 205.
- The Title IX Coordinator, Elizabeth Garcia, and Deputy Title IX Coordinator, Diana Collins Gilmore (570) 941-6645 are in the Office of Equity and Diversity located in the Institute of Molecular Biology and Medicine, Suite 315.
- The Dean of Students, Lauren Rivera, (570) 941-7680, located in the DeNaples Student Center, Suite 201,
FAQ's Respondent
Supportive measures, depending on the circumstances, may be available to you during the course of an investigation. You are also encouraged to notify the Title IX Coordinator of any concerns that arise as a result of the investigation, such as with your class schedule, university activities, coursework or housing arrangements.
It is important that you save any information you believe is relevant to disputing the allegations, such as text messages or social media messages. You will also have the opportunity to respond to the allegations, which may include presenting relevant information and requesting that the investigator speak with witnesses.
Emotional and confidential support is available to you on campus and in the community. See the Resources tab for more information.
Q. What happens if I was under the influence of alcohol or drugs?
- The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ Counseling Center (570) 941-7620, located on the 6th floor O’Hara Hall, at the corner of Linden St. and Jefferson Ave.,
- Student Health Services (570) 941-7667, located at the corner of North Webster Avenue and Mulberry Street in the Roche Wellness Center, provides confidential medical support and assistance to University students.
- Women’s Resource Center of Lackawanna County (570) 346-4671 is a confidential, community-based agency serving those who have experienced sexual assault or other sexual misconduct.
- National Sexual Assault Hotline (800-656-HOPE) is a free, confidential national resource available 24 hours a day by calling or
- Employee Assistance Program: (1-800-327-2255) NexGenEAP, offers professional counselor services, including confidential counseling in-person or over the phone for a variety of stressful issues including sexual harassment and misconduct.
Q. Who else can I talk to?
- Campus Ministries (570) 941-7419, located in the DeNaples Center, Suite 200, offers pastoral support.
- The Jane Kopas Women’s Center (570) 941-6194, located in the DeNaples Center, Suite 205.
- The Title IX Coordinator, Elizabeth Garcia, and Deputy Title IX Coordinator, Diana Collins (570) 941-6645 is in the Office of Equity and Diversity located in the Institute of Molecular Biology and Medicine, Suite 315.
- The Dean of Students, Lauren Rivera, (570) 941-7680, located in the DeNaples Student Center, Suite 201,